How do you like your doubles partners?


A lot of you know me, and know how in love with "DOUBLES" I am. I have been in great ones, and not so good ones.

I agree with Dallas, and MILF...(HI ANGEL), the body types are not necessarily that important. The MOST IMPORTANT aspect of a successful, erotic,
sensual doules is the women must , absolutley must, be comfortable with each other...if they really like each other, it is even more fun.

In one of the posts above, someone said the ladies do not play together...ok; that is not a true doubles is merely a 2 on 1 date. Most call this a "threesome" 3somes you loose the erotic, sexual, sensual feeling in a
2 on 1.

However; if everyone plays with everyone...and they are comfortable in doing so...lights out...DOUBLES ARE PHOENOMINAL. If you get a doubles match, where the ladies are truely "into" each other, it will be a rendezvous you will never, ever forget! Forget about stereotyping body size, spinners, womanly curvy, or what ever...first and most importantly, the ladies need to really enjoy being with each other...

YES; I would dearly love to have DALLAS RAIN in a doubles...hi Dallas!
Life is fun and everything should be tried at least once in the name of a Great Time... I love doubles and couples and I have had the opportunity to partake my lips in some wet places LOL .. Here are some pics to show U what I mean...

Sinning's Avatar
For me, there are several factors, none of which are really impacted by body type. Personally, I'm a fan of the rubenesque, but wouldn't see a provider individually or in doubles session if I were not attracted to begin with.

That said, the following (in order of priority) are what REALLY make a doubles session for me:

1. The ladies must enjoy intimacy with another woman in general. If this is not the case, there's no chance for anyone to enjoy themselves.

2. The ladies must enjoy working together (and preferably enjoy playing together too). Without this, it's going to be mechanical at best.

3. The ladies should have comparable (and preferably identical) menus. This takes the focus off of logistics and allows things to flow more naturally.

4. While we are the clients in these scenarios, that doesn't mean we want to be the center of attention the entire time. For me, a large part if the excitement lies in knowing all are enjoying.

I know......I don't ask for much.....

Just my $.02, in this economy worth far less.

Happy Hobbying,
Mature Companion's Avatar

1. The ladies must enjoy intimacy with another woman in general. If this is not the case, there's no chance for anyone to enjoy themselves.

3. The ladies should have comparable (and preferably identical) menus. This takes the focus off of logistics and allows things to flow more naturally.

Sinning Originally Posted by Sinning

I whole heartily agree with #1!
But I have to disagree to a point on #3
I've been with ladies who are not near as uninhibited as myself and thus don't partake of some of the things I sexually enjoy. But that has never been an issue when BCD with a gent. As the spontaneity of it all is what makes for a wonderful experience.
In fact I don't want the other woman to be a 100% like me. I want her to be herself and enjoy what pleases her. Her sexual likes & dislikes will not be a hindrance in a 3sum. Rather her truly not liking/enjoying women is what will put a damper on things.
Because in the end the man is going to be pleased in more ways than he could ever imagine. Regardless of what each lady does or doesn't like.

Then again. That's my view on it. As I've been with more women than I know what to do with. And they've all been different. Some have been tame FBSM and I've always been the sensual uninhibited wild child.
The moments were still mind blowing & memorable!

It all comes down to: Do you want-
Real intimacy between the women
or scripted porn star fake!!
(place your mouth on my pussy fake while your hair hides the fact your not actually doing anything but bobbing your head up and down & groaning for no real reason. Fake!
Yep, experienced those type of gals too. BORING!
What I was trying to convey is that you would have BETTER luck trying to select a doubles partner that was in the same general body style as yours. Sure, most gentlemen do not care about it as long as the girls are in his taste and they are into each other....but there are still a group of men who only prefer the style that they prefer. If they only like spinners, and someone that is a BBW, is paired up with a spinner, then the spinner will have a group of her clients that would never be interested in scheduleing one of her doubles due to the fact they are just not into BBWs at all. And the same is true the other way, the BBW provider will have her own group of clients who prefer BBW only, and they would not be interested in doubles with a spinner.

You can be successful in doing doubles as long as you have chemistry, true....but what I was trying to relay is that you would have MORE success if you and your doubles partners can share your clients you already have....and this would work better if you were both about the same body style.

As for the OP, she is average, maybe a bit of a 'small' average, and in that case, she has a much broader spectrum to look for a provider, since she could swing one way or the a certain extent of course!
DallasRain's Avatar
one day Tiff sexy lady.......................
Sinning's Avatar
Caveat - In my civilian life, my wife and I dated another woman for the better part of a year. The sexual experiences graduated from horrendous to divine. Outside of these experiences, I have had only two provider doubles sessions, the first of which was appauling, and the second of which was less than great, but given the circumstances......

To Wicked MILF, first let me say that I have seen your traveling ads in Tulsa and you are exquisite. I shied away from calling you on a number of occasions. You're so sexy it literally intimidates me. I respect and acknowledge your response, however I agree to disagree. I do see both sides. If the menus are not comparable, it can lead into awkward interruptions, especially in the heat of the moment. I 100% concur that spontaneity trumps pre-scripted everytime.

To Tiff - you radiate softness and firmness at the same time. Your posts are always well constructed and thoughtful. You are a great communicator (and sensual Titan). I think I understand that you were speaking about the business success aspect of doubles. I was trying to answer Adrielle's original question by presenting the things I look for in a doubles session. I like a rather large range of physical attributes, even though my favorite tends to lean toward "full bodied" women, I'm an equal opportunity hobbyist. So long as I am attracted to both ladies physically (which would be determined prior to the session), and they both like intimacy with women (preferrably enjoying each other's company specifically), then