Emergency Plans

I would call 911 and stay with him to make sure he is ok.

Call 911 and follow the operator's instructions until the paramedics arrive. Give them truthful but dumbed down information that might help their client and politely excuse myself if the person is married - maybe stay with him until someone else can be alerted if not. I would do what he feels comfy with at that time.

But really - men, especially those who are married - what would you want a girl to do in case of emergency?
But really - men, especially those who are married - what would you want a girl to do in case of emergency? Originally Posted by amusemeant
Just shoot me.
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Just trying to get some new and interesting threads going since SNL isn't starting any and isn't here to contribute. I sure do miss her!!

Anyways, looking forward to the responses of the ladies on the topic. Originally Posted by shorty
awwwe thanks Shorty
I would call 911 and just deal with the ramifications of him being caught as its more important that he lives.
If (God forbid) he dies , well i probably drag him to the corridor of my place call 911 and say there some dead guy in the stairwell. lol Just kidding ..
I actually just think i would call a trusted friend to tell me what to do as that would freak me out Im sure.
Good question.
awwwe thanks Shorty
I would call 911 and just deal with the ramifications of him being caught as its more important that he lives.
If (God forbid) he dies , well i probably drag him to the corridor of my place call 911 and say there some dead guy in the stairwell. lol Just kidding ..
I actually just think i would call a trusted friend to tell me what to do as that would freak me out Im sure.
Good question. Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
SNL!!!!!!! You're back!!:cla pping: YAY!....Now don't leave us again...ever!
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SNL!!!!!!! You're back!!:cla pping: YAY!....Now don't leave us again...ever! Originally Posted by Valerie
awwee thank you Ms Valerie, just needed a break to regroup lol
Love your new avatar!!! HOT !!!
awwee thank you Ms Valerie, just needed a break to regroup lol
! Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Totally understand...we all do sometimes!! Just glad to have you back!
There is no doubt I would do the right thing...call 911 and as a medical professional I would do what could be done and if asked I would just claim we were having an affair and ask the medics to respect the man's privacy....a better question is what would you guys do if your provider had an emergency while you were there?
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Glad your back SNL!! This may require a welcome back party (i.e. orgy) when one of our friends comes to town soon.
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Totally understand...we all do sometimes!! Just glad to have you back! Originally Posted by Valerie
thanks Ms Val
so Charles if i shoot you, i go to prison,unless i can say your a broke in my house and claim self defense, not my idea of an emergency plan lol
As an added note you guys should carry a card with your medical history and medications for such a situation and make sure your cell has an ICE listed
a better question is what would you guys do if your provider had an emergency while you were there? Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
Take the opportunity to reclaim my donation??

Seriously, I'd probly dial 911 and wait until the EMTs arrive. I've had CPR but it was years ago and the protocol has changed. Nevertheless, I'd attempt old protocol CPR if that is required. I've also had the Red Cross First Aid course, but that was even farther back than CPR. I can do a limited amt. of care.

When the EMT asks for info, I don't know anything...no name, address, nothing. Probly say we met in a bar and took a discussion private.
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Glad your back SNL!! This may require a welcome back party (i.e. orgy) when one of our friends comes to town soon. Originally Posted by shorty
sounds like a plan to me shorty!!!
So what would you want done in an emergency situation?
Irish has a good point with the med info !
As an added note you guys should carry a card with your medical history and medications for such a situation and make sure your cell has an ICE listed Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
All my cells have multiple ICE (In Case of Emergency) listings. My parents are deceased, one of my brothers is pretty well incapacitated, and the other one is super busy. So, my ICE are for the SO and her parents.
shorty's Avatar
That's true about having an emergency card. However, if I'm going to die on someone, I'm going to die happy with a smile and a hard on!!LMAO