If you had advice for a noob??

Hahahaha W , you forgot :
This is your brain / this is your brain on noob
Don't be a noob !
SofaKingFun's Avatar
If you've got anything to lose, (marriage, children, career, etcetra) think very fucking carefully before jumping into this little shark tank. It may seem like CandyLand to you now, but behind all the smoke and mirrors, there is a seedy underworld you're about to delve into. This shit is illegal, sometimes dangerous, and society frowns upon us mongers. Be extremely careful with whom you choose to befriend and keep your personal information to yourself. Keep this world and the real world separate at all times. Never should the two meet.
This means;
a) Hobby phone-disposable, prepaid phone you use strictly for hobby purposes, and one which cannot be tied to your person in any way, shape or form
b)separate and totally unique e-mail address
c) Hobby computer- never browse on a shared pc

I could go on and on but here's your answer. Either be an information sponge and read as many threads as you possibly can...namely, "Security Matters" and anything having to do with covering your ass, OR..get out now and don't look back .Run. Do not walk.

Does this sounds a little less cheerful than you expected? Cynical even? Believe me, this is nothing compared to you having to face the music for getting caught with your hand in the proverbial cookie jar.

Don't be stupid. The information is all here in the various forums. Seek it out, learn it and understand it before doing anything.

There's my one piece of advice. Heh! Welcome aboard or goodbye and happy trails.
Either way, don't say you weren't warned.



Reincarnated's Avatar
Treat your appointment like your going on a date. Be clean, well shaven, and respectful. I've never had a provider not appreciate that and never had trouble making a second appointment.
Treat your appointment like your going on a date. Be clean, well shaven, and respectful. I've never had a provider not appreciate that and never had trouble making a second appointment. Originally Posted by Reincarnated

Don't let anyone give you the run-around just because you're new. Don't reward NCNS's with repeat attempts.... just move on to the next one on your list. If it sounds like a bullshit reason to cancel, it probably is.
Mr Blonde's Avatar
I would just say ... Dnt
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 12-14-2012, 09:45 PM
Noobs can be male or female.

I think my advice would be:

Be smart, use your brain in every situation.
And be polite/respectful. Treat others how you want to be treated.

Sleep is overrated ! Especially on weekends ! Originally Posted by rockerrick
respect the girls security, respect your own security, watch your back, develop your gut feelings about people
But mostly, respect....respect the ladies, and respect yourself.... Originally Posted by runswithscissors

Start in the Review Section and Read Reviews checking out the girls ads and your goal in this is to find other guys with similar tastes to yours. Both in the ladies as well as in activities. Then make a point of reading everything those guys post.
Try to form your own opinion from the information you will read exactly how much risk you are willing to take
Once you have made that decision, go back and read again. Read for the negatives. Build a list of cons to offset the pros.....
Weigh it all....
This Board is about information. Every day guys make stupid mistakes they could have avoided had they used the board as it is designed.

Don't be a stupid noob. Originally Posted by Whispers
Treat your appointment like your going on a date. Be clean, well shaven, and respectful. I've never had a provider not appreciate that and never had trouble making a second appointment. Originally Posted by Reincarnated
X 2 to all of the above...
One more thing --> Slow The *uck Down.. <--you will both enjoy it!

And be polite/respectful. Treat others how you want to be treated.
Originally Posted by PeAcH
As in all things in life, so too in the hobby.
Never lose the forest, for a Tree.

ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 12-15-2012, 01:29 PM
I would like to thank everyone for their positive contributions to this thread. You've covered my recommendations.

(Let's hope I didn't just jinx it!)
