bambino's Avatar
Tonight's rant from Senile Biden On Scotus' decision is further evidence that all of the lawfare against President Trump was cooked up by Senile Biden and his team. The corrupt lawfare against Trump was their main election strategy and they're furious that it's backfiring on them. Originally Posted by berryberry
Yep, here it is

Listen carefully to what he says around the 1.45, did any body see gallows being erected? amazing.
bambino's Avatar
... Who WAS that orange-faced man there - giving a mumbling
statement on the Supreme Court ruling?? ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

berryberry's Avatar
Jonathan Turkey - While pledging that he will defend the rule of law, Senile Biden misrepresented what that law is in the aftermath of Trump v. United States. The President's address misled citizens on the meaning of one of the most important decisions in history. What was most glaring for many civil libertarians was Senile Biden’s portrayal of himself as paragon of constitutional fealty. Biden has racked up an impressive array of losses in federal courts where he was found to have violated the constitution.
winn dixie's Avatar
InseminatorK's Avatar
Tonight's rant from Senile Biden On Scotus' decision is further evidence that all of the lawfare against President Trump was cooked up by Senile Biden and his team. The corrupt lawfare against Trump was their main election strategy and they're furious that it's backfiring on them. Originally Posted by berryberry
And yet Crooked Donnie is still headed to prison and NOTHING you MAGAs can do about it.

bambino's Avatar
The Dems/MSM are framing this whole thing incorrectly.

The Supreme Court did not “grant” Trump immunity.

Presidents have always had immunity, the Supreme Court just had to overrule the corrupt Biden regime’s unprecedented lawfare against a political opponent.

The Dems/MSM are making it seem like the Supreme Court just made this up out of nowhere, when in reality, it was the Biden regime who crossed the line and have been violating the law, by weaponizing the DOJ for political means and election interference. The Supreme Court merely did their jobs, and put the Biden regime in check.

The Dems never cared about the “rule of law”. They are just throwing a fit, because their Gestapo-like election interference operation has been shut down. Their entire campaign strategy revolved around Trump being behind bars, and now it’s blowing up in their faces.
bambino's Avatar
And yet Crooked Donnie is still headed to prison and NOTHING you MAGAs can do about it.

CRY HARDER Originally Posted by InseminatorK
Not so fast;

He just can’t stop winning… lol

BREAKING: Donald Trump’s July 11th Sentencing Date has been delayed AFTER the RNC event.

A new date has yet to be established, but the earliest the sentencing could take place is the last week of this month, July.

Who’s crying?

winn dixie's Avatar
Jack Smith loses again

The Supreme Court has sided with President Trump, ruling that presidents cannot be held criminally liable for official actions of government and delivering a nuke to Jack Smith’s January 6 indictment.

In Trump v. United States, US Supreme Court holds that a former president has absolute immunity for his core constitutional powers. And he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts. There is no immunity for unofficial acts. Originally Posted by berryberry
With this ruling the constitution was raped. We lost some liberty. And our freedoms are in jeopardy. Very sad day to see the weaponized scotus set the stage for trumpfs agenda!
This decision is terrible with irrereversible consequences.