Single Guys - Why Hobby????

Randall Creed's Avatar
Wow. Everyone single here has pretty much nailed it. So called free pussy is such a damn hassle, man. Almost not even worth the effort sometimes.
With providers, you can get someone really mouthwatering hot. Not so much with civvies. If you're good enough to pull it off and bang somebody who I've seen LOOKS like she should be a provider, more power to you. But those kind know they're super hot and will make you swim through lava to bang them (meanwhile, they're letting the kind of guys slim described hit it with almost no effort on his part at all).

Providers = path of least resistance, and usually with no drama to follow.

Easy math.
chipotle's Avatar
Not willing to take the time to

A) put up with drama and bullshit
B) take 2-4 weeks to get them into bed
C) meet their parents and all the blah blah horseshit
D) do the shit THEY want you to do

Also... I don't do drugs, beat my girlfriend, have nasty tattoos, have a pretty face, or dress very out-landish. Therefore getting the hot pussy (i'm attracted to bad girls... who are obviously attracted to bad boys, which I am not) is difficult for me even though I'm confident. Oh yeah, I forgot having the no job thing or at least 10 days of accumulated jail time. I don't have those either. Therefore I'm not a candidate for the girls that I'm attracted to, haha.

Point being, paying for pussy is so much easier. I'll search for a wife and girlfriend later. I'm 27. I'm sure I'll catch heat for this, blah blah. At least I'm honest. Originally Posted by slims099
^^ THIS!! And this youtube clip...
You don't pay for the sex, you pay them to leave.

I always loved that quote!
slims099's Avatar
Thanks Chipotle. Great clip dude! Couldn't stop laughing.
DFK Hunter's Avatar
You don't pay for the sex, you pay them to leave.

I always loved that quote! Originally Posted by cpi3000
+1 to that.
I also like Traci Brooks' sig line: I love sex, I fear commitment...
Fiero's Avatar
  • Fiero
  • 08-12-2010, 11:57 AM
If I were to become single and I've been close recently I've contemplated if I'd continue in the hobby. Probably for awhile...mainly because I haven't been that successful in relationships. In the long run the desire for something real would draw me to a realtionship again. we have to bang that "there is no free pussy" drum in every one of these threads? I get it, but frankly the women I've been in real relationships with have given me a lot more than they got back so the dick ( wasn't such a bargain for them either. Just a thought, no need to explain why pussy isn't free to me...I've got the argument down.
friendlyguy77's Avatar
Another advantage to hobbying when you're single is no sneaking around and no guilt. Single guys can hobby when they want. They don't have to sneak away on their lunch hour or make up bullshit cover stories to their SO. Single guys don't have to worry about getting caught, the drama that will follow, the divorce, losing half their stuff, never seeing their kids, etc. Frankly I don't know how the married guys can even get it up with all that you have to lose.
Frankly I don't know how the married guys can even get it up with all that you have to lose. Originally Posted by friendlyguy77
Good question. I think the risk element makes it even more exciting. You know it is crazy, and could turn your life upside down... Somehow this makes it even more thrilling. At least to me.
CDL1's Avatar
  • CDL1
  • 08-12-2010, 01:29 PM
Slims099, Cpi3000 and FriendlyGuy77,

Right on target!

I am single and I have a strong weakness for the gorgeous "bad" woman. I also understand, and have the painful past to remind me of this, that the "bad" women like "bad" men. Heck, we all know that there are some really gorgeous "good" women out there that like the "bad" men as well. So for us nice guys, we are just kind of screwed. And we know this.

For you married men out there with great and loyal wives, U are the truly lucky ones. Hats off to you.

As I am the proverbial "nice" guy, I know that no matter how much a woman complains about that bad man, she is never going to leave him for me. Even if she does, she is just going to use me until she finds another bad man.

So, the Hobby allows us to live out our fantasies, even for a brief time. Then, instead of getting screwed over and getting used emotionally and financially, she leaves. So as Cpi3000 says so elequently:

She gets paid to leave!

Amen! Not for her sake, but for ours!
Because - " Yes, We can !! "
At least when you pay for it there's some chance it'll remain between you and the Provider; especially and most definitely if you're a married Hobbyist. If you're a single guy and can afford to pay the old fashioned way (date her and throw the dice she'll put out) or the more direct way (leave the envelope on the table and enjoy the ride why not have a great single lifestyle while you can.

Once you're married it's the same loaf of bread day-after-day with little, if any, variety unless you suggest some and then she's suspicious where you picked up "that" idea! You'll get to know every bump on her areolas, that beauty mark on her buttcheek that you found so cute the first time she dropped her pants now has some hair sprouting from it and you've found it necessary to simply hump her mouth when you get the chance at a BJ simply out of need because she'll use the same technique this time as she has the last 1000. At least with a Provider you get a different face, tits, ass, pussy and the personality and approach will always be slightly different and exciting.
bchum1977's Avatar
Really stupid question, are you 6'3" 220 all muscle with an anwesometanand brad pitt looks................maybe your 5'3" 230 lbs with acne, in the hobby you can still laid with realtively little effort, and might I add by a HOT chick.......really stupid question
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
I know why marry guys hobby, we like to pay twice for it... Originally Posted by johnrubmehard
That is funny, JRMH.

Charlie Sheen pays his providers to leave. It's a good line, and a lot of people have adopted it, but I'm betting that in our hobby world most of us are paying the great providers here to open the door and let us in.
Lust, you got a good point there.

I can pick up some milfs, but the odds of me pulling 22 year old civilian coeds for free are extremely slim and I am pretty certain copious amounts alcohol would be involved.

I was think about the Charlie Sheen statement I borrowed and it fails to pass the test with many hobbyists, at least for awhile. Many men are really seeking intimacy form a provider. It is more about feeling special, feeling loved via physical affection, and the really good ones make all their clients feel like they are their ATF client.

Many single guys hobby for that reason; some do not know it yet, either. There a million reasons that they got here. Divorce is a common one. Widowed is another. Sex is a physical need and when emotionally you are unable to date because of a recent loss of a relationship, I think the hobby is highly therapeutic.

When the day comes you are doing a midget in a power chair though, the reasons you hobby have definitely changed.
daty/o's Avatar
I cant' speak for every male on this board, but for a lot of us, single or married, a day without getting laid is a day wasted. And there are a finite number of days in a man's life that he can do it.