School Shooting

So you have no solution.

Ok then - I am sure you will just continue spreading misinformation and virtue signaling. Originally Posted by berryberry

I have a solution. No guns is a solution to gun violence. It is just you and other republicans willfully ignore this as an option, for no reason other than 'it is what they stand for'

There are no other developed countries in this world that have so many mass shootings that even come close to the number in America. Why? Because you can't go to a corner store and buy an assault rifle.

What are you going to assault with them? An elementry school, that's what. There is no need to have semi automatic assault rifles outside of, you know, war. But we are the nation that is literally 'shoot first, ask questions later, then shoot again'

Tell me, berry, what is your solution to gun violence?
berryberry's Avatar
Someone who says their solution is to eliminate all guns is not a serious person

Of course liberals love to ignore the US Constitution and take away everyone's rights.

There were lots of areas that failed but liberals want to exploit a tragedy to push their agenda:

There is the continued moral decay of our society thanks to libtards pushing all sorts of sick ideals

There is the fatherless home - an all too often issue these days

There are the obviously issues the shooter had that his family ignored

There is the poor training by the police who failed every lesson learned from Columbine but not going in immediately

There is the anti-police sentiment thanks to Black Lives Matter and Saint George - which has driven good police to leave the job and demoralized those that remained

There are the bozo libtards Distric Attorneys being soft on crime, putting criminals right back out there in the streets

There is the fact that the school failed basic security protocols - and left a back door open that the shooter entered through

The list goes on and on. But yeah, that doesn't fit your damn agenda
Before anyone says "United States has the highest murder rate", there are websites that do track murders by country. USA is not #1 by any means. And the countries that are #1 don't allow citizens to own semi-automatic weapons, such as El Salvador.

I also have to agree that a country that punishes people harshly for murder has fewer murders. In the USA, we give them 3 Hots & a cot. Cable TV. Rarely is Death Penalty used. Maybe start using it, televise it. Show these punks what its like to fry or hang.
What is the reason why the person that committed the act not responsible.

Why the gun not the person.

A man owns a pitbull which is aggressive and ends up killing a person when it gets off the leash.

Authorities then decide that everyone needs the ability to own an aggressive pitbull to protect themselves.

Time passes. Another person's aggressive pitbull manages to jump a fence and get into a school, where it mauls to death several children.
Authorities then decide that teachers need to have aggressive pitbulls in schools with them, to protect the children.

Does that make any sense at all? That is crazy.

Replace 'aggressive pitbull' with 'gun'.

I hope that doesn't go above people's heads. It really isn't that complicated
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 05-26-2022, 06:17 PM
Same thing happened at Parkland. Originally Posted by bambino
And Columbine, and Newtown.

There were picures of hundreds of cops with vests, helmets and shotguns or machine guns outside Newtown, all with their thumbs up their asses.

And, for the record as the owner of multiple full autos, suppressors, etc, an AR is not what I'd choose to use if my goal was to kill people effectively, not being morbid, but honest.
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  • Devo
  • 05-26-2022, 06:20 PM

24 hours later and Faux news proposes 50 'solutions' but none of the address guns. Some of them are even 'use more gun'

That's the same thing as you saying your food is too salty, and the chef recommending you add some more salt, sea salt, kosher salt, etc to your meal. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
Did you know, more people are killed yearly with hammers than ALL RIFLES COMBINED?

No, you didn't yet you focus on what appersts to be bad, without knowing any facts about what you speak of.

I suppose if we made drugs illegal, we wouldn't have 100K dead in a year from Fentanyl overdoses would we?

How about swimming pool deaths? Ban all pools? Bathtubs?

A tool does not pick itself up does it?

Arm any teacher who wishes to carry, and the picture changes, gun free zones are a safe place to kill people, plain and simple.

That, or build prison like security systems in every school.
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  • Devo
  • 05-26-2022, 06:23 PM
Well, spank my ass and call me a racist, but, 24 black folk are killed daily by other black folks.

Every day, more than what were killed here, all day, seven days a week, 356 days a year.
The politicians and liberals don’t give a flip they just what to have control over others.
Wonder why it’s not a travesty that so many people are shot daily in the major cities with illegal guns.

It’s typical of liberals to take the act of another to control another.
chizzy's Avatar
If there are no guns, there is no gun violence.
There'll just be regular violence. And regular violence is without question, far less lethal than the gun flavored variety. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546

ahhh I see..... so lets ban all guns. So every law abiding person will turn in their guns.....

and I'm sure all the criminals will do the same, right?

criminal background check and just as important, mental health background check.
bambino's Avatar
If there are no guns, there is no gun violence.
There'll just be regular violence. And regular violence is without question, far less lethal than the gun flavored variety. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
They didn’t use guns for 9/11, the Boston Marathon and the Minneapolis SUV killings.

A man owns a pitbull which is aggressive and ends up killing a person when it gets off the leash.

Authorities then decide that everyone needs the ability to own an aggressive pitbull to protect themselves.

Time passes. Another person's aggressive pitbull manages to jump a fence and get into a school, where it mauls to death several children.
Authorities then decide that teachers need to have aggressive pitbulls in schools with them, to protect the children.

Does that make any sense at all? That is crazy.

Replace 'aggressive pitbull' with 'gun'.

I hope that doesn't go above people's heads. It really isn't that complicated Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
... Mate, the problem with taking-away the guns is that
they won't all be gone. The police and military will
still have them.

Now call me crazy - but I DON'T WANNA live in a society
where the police and military have all the guns.

And either did your forefathers here.

#### Salty
Yeah, real smart to take away the guns. Only a VERY law abiding citizen would give up their guns. The troublemakers would be delighted with that one, they could break into your castle knowing that they will not be shot. Maybe the solution is to bring back capital punishment, no more panty waist judges giving the scums a slap on the wrist.

More guns don't solve the problem. If LEO didn't want to go on and get shot, why should we have teachers or civilians go in to get shot?
chizzy's Avatar

More guns don't solve the problem. If LEO didn't want to go on and get shot, why should we have teachers or civilians go in to get shot? Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
those officers should be relieved of duty permanently.

but your suggestions to get rid of guns is crazy. as i said, criminals arent getting rid of theirs

this problem has many issues and a big one is the laws concerning mental health issues and not being able to keep wackos off the streets, another stupid idea that was put into force years ago to protect the patients rights