Are you referring to the powers that give 20-20 foresight? I thought so. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Fixed it fer' ya, no charge!

Please excuse LLIdiot, he is nipping heavily on the Klan's, errrr Clan's special libations this evening.

He has once again crossed his signals. He meant to spell foresight and mistakenly typed "hindsight."

That's what happens when it is getting later in the day and the elixir is especially potent.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-04-2014, 06:23 PM
Great job Dizzy, drive that race-against-race agenda. You don't really care who loses, you just want to drive that wedge. Yeah Dizzy!
He learned it from the Democrats, Old-racisT.

Our resident hypocrite showing his ass again! Originally Posted by WTF
Yes you are.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
The New Yorks Times (report on The Urban League study) says Hispanics....

Can you imagine if Obama (and the Hispanic Democrats) get their immigration agenda, black Americans will fall farther behind.
Hispanics generally fare better than blacks in rankings of inequality in American life, according to a new report by the National Urban League to be released on Thursday.

The annual report, called the State of Black America, for the first time this year also included a ranking of income inequality and unemployment for 77 American cities that had large black populations and 83 cities that had large Hispanic populations, based on data from the American Community Survey, an annual survey by the Census Bureau.

Nationwide, black Americans are twice as likely to be unemployed as whites (13.1 percent of blacks versus 6.5 percent of whites, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics). The rate for Hispanics was 9.1 percent. The report also focused on underemployment which includes those who are jobless and not looking or working part-time jobs but desiring full-time work. According to the report, the underemployment rate for black workers was 20.5 percent, compared with 18.4 percent for Hispanic workers and 11.8 percent for white workers.
http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/03/us...acks.html?_r=0 Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Like you give a shit one way or the other.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
LMAO @ Dipshit Of the Year!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-05-2014, 06:41 AM
He learned it from the Democrats, Old-racisT. Originally Posted by gnadfly
But I thought you RWWs were above all that. How many times have we read that you fine upstanding RWWs don't believe in dividing people. You and your TP saviors are INclusive and hardly remember there are different races. Sure. Another big dose of hypocrisy from the nut jobs like you and Dizzy.

By the way, it must really fry you that Hispanics are doing better than some other group, doesn't it.
The URBAN LEAGUE did the study, dummy............

It is called : The State of Black America............

How is the New York Times reporting racially polarizing............
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-05-2014, 08:09 AM
The URBAN LEAGUE did the study, dummy............

It is called : The State of Black America............

How is the New York Times reporting racially polarizing............ Originally Posted by Whirlaway
How are the Honkies doing under Obama?
Things get better for Hispanic immigrants in Tennessee; not so much for for blacks and others.

All Tennessee's Employment Growth Since 2000 Has Gone to Immigrants; Yet, Natives Accounted for 60% of Population Growth

The analysis shows that, since 2000, all of the net increase in the number of working-age (16 to 65) people holding a job in Tennessee has gone to immigrants (legal and illegal).


Per the UL study: Black unemployment rate in Memphis TN is 16.6% compared to 3.8% for Hispanics.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
The New Yorks Times (report on The Urban League study) says Hispanics....

Can you imagine if Obama (and the Hispanic Democrats) get their immigration agenda, black Americans will fall farther behind.

Hispanics generally fare better than blacks in rankings of inequality in American life, according to a new report by the National Urban League to be released on Thursday.

The annual report, called the State of Black America, for the first time this year also included a ranking of income inequality and unemployment for 77 American cities that had large black populations and 83 cities that had large Hispanic populations, based on data from the American Community Survey, an annual survey by the Census Bureau.

