Attn: Black People. NAACP Recommends Not Going To School In Florida

adav8s28's Avatar
There are differences in abilities. Why.....who knows.

Take a look at the percentages in the NBA and NFL.

That's about all the further I would take this topic and discussion, however. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Being able to run the 40 yard dash in 4.4 seconds is physical ability. That has nothing to do with your IQ.

Dr Ben Carson was not recruited by Germany to separate twins conjoined at the brain because he could run the 40 yard dash in 4.5 seconds. He was recruited because he was an outstanding doctor.
Study after study shows black people have much lower average IQs than other races. Whites are in the middle, topped by Asians and Jews, with Latinos behind them and blacks coming in last. Average incomes are in line with the iq rankings, pretty much proving the hypothesis that iq and financial success are closely related.

Don’t shoot the messenger here, it’s science not racism. Plenty of references out there if you care to Google them up. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Typical racist drivel. Always welcome and allowed by the moderators od ECCIE.

Just don't call a member dumb no matter how stupid their writings are though. That's a no no.
  • Tiny
  • 03-13-2024, 03:35 PM
I agree with HoHound. Black students should be able to do just as well as white students in Florida universities. To the extent that they're not, blame schools and, in some instances, parenting, not genetics:

Not only is there no genetic basis to believe whites on average should have higher IQ's than blacks, there's no genetic basis for race:

The completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 confirmed humans are 99.9% identical at the DNA level and there is no genetic basis for race.'black'

I'd like to see Democrats stop buckling to teacher's unions and demand better performance in public schools. Reducing childhood poverty is important too. That would give more kids, black and white, who want to go to college the ability to complete the curricula at good universities.
VitaMan's Avatar
Being able to run the 40 yard dash in 4.4 seconds is physical ability. That has nothing to do with your IQ.

Dr Ben Carson was not recruited by Germany to separate twins conjoined at the brain because he could run the 40 yard dash in 4.5 seconds. He was recruited because he was an outstanding doctor. Originally Posted by adav8s28

Who said it did ?
adav8s28's Avatar
Who said it did ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
VitaMan's Avatar
I repeat, who said it did ?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
If so, then why was Dr Ben Carson recruited by Germany to perform an operation to separate twins conjoined by the brain? They could have recruited any other doctor?

You think Bush43 (the "C" history student from Yale University) is smarter than Dr Ben Carson? Dr Carson went to high school in the projects of Detroit. Bush43 went to high school at a boarding school in Connecticut (the best that money could buy). If there was any president that needed a DEI program it would have been Bush43.

No one today can be admitted into Harvard MBA with a 2.7 in History, no one. Just ask Jewish_Lawyer, he knows all about the grad school programs.

Looks like your theory has a whole in it dude.

Black people don't perform as well on tests because of 100 plus years of Jim Crow plus all the other nonsense that went on in the "deep south" after the Civil War ended. You would not do well on a test either if you had to go through that.

The Tuskegee Airmen (The black fighter squardon in WW2) flew a thousand missions over Germany and never lost a bomber that they were supporting to enemy fire. After the war was over, they could not get a job flying people between NYC and Washington D.C. This was after Eleanor Roosevelt proved that they could fly. Originally Posted by adav8s28
You don’t seem to grasp statistics. These are averages that have been proven time and time again. There are plenty of very smart, and very dumb, people of all races but when looking at them collectively there are clear results and conclusions that can be made. Your excuse of racial oppression does not align with the scientific findings. The prevailing school of thought is that brain volume is the major contributing factor.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Typical racist drivel. Always welcome and allowed by the moderators od ECCIE.

Just don't call a member dumb no matter how stupid their writings are though. That's a no no. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
There’s nothing racist about it, scientists have been studying the anomalies for decades. You don’t like the results of the studies so pretend they’re born from racism and not valid. They’re not and they are.

My race isn’t on top of the list either, but it is what it is so there’s no reason to live in denial.
txdot-guy's Avatar
There’s nothing racist about it, scientists have been studying the anomalies for decades. You don’t like the results of the studies so pretend they’re born from racism and not valid. They’re not and they are.

My race isn’t on top of the list either, but it is what it is so there’s no reason to live in denial. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I’m not sure if the studies you refer to are born from racism but I can assure you that they are certainly incorrect. The major fallacy of these studies is that the idea of testing Intelligences Quotient is based on the interpretation of the test maker. The entire concept is biased in its design.

It’s also just one step away from the concept of eugenics. Let’s just sterilize all the stupid people so we can remove them from the gene pool. If that concept is accepted you then run into the problem of deciding who’s stupid enough to qualify. That’s why iq testing is so problematic.
VitaMan's Avatar
Back in the early 60s, a record company was looking for a white guy that could move like a black guy.

They found Elvis. The rest is history.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
There’s nothing racist about it, scientists have been studying the anomalies for decades. You don’t like the results of the studies so pretend they’re born from racism and not valid. They’re not and they are.

My race isn’t on top of the list either, but it is what it is so there’s no reason to live in denial. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Disagree. It’s a dog whistle heard by all.
  • Tiny
  • 03-15-2024, 08:48 AM
I don't understand why you're attacking Jacuzzme. He's right. And understanding the problem is essential to fixing it.

The consensus of social and behavioral scientists who study this is there is no genetic component behind IQ differences among races. If you stick a black orphan at an early age in a white family with parents of higher than average intelligence, odds are he'll end up testing at higher IQ levels than whites in early adulthood. Brits of Nigerian ancestry outperform whites on IQ tests. I bet if you placed your average white orphan with your average British Nigerian family, he'd have a better than 50% chance of outperforming white Brits on IQ tests.

The differences in IQ averages result from differences in health and nutrition of mothers and children, education, the relative poverty of the family, and, yes cultural and parenting factors (see stereotype threat and minority status in link below).

I'd argue this isn't necessarily a race problem. Children from families with low socioeconomic status are less likely to get into good Florida universities, period.

Edit: This post isn't meant for you Yssup, your post just happens to be the first up the thread.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Disagree. It’s a dog whistle heard by all. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Odd how all these dog whistles can only be heard by white liberals.
VitaMan's Avatar
Oprah has the last laugh on this thread. She has more money that all the posters combined.

Tiny, what you're saying differs from what Jacuzme says. His is racist drivel.