Did the DNC pay Donald Trump to run for president and then faceplant at the finish line to ensure a win?

skirtchaser79411's Avatar

Don't ask The Donald. He'll throw his beer at you.

Ftr, I'm NOT a fan of either candidate. Even with Trump's rampant poor choices, I still couldn't being myself to vote for Hillary. Wtf are we gonna do, 'Merica????? Originally Posted by THN
Vote for the Libs.
playerplano's Avatar
It would be so awesome to have a Lib surprise winner !

It won't happen because the electoral college is part of the establishment and the popular vote means nothing. It's a fact the race is rigged !
....and the lying cunt that he (Trump) is running against is so beatable..... Originally Posted by Mavs fan
Gawd Awmighty, ain't it the truth????

Is it too late to kick off a write-in campaign for the great Roger Staubach for president? If the country was ever in need of a real life Captain America, it's now. And as some might recall, the challenge of going into Washington and facing stiff opposition never fazed him before, ya know...
On the surface, you think to yourself what sane person would vote for him? Then I think back and remember George w bush won not only one term but he got re-elected too for a second term.

We are still paying for those 8 years but when you think it's impossible...it's not. Originally Posted by dallasfan
Not a fan of Bush (the president), but at least he had the country's best interests at heart. This guy is a narcissistic douche who is a real danger to us all. He promotes hate, spouts off whatever nonsense comes to his mind, and who could trust him with the nuclear codes?
He's just getting worse and worse. Smfh

Can Condoleezza Rice put in a last minute bid? Please God there has to be someone better than Trump or Clinton.
Gawd Awmighty, ain't it the truth????

Is it too late to kick off a write-in campaign for the great Roger Staubach for president? If the country was ever in need of a real life Captain America, it's now. And as some might recall, the challenge of going into Washington and facing stiff opposition never fazed him before, ya know...
. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
I plan on writing in Willie Nelson myself
Grace Preston's Avatar
I don't think the DNC paid him.. but I do believe he ran not to win, but to prove the flaws in the system. A lot of Dem's switched sides in some states in order to vote for Trump in the primaries just to fuck with the system.

If anything, this election cycle should show us how broken the system is.
If he's even a little bit smart he will spin it that way.
  • grean
  • 08-11-2016, 12:38 PM
He's just getting worse and worse. Smfh

Can Condoleezza Rice put in a last minute bid? Please God there has to be someone better than Trump or Clinton. Originally Posted by THN

Democrats are afraid to run an independent ticket because they are afraid they'll take votes from Hillary and let Trump win.

Republicans are afraid to run an independent ticket because of the same thing in the other direction, allow Clinton to win by taking votes away from Trump.
Trumptards lol can't wait for the debate..Hillary is gonna make Trump look a fool not that he wasn't one already
Hillary is gonna make Trump look a fool...... Originally Posted by blood3
He's doing a fantastic job of that all by himself.....

Hillary winning in November simply saves the House of Representatives the trouble of impeachment proceedings roughly 18 months post his (possible) election....if it even takes that much time.

I'd vote for Condy if she ran. Went and saw her speak at SMU last fall....bright, engaging woman.
TexTushHog's Avatar
No. We Democrats aren't that smart. Besides, even we didn't think he could fuck it up this badly. Trump couldn't run a one car funeral if he had a set of jumper cables. How anyone that incompetent, arrogant, and incapable of taking good advice could be a success at anything is beyond me. But I'm loving every minute of it.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Starting off with a million dollar loan from dad is a pretty good start.

As much as Trump is showing that he's a bigoted idiot, what he's really good at is being a showman, which is how he is able to keep marketing his brand and getting investors to buy in.

In this particular case, his investors are the white Republican voters who either hate Clinton or are happy to finally see an outlet for the things they were thinking, but couldn't publicly voice until now.

To be fair, there's also a portion of the US population who is in that demographic (lower-middle class, no college education) that are bleeding jobs that will never come back to the US. As other economies of the world have developed, we are simply no longer in the position where we can have middle income manufacturing jobs that require no education and still remain competitive in the world market. Either we'd have to pay our workers lower wages (which they won't want) to keep those jobs in the US, or we need to educate those workers and make them viable for jobs higher up the chain.

So, I can understand how those workers, who are seeing their job opportunities dwindling, but have no avenue to turn to (due to lack of education), would want to vote for Trump in hopes that burning the system down is better than the current system (which is what we would likely get more of under Clinton).
I don't want white trash returning to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue next January. Remember your "A B C's"; :Anyone But Clinton