Your a complete idiot ok
I disagree with every word you have said
Your dumb , its your opinion, i think your totally
Wrong, good riddence to you!!!
May a Isreal last forever!!!! Originally Posted by Skyblaster99
Eva, did you suffer another brain injury? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Fuck you country bumpkins who think brokering a cease fire between two factions is wrong, and saying we are against Israel,and for Hamas we are the only friends they have. Even countries in the region are saying Hamas is to blame.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You just contradicted yourself in your own post.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Try staying on topic if you are going to trash someone Judy.

Trying to steal the dumbest mother fucker on the board away from IB one stone? You contributed nothing to the OP just trash talking like most illiterate Okies. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

That was dead on target but you didn't know it.
You just contradicted yourself in your own post. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That was dead on target but you didn't know it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You are wallowing in your own stupidity Judy. You hillbillies are the ones trying to suggest brokering a cease fire to stop the missiles going into Israel, and the shelling resulting in the deaths of children ties us to Hamas. You hamsters are just spinning your wheels of hate. Idiots all.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Whir-LIE-turd, why did you doctor the Glenn Beck blog post you quoted?

What didn't you want the "uninitiated" to read?

Or is this just another attempt to mislead readers?

Perhaps you should explain why you think it's OK to paraphrase direct quotes without indicating as much.

You are simply dishonest and intellectually bankrupt.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
When an aggressor, think Hamas, attacks another nation, think Israel, and the attacker uses the cease fire to build up their stock pile of rockets in and around schools, hospitals, and such, why would the nation that has been attacked repeatedly after such cease fires want to stop fighting back?

It is not difficult for any person with a modicum of understand of the situation to see why it does not work.

The Japanese people were brainwashed into thinking the round eyes were devils and were willing to die by their own hand rather than to submit. The learned hatred od the Jews is no different. Until BOTH sides are willing to live together in peace without laws that favor one over the other, there will always be a conflict. There is but one aggressor in this situation.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Eva, did you suffer another brain injury? Originally Posted by gnadfly
who said he had a brain?
cptjohnstone's Avatar
You are wallowing in your own stupidity Judy. You hillbillies are the ones trying to suggest brokering a cease fire to stop the missiles going into Israel, and the shelling resulting in the deaths of children ties us to Hamas. You hamsters are just spinning your wheels of hate. Idiots all. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
that would your buddy's in the democratic party

Secretary of State John Kerry.

Kerry actually proposed in his latest “cease-fire proposal” – none of which have been honored by Hamas so far – that Israel refrains from degrading remaining attack tunnels.

LexusLover's Avatar
.. Kerry actually proposed in his latest “cease-fire proposal” – none of which have been honored by Hamas so far – that Israel refrains from degrading remaining attack tunnels. Originally Posted by cptjohnstone

No one really takes him seriously. Well, that is not 100% accurate.
who said he had a brain? Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
that would your buddy's in the democratic party

Secretary of State John Kerry.

Kerry actually proposed in his latest “cease-fire proposal” – none of which have been honored by Hamas so far – that Israel refrains from degrading remaining attack tunnels.

Originally Posted by cptjohnstone

No one really takes him seriously. Well, that is not 100% accurate. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You stupid anti American idiots can kiss my red white and blue ass. goes double for you no stones because you need pictures before any comprehension shows up in your head. Lexie lacking you will never get it give up.
I didn't post from a Glen Beck blog....................

But if you have the proof, post it.

Again, AssUp throws around "Liar" without providing any specifics..........

You are a pathetic nut........I am becoming convinced you have mental health issues.

....... why did you doctor the Glenn Beck blog post you quoted?

. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Haaa...it is funny you think Obama cares about civilian deaths.................

Do you know how many civilians have been killed by Obama's failed Fast N Furious gun scheme ?

300 Mexicans had been killed or wounded with guns smuggled to Mexican drug cartels by the Obama administration (as of September 2011) in the Fast and Furious operation. That number has probably doubled, at least, since then. If so, it would not be far off from the 800 civilians–many of them in fact Hamas terrorists–who have been killed in the fighting in Gaza.

So much for Obama's call to end the civilian attacks !

Fucking phony....


Easy to see you don't give a fuck for the deaths of civilians due to the fighting as long as you can trash Obie for his Sec of State trying to broker a cease fire. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
cptjohnstone's Avatar
that would your buddy's in the democratic party

Secretary of State John Kerry.

Kerry actually proposed in his latest “cease-fire proposal” – none of which have been honored by Hamas so far – that Israel refrains from degrading remaining attack tunnels.

Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
You stupid anti American idiots can kiss my red white and blue ass. goes double for you no stones because you need pictures before any comprehension shows up in your head. Lexie lacking you will never get it give up. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I do not see a picture in my post

but if you would like one, here you go
I B Hankering's Avatar

Khaled Meshaal, the leader of Hamas, sat down with CBS News’ Charlie Rose on Saturday for an interview that aired, in part, on Sunday morning’s “Face the Nation.”

“We are not fanatics,” Meshaal claimed. “We are not fundamentalists. We do not actually fight the Jews because they are Jews per se. We fight the occupiers.”

Rose asked if Hamas could live side-by-side with Israel if Israeli troops left Palestinian areas, but Meshaal chose his words carefully, saying he was happy to coexist with “Jews and Christians,” but he did not say he could live with Israelis in particular.

Rose pressed him on the point, finally asking, ”Do you want to recognize Israel as a Jewish state?”

Meshaal’s shaking head made his answer clear before the translator spoke:

and with that and all his STUPID remarks he wins this as he sits in his mother's basement, btw he is stealing this award from assup Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
who said he had a brain? Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
I do not see a picture in my post

but if you would like one, here you go Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Will these ring a bell in you empty head no stones?