Yes, please! Especially the Spanish pleas for more. Damn! Originally Posted by SlowHand50Yayaya ven aqui y yo hablar espanol para ti

Oh and by the way I’ll be in LR very soon.. work related stuff

I know of a warm, tropical Caribbean breeze blowing through LittleRock very soon!!With a little Rum and Coca Cola??Originally Posted by Zenovia
JTricks my fingers are crossed for ya! I love spending time with ones who appreciate a marvelous time with shot spicy ladiesLOL! I just thought about Rum and Coca Cola since the setting of it was in the Caribbean. But red red wine works just fine with its Rae-Gae sound. In fact much better. And I like playing one on one as you well know.
Ex, the alignment of the planets told me LR needs a little warming up
88998833, Rum & Coca Cola... nah, let’s sip on some and dance to some Posted by Zenovia