Why Does President Obama Do This?

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-20-2013, 03:55 AM
Why does Obama celebrate Ramadan? Why doesn't Obama properly salute the Star Spangled Banner? So many dots but how do you connect them? Lets remember that it was Ken Burns who compared Obama to Abraham Lincoln. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
OMG, how could you forget his putting his feet up when sitting at his desk in the Oval Office?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Odumbo made a deliberate decision to bowdlerize what is one of the finest, most revered speeches in American history so he could appease his atheistic and non-Christian minions, just as he has done with the Declaration of Independence on numerous, previous ocassions.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
How many :versions" are there of the Declaration of Independence, how may "versions" are there of the Gettysburg address?
You know it isn't like some things that are translated from an ancient language or something.

For the love of God. Get your nose out of the right-wing echo chamber's attack on Obama regarding the fucking Gettysburg Address.

Just a quick check: Anybody remember anybody criticizing any other President for not paying appropriate attention top the G-Burg address? This is a Fox News creation....President Obama being held to a double standard when no other President other than Taft went to Gettysburg to celebrate the address.

It is ODS. Fucking lunatics. Originally Posted by timpage
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-20-2013, 06:49 AM
Bert, it isn't going to happen with this bunch of howler monkeys! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I'm beginning to see that....
How many :versions" are there of the Declaration of Independence, how may "versions" are there of the Gettysburg address?
You know it isn't like some things that are translated from an ancient language or something. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
That was my whole point. there are certain things that you simply do not take liberties with. Or at least you would think that.

But judging from the responses, the President's supporters will be just that, regardless of what he does.

President Obama does these things for a reason. My question still remains, why?

Maybe we should give the President the benefit of the doubt. He truly might not have a clue as to what the Gettysburg Address even was, or the special place that it holds in the hearts of Americans who remember those that fought and died so that the Country might be re- united, and an entire race be freed from the bond ages of slavery.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-20-2013, 10:17 AM
Maybe we should give the President the benefit of the doubt. He truly might not have a clue as to what the Gettysburg Address even was, or the special place that it holds in the hearts of Americans who remember those that fought and died so that the Country might be re- united, and an entire race be freed from the bond ages of slavery. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Or maybe he's learned enough (unlike you apparently) to know that there are about 5 versions of the address floating around, and he volunteered to read one of the alternate versions - to which Ken Burns presented him with the version that doesn't have "under God" in it.


Do you ever feel dumb when proper context gets pointed out to you?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-20-2013, 10:21 AM
Suck it, Jackie.

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-20-2013, 10:31 AM
Oh, it gets even better for you loonies.


Note, if you dare, in which version the words "under God" first appear.

Hint: It ain't in either "official" version.

So like i said, do you guys ever feel dumb?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Oh, it gets even better for you loonies.


Note, if you dare, in which version the words "under God" first appear.

Hint: It ain't in either "official" version.

So like i said, do you guys ever feel dumb? Originally Posted by Doove
Here's a "hint" for ya, Doofus, the version that Odumbo recited ain't the version Mr. Lincoln recited at Gettysburg in 1863. The version of Mr. Lincoln's speech that reporters and others heard at Gettysburg that day in 1863 and then published in the New York Times the next day included the words "under God".

Yeh, I suppose reciting the words exactly as President Lincoln spoke them would be out of the question.

Or not fit ones particular political persuasion.

It's the same with the Declaration of Independence. The originol document is right there, under glass, for everyone to read. So why would President Obama choose to leave out words of his own choosing.
Yeh, I suppose reciting the words exactly as President Lincoln spoke them would be out of the question.

Or not fit ones particular political persuasion.

It's the same with the Declaration of Independence. The originol document is right there, under glass, for everyone to read. So why would President Obama choose to leave out words of his own choosing. Originally Posted by Jackie S
He did it for the same reason that he intentionally let his own people die in Benghazi as they were begging for help. He hates America, the American people and everything about this country. He is fighting for illegals to stay here while trying to destroy the American way of life( hard work, beliefs in God)
It is finally coming out in the media how he repeatedly lies to the American people, but his Loyal minions refuse to see it. He could serve them up a steaming pile of dog shit on a plate and tell them to eat it. Every last one of them would gobble it down with a smile on their face. The truth is if he was white and pulled all of this bull shit, the black people would be having a stroke!!!!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-20-2013, 01:01 PM
oh brother, here we go again ...

who in the hell left the asylum gate open?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-20-2013, 01:07 PM
The version of Mr. Lincoln's speech that reporters and others heard at Gettysburg and then published in the New York Times the next day included the words "under God". Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Then somebody better tell Mr. Lincoln that he read his speech wrong, because in none of the 5 written versions provided by him and his aides did he use the phrase "...that the nation shall under God...".

Yeh, I suppose reciting the words exactly as President Lincoln spoke them would be out of the question. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Pretty tough to do when the NYT quoted it one way, and Lincoln quoted it two different ways. That's 3 distinct versions right there. Conflicting ones even coming from the speaker. Nevermind the fact that Obama was requested to read the version he read by the person making the videos.

So you got a grand total of 4 different versions to choose from.

Which just goes to show just how pathetic it is, and you are, that you even care. Anyone wanna lay bets that no matter which version he read, you'd be bitching that he read the wrong one?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Then somebody better tell Mr. Lincoln that he read his speech wrong, because in none of the 5 written versions provided by him and his aides did he use the phrase "...that the nation shall under God...".
Originally Posted by Doove
It was Mr. Lincoln's speech to do with as he damn well pleased, Doofus; whereas, Odumbo purposefully selected a bowdlerized version which reflected his, Odumbo's, predilection to omit and exclude any and all references to a Supreme Being in historical U.S. documents; hence, a version of the speech that differed significantly from the speech delivered by Mr. Lincoln that day in 1863 at Gettysburg -- the speech and day Odumbo was supposed to be commemorating, Doofus.