I'm Changing My Name To Damnit

ShysterJon's Avatar
I think the word is 'dammit,' not 'damnit,' dammit.
For sure, keep your name. You have a good rep - that's gold in this world. There are some others that might want to start over, but certainly not you.

As far as names in general, I do appreciate a provider with a name that makes some logical sense for personal interaction, especially when I am making that first call. If your handle is "CumLover," I'm a bit more reticent to call and refer to a stranger by that name than I am someone who is named Lisa or Jennifer.
I think the word is 'dammit,' not 'damnit,' dammit. Originally Posted by ShysterJon
Hello there Shyster! Actually, either (I-ther) way is fine. Used to be Damn it and was just shortened because noone paused in between the two words. Damnit was born. Nice to see you

Thank you for all the nice comments about my name. I guess my mother was wrong. Damnit isn't a better name for me. Thanks for the comments on the questions too.

Just a slight veer to the left, what are some of the names you like?
Dammit, would work.....

Because, we could say.... " Dammit... I could have went to the bar and got that for free"
Captain Morgan's Avatar
You will always be Dharma and she really is blue
You will always be Dharma and she really is blue Originally Posted by Captain Morgan
That's funny. I had someone contact me once and he was really pissed off. His issue was that my avatar is of a thin woman (it's Shiva from Final Fantasy X) and I am not. In fact, he quoted several reviews that stated that I'm plump, fat, healthy, pick one and he was incensed. He said that I should choose an avatar that wasn't misleading. Most of this was in caps.


I did reply. "I'm not blue either".
lgbsfu's Avatar
I think Dharma is just lovely. Till I was 13 I thought my first name was damnit cause
my Dad would always holler at me Damnit John don't do that!
You're not allowed to change your name, you're just not.

And by the way, glad to see you're back in the DFW. I moved back into the area as well. I feel a girls night coming on, its time us geek girls finally met!
I've always wanted to name a cat Dinner for that very reason.

Had a friend who named his dog Damnit, funny as hell when it would get lose, him running down the street screaming out Damnit! Originally Posted by HEADKNOCKER
MaximusBlake's Avatar
That's funny. I had someone contact me once and he was really pissed off. His issue was that my avatar is of a thin woman (it's Shiva from Final Fantasy X) and I am not. In fact, he quoted several reviews that stated that I'm plump, fat, healthy, pick one and he was incensed. He said that I should choose an avatar that wasn't misleading. Most of this was in caps.


I did reply. "I'm not blue either". Originally Posted by Dharma
That is so ridiculous Dharma! Who is he to comment on your personal avatar? An avatar is not a portrait! Some ladies do put an actual face or body pic but many don't. And of course none of the men do! My avatar is a beautiful redhead with lots of hair. And spoiler alert; it's not me. Can't he go to your showcase to see your pics or even ask you to send one? It's just so none of his business! What a weirdo.
Dharma is more pronounceable than Vnurse... Originally Posted by DownForWhatever
C'mon....REALLY?! Most just call me V or my name. I never thought it was difficult. In any case, thank you for acknowledging the fact that names mean NOTHING when we are together! ;-)

Dharma, I think you need to stay Dharma. You know how bad I am with names!

Can't wait to work together again! Good luck with your new setup. Keep me posted!
You have a great name with a great personality.
hi Dharma,,,
I don't think you should change your name. I have to admit the problem is remembering how to spell it to locate your showcase.
The complaint incident was a couple of years ago and was really just... wow... Ladies, on the scale of "weird" that we see, that didn't even register. I think if I had to chase after my dog named Damnit, I'd either have lots of neighbors with a sense of humor or a HOA that was plotting to get rid of me. Thank you for the comments Vicki! Where have you been?
Crazy girl! VERY busy...school, work, family...you know how it goes.

Don't change your name...you have worked hard to build up such an awesome reputation, I would hate to see you run into problems by changing.

I hope to get to see you soon! Let me know when you are moving.