Hey PrettyBaby

We like a nice sparkling wine like a Moscato.

Fuck the apology, it was funny. Trees is drawing a line it seems. He is going to turn austin into west Texas or Waco. That shit isn't going to fly long and we might have to call back big daddy to bitch slap another mod. Originally Posted by homer13
I should lay off of the threats???? What would you call the above statement??

Or perhaps someone needs some more time away?????????? I would tread carefully here.


Ok easy now, how about you stay away from the threats and I stay away from the "fuck off's".

I don't think toys deserved points for a joke that we've seen before. Our new mod seems to be a little trigger happy and overly pimpy and white nighty. This was a no harm no foul situation. He does know there are warnings available right, or did you all have a little pow wow and is the new direction in austin. If so your gonna end up with a mutiny or a ghost town. Originally Posted by Spacemtn
You are entitled to your opinion, but when you talk about "bitch slapping" a Staff member, you are OOB, period. No threat here, just a statement of fact. Mutinys are easily quelled and a "ghost town"?? You over emphasize all of our senses of self importance. this place or one like it will be around long after all of us are gone.

I am happy to step back from this, but I won't tolerate threats regarding Staff members. I would prefer that we all go back to having fun, deal?

[QUOTE=Spacemtn;1052722979]I should lay off of the threats???? What would you call the above statement??

You are entitled to your opinion, but when you talk about "bitch slapping" a Staff member, you are OOB, period. No threat here, just a statement of fact. Mutinys are easily quelled and a "ghost town"?? You over emphasize all of our senses of self importance. this place or one like it will be around long after all of us are gone.

I am happy to step back from this, but I won't tolerate threats regarding Staff members. I would prefer that we all go back to having fun, deal?

AustinModStaff Originally Posted by homer13
Ok it's a deal. Back to fun...........
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-20-2013, 11:22 PM
If 'yall have been eating cereal out of bowls , you have been doing it wrong all along. The real problem ensues with Lucky Charms. It is widely known the Owl is not able to resist these tasty morsels. The owl is cunning and strategically flicks a yellow star out onto the floor. When you bend down to pick it up , he shovels a few bites in his mouth and gains his composure in time so that when you return you are none the wiser. I would stick to frosted flakes if you wish to enjoy your meal in its entirety. The owl .... cunning.... baffling ..... powerful. Originally Posted by purtybaby
I knew you would get it, PB...

However, I've got a distinctly bad taste in my mouth again & think its time I go back to lurker status. My humor is a bit over the head of some on here & writing those detailed reviews is actually a pain in the ass. There are other online chat communities I'm a part of where I can exercise my creative gene without fear of penalty.

I'll leave the board to the "has anyone seen this BP girl, crowd" & other such interesting banter for now....if I can't have a bit of fun without being concerned regarding getting banned then its best I just use the board for the minor information exchange it is...
Owls are fascinating creatures. Their serrated wings make them silent flyers (modeled by aeronautical engineers designing silent drones). About 57% of Owl's head weight is their eyes. Huge. But fixed. Like orbs. Beak nice and low so as not to obstruct Owl's blurry monovision. Though Owl's believed by scientists to be 'color blind' too - - - thanks to these Boards and the contributions made here - - we learn Owls can differentiate different colored dried marshmallows from Lucky Charms.

Informative. And humbling indeed. Surely this is not the last we will learn about Owl's and things. At least Trees got the 19th Post. Whew.

"I Am The Owl"


I am your plumber
No I never went away
I still bug your bedrooms
And pick up everything you say
It can be a boring job
To moniter all day your excess talk

I hear when you're drinking
And cheating on your lonely wife
I play tape recordings
Of you to my friends at night

We've got our girl in bed with you
You're on candid camera
We just un-elected you

I am the owl
I seek out the foul
Wipe 'em away
Keep America free
For clean livin' folks like me

If you demonstrate
Against somebody we like
I'll slip on my wig
And see if I can start a riot
Transform you to an angry mob
All your leaders go to jail for my job

But we ain't the Russians
Political trials are taboo
We've got our secret
Ways of getting rid of you
Fill you full of LS*
Turn you loose on a freeway

Send you spinning
Send you spinning
Send you spinning all over the freeway
Spinning on the crowded freeway
Spinning on the freeway
Spinning on the freeway

The press, they never even cared
Why a youth leader walked into a speeding car
In ten years we'll leak the truth
By then it's only so much papaer

Watergate hurt
But nothing really ever changed
A teeny bit quiter
But we still play our little games

We still play our little games
We still play our little games
We still play our little games
We still play a lot of games

I am the owl
illuminati's Avatar
Hmmmm. Frosted Flakes.