Nationwide, black Americans are twice as likely to be unemployed as whites (13.1 percent of blacks versus 6.5 percent of whites, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics). The rate for Hispanics was 9.1 percent. The report also focused on underemployment which includes those who are jobless and not looking or working part-time jobs but desiring full-time work. According to the report, the underemployment rate for black workers was 20.5 percent, compared with 18.4 percent for Hispanic workers and 11.8 percent for white workers.
http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/03/us...acks.html?_r=0 Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You are neither Black nor Hispanic so you don't need to speak or comment on this issue you POS. Besides last time I checked Obama is the POTUS- which covers all races and walks of life.
Did you somehow expect Obama to erase the Black UE rate during his term- what a dumb fuck- Blacks statistically had higher UE rates under every POTUS- you dumb fucking moron.
Feel free to address the facts (disparities) of the Urban League study and the NY Times coverage of the report. You would think if the black community had any sense, they would oppose the immigration policies of Obama and their Democratic party.

I am against flooding our labor market with legal and illegal immigrants who are willing to work for less - driving down wages for the unemployed, the unskilled, and the under employed. That includes Obama, Democrats, Republicans, and groups like the US Chamber of Commerce.

I am against subsidizing those same workers with taxpayer subsidies - education, housing, food, and health care assistance.

Now explain to us how Obama's support for massive amnesty and his open border agenda helps your community climb up the economic ladder.

And you have it all wrong. Obama is the POS. A lying, corrupt, incompetent, dishonest POS posing as president. One of our worse in history.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Feel free to address the facts (disparities) of the Urban League study and the NY Times coverage of the report. You would think if the black community had any sense, they would oppose the immigration policies of Obama and their Democratic party.

I am against flooding our labor market with legal and illegal immigrants who are willing to work for less - driving down wages for the unemployed, the unskilled, and the under employed. That includes Obama, Democrats, Republicans, and groups like the US Chamber of Commerce.

I am against subsidizing those same workers with taxpayer subsidies - education, housing, food, and health care assistance.

Now explain to us how Obama's support for massive amnesty and his open border agenda helps your community climb up the economic ladder.

And you have it all wrong. Obama is the POS. A lying, corrupt, incompetent, dishonest POS posing as president. One of our worse in history. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Explain to me what jobs these "workers" are taking from citizens? Are these high paying skilled jobs? Take a group of 100 UE people 50 white 50 black- ask them how many would want a job cutting grass/ trimming bushes/washing cars/washing dishes etc. You act as if they are taking high paying skilled jobs.
Also, was Reagan wrong for supporting Amnesty??????
I made it pretty clear they are competing with American workers who are unemployed, unskilled and/or under employed. Many jobs are entry level, but many are also skilled trade jobs that can pay good wages.

So yes, they are taking jobs from Americans; jobs that would likely pay higher wages if we didn't have the massive immigration agenda of Obama, Democrats and Republicans.

Take carpentry. Framing is a skilled/semi-skilled job that can pay good money in some markets. In the Texas housing market framing, roofing, concrete work is dominated by Latin American immigrants - legal, illegal and first generation. If we didn't have those workers, wages would be even higher and the unskilled, underskilled, unemployed would find jobs that pay higher, better wages (that would benefit blacks and whites).

Again, explain to us how massive illegal and legal immigration helps the black community climb up the economic ladder?
I made it pretty clear they are competing with American workers who are unemployed, unskilled and/or under employed. Many jobs are entry level, but many are also skilled trade jobs that can pay good wages.

So yes, they are taking jobs from Americans; jobs that would likely pay higher wages if we didn't have the massive immigration agenda of Obama, Democrats and Republicans.

Take carpentry. Framing is a skilled/semi-skilled job that can pay good money in some markets. In the Texas housing market framing, roofing, concrete work is dominated by Latin American immigrants - legal, illegal and first generation. If we didn't have those workers, wages would be even higher and the unskilled, underskilled, unemployed would find jobs that pay higher, better wages (that would benefit blacks and whites).

Again, explain to us how massive illegal and legal immigration helps the black community climb up the economic ladder? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Biggest blow to skilled American workers comes from your beloved companies hiring H-1B workers because they are cheaper.