242 reasons to throw the democrats out office

One of the best known ways to start a war is to humiliate a nation and make them pay reparations. The Treaty of Versailles did just that to Germany. That worked out well didn't it? Post WWII the Allies rebuilt Europe and Japan, gratis, and ignored many egregious war crimes. Controversial at the time, but it worked. Anybody want to squash Iraq under our thumb? Nation building is hard enough without humiliating and impoverishing a loser nation and making them permanent enemies. We've got enough enemies as it is. All the yahoo's calling for Gulf War reparations were asleep in Western Civ or too dumb to assimilate what they heard.
lustylad's Avatar
trident60 - You are partly right and I realize it would be unrealistic now to seek repayment (not the same as reparations) from Iraq for the costs of removing Saddam. However, it might not have been unrealistic if we had gone in, gotten the job done and quickly left again, as we did in Persian Gulf War I. Our earlier Gulf War experience provided some precedent and logic for thinking we could lay off part of the cost. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait didn't feel squashed or humiliated in 1991. They were happy to pick up the tab back then using their huge oil income surpluses... In retrospect we underestimated the extent to which Iraq would turn into a Sunni-Shia snakepit, but I think most Americans who served there after the initial invasion worked hard to treat Iraqis with respect and not as enemies.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
how in the hell did all those tax increases ever make it through Congress?

where were the Republicans, and what the fuck were they doing in the House ??

oh wait ... Originally Posted by CJ7
Well, at no point did I ever say that those taxes made it through Congress. That is CJ's poorly thought out interpretation. No, it is the fact that this village idiot told the other idiots that he would not raise their taxes....and he tried. Win, lose, or draw...he tried to raise your taxes.

Oops (eye boogers), it is 442 attempted tax increases which means that Obama lied twice as bad and yet they still worship at his feet.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
"I don't know why we invaded-but somebody got to pay"....
that's it....somebody got to pay....that's the best you can do...
your answer is less than weak.....
how about we bill bush veep dick and rummy for their lies that led to the Iraq war...
following your logic the jews should be paying reparations to the nazis..... Originally Posted by stevepar
No, it is the other way around, since the Nazi's lost. They should pay enormous damages.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
"I don't know why we invaded-but somebody got to pay"....
that's it....somebody got to pay....that's the best you can do...
your answer is less than weak.....
how about we bill bush veep dick and rummy for their lies that led to the Iraq war...
following your logic the jews should be paying reparations to the nazis..... Originally Posted by stevepar
You may think this is clever but could you point out the lies that Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld used to prosecute a war against Saddam. Warning, you can't include any lies that Clinton, Gore, Kerry, or Edwards also said since you didn't include them in your rant.

It is not about who invades either, it is usually about who lost. Remember, the winners write the history. Which is why it is so important to WIN any war we get involved in. Tell that to Barry.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-16-2014, 11:24 AM
Well, at no point did I ever say that those taxes made it through Congress. That is CJ's poorly thought out interpretation. No, it is the fact that this village idiot told the other idiots that he would not raise their taxes....and he tried. Win, lose, or draw...he tried to raise your taxes.

Oops (eye boogers), it is 442 attempted tax increases which means that Obama lied twice as bad and yet they still worship at his feet. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

I can point out 442 reasons you're an idiot and a LIAR
I can point out 442 reasons you're an idiot and a LIAR Originally Posted by CJ7
He has over 9000 posts.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-16-2014, 11:32 AM
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Who's counting?

Two idiots with over 24,000 posts between them (many of which are only "snick") worried about how many posts I've written. I have better things to do, like buying some paint for the new house. I'm thinking a kind of sage green for the living room or maybe bamboo and then some form of blue for the master bedroom. Not too harsh but not too light. I would ask EVA for his advice but pissing on the wall is not an option that I want to contemplate.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-16-2014, 12:10 PM
Who's counting?

Two idiots with over 24,000 posts between them (many of which are only "snick") worried about how many posts I've written. I have better things to do, like buying some paint for the new house. I'm thinking a kind of sage green for the living room or maybe bamboo and then some form of blue for the master bedroom. Not too harsh but not too light. I would ask EVA for his advice but pissing on the wall is not an option that I want to contemplate. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

who's counting? ... apparently YOU

careful with paint, you have to be smarter than the bush
can you say w.m.d.'s.....and that's just for a start....can you say shock and awe....the Iraqis' were neither shocked or awed....can you say mission accomplished or bring it on.....if bush and the others were pinocchio they'd have to wear a jane russell full figure bra to carry around their noses...
.your answers are almost a weak as jewish.lawyers'....keep practicing....you can pass him easily....

You may think this is clever but could you point out the lies that Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld used to prosecute a war against Saddam. Warning, you can't include any lies that Clinton, Gore, Kerry, or Edwards also said since you didn't include them in your rant.

It is not about who invades either, it is usually about who lost. Remember, the winners write the history. Which is why it is so important to WIN any war we get involved in. Tell that to Barry. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
can you say w.m.d.'s.....and that's just for a start....can you say shock and awe....the Iraqis' were neither shocked or awed....can you say mission accomplished or bring it on.....if bush and the others were pinocchio they'd have to wear a jane russell full figure bra to carry around their noses...
.your answers are almost a weak as jewish.lawyers'....keep practicing....you can pass him easily.... Originally Posted by stevepar

Too bad, you lose. Bill Clinton went before Congress and said that Saddam had WMDs, he was supported by Al Gore Jr., John (I was in Vietnam) Kerry, and John (I don't know that woman) Edwards. Later, the same claim was made by Senator Hillary Clinton. So, if you want to be consistent then you have to condemn all of the above. That is just the claim, how about the meat. We know that Saddam DID have WMDs since as people like to say we gave them the precursors to making them. US forces had found evidence of WMDs (chemical and biological) in Iraq. I don't know what you consider a smoking gun (10 pounds, a ton, a hundred tons) but the shipping containers with trace amounts constitutes proof. Empty shells for chemicals constitutes proof. The claims by more than one Iraqi general that the weapons got shipped to Syria and the serious concerns that Hillary Clinton (Obama is not worried about anything) had with Syria over WMDs is proof.

You can lie about the Shock and Awe but we just know you're lying so what's the point. Take another drag and dream away.

Mission Accomplished? You mean the banner made up by the crew of the USS Lincoln to commemorate the end of their deployment to the Persian Gulf. The White House had nothing to do with the banner. If fact, Bush was supposed to meet the Lincoln battle group in port but changed his mind (it's good to be the president) and decided to fly out to the Lincoln. So that banner (made of Herculite) had to be made up in record time or it was already made up. Which it was by the crew. Well, the CPO mess and Welfare and Rec fund.

Have any other dream induced fantasies you want popped?
Who's counting?

Two idiots with over 24,000 posts between them (many of which are only "snick") worried about how many posts I've written. I have better things to do, like buying some paint for the new house. I'm thinking a kind of sage green for the living room or maybe bamboo and then some form of blue for the master bedroom. Not too harsh but not too light. I would ask EVA for his advice but pissing on the wall is not an option that I want to contemplate. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Snick Try some bull shit brown will correspond to your thinking.