Best Milf

No. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
  • Mr.G3
  • 12-06-2016, 08:28 AM
Teresa Pena for sure!
Shep3.0's Avatar
Brandee69 the Greek queen

OMG!! I so am not lmao damn you Shep lol
Thanks babe ...
Duthgar1976's Avatar
i have to say Brandee deserves to be on thsi list, she is both sultry and i have heard her voice and it is just as sexy as the rest of her. she could have me on all 4s and i'd be fine with that.
Awwwe your too kind thanks babe!��
silverstate53's Avatar
Shep thanks for the intel LOL JK brandee
All of the ladies mention are special but there are a 2 that are not mentioned. Lindsay Lee and Myra are 2 that has to be added to the list.

Keep Rocking guys!
Laura Lynn is amazing....Got her did ��
I would love to find a 40+ MILF, 38DD or larger, curvy.... Oh yea !
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Laura Lynn is amazing....Got her did �� Originally Posted by CuteBBWs.OhYeah
You're making me blush. Thank you. :-*
HDnTX's Avatar
  • HDnTX
  • 12-08-2016, 11:07 AM
Lindsey Lacey
Nancy in Ft. Worth

Always wanted to meet Laura Lynn!!!