excuse my ignorance but i have to know

Lmao at marinate their pussys the way they should... I'm Ctfu over here Originally Posted by OLindsay
Hahaha! I'm serious though girl. A lot of high profile girls think that squeezing some Summers Eve Island Splash flavored douche up their jayjay between dates helps with their odor. It doesn't. Sexually active women need to frequently marinate in long luxurious baths.
Ok this is admittedly a bad question and may not belong here but I have to know something and have to ask because I am ignorant... but when having intercourse with a woman and at first all is good but then a little into it a smell starts, not a sweat smell, a not so good bad smell, what is that? I have read in some reviews of this happening to others and I have experienced it a couple of times... my curiosity is getting the best of me and I want to know... is it just hygiene or something else.

Sorry if this is not the place, if so feel free to move or delete. Originally Posted by yogi692
Do you smell it at home with your SO? If you only smell it with other girls, and not at home or with SO, it ain't you. I ran into that with my last venture into FS a few years ago. Sad to say, it was bad enough to keep me away from FS. Nothing personal against the ladies out there that don't have this issue. I have come close and will probably try again soon. The stench was unbearable. I have been with SW, bar pickups, even the Nuremberg Wall and never smelled anything so bad. I feel your pain.
Do you smell it at home with your SO? If you only smell it with other girls, and not at home or with SO, it ain't you. I ran into that with my last venture into FS a few years ago. Sad to say, it was bad enough to keep me away from FS. Nothing personal against the ladies out there that don't have this issue. I have come close and will probably try again soon. The stench was unbearable. I have been with SW, bar pickups, even the Nuremberg Wall and never smelled anything so bad. I feel your pain. Originally Posted by vitokc
You should keep away. It could be Trichomoniasis. A STD caused by a parasite. Men are most often asymptomatic. But can spread it back at home. Plus, condoms should protect you for the most part, but they don't cover everything. It's a parasite...they can be tricky!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Ulp! I think I'm going to give up on pussy for awhile. No, I'm not interested in Eva either.
pmdelites's Avatar
...And a lot of ladies dont marinate their pussys as they should. Originally Posted by Gemma34
Lmao at marinate their pussys the way they should... I'm Ctfu over here Originally Posted by OLindsay
excellent catch!!

... Sexually active women need to frequently marinate in long luxurious baths. Originally Posted by Gemma34
from wikipedia "Marination is the process of soaking foods in a seasoned, often acidic, liquid before cooking. The origin of the word alludes to the use of brine (aqua marina) in the pickling process, which led to the technique of adding flavor by immersion in liquid."

OMG! Funniest thread I have heard in a long time!

This is what I'm thinking, we need anonymous suggestion boxes. lol

Dear XYZ Provider
.........Not to be mean and I enjoyed our time recently but I noticed a slight odor
.........I liked your hair better blonde
...........maybe less teeth with the bbbj next time Originally Posted by Bristol.kc
while this sounds good in theory, the two times i sent notes back to the women [one about vaginal odor, one about less than deliteful bbbj], i got two barrels of double-ought buckshot from each!!! fortunately, i heard the gun cock and leaned to one side to avoid the shot cuming out of my computer's terminal.

seriously, both woman lambasted me in a reply email and both called me a pussy for not telling her face-to-face.


not the easiest thing to tell a woman about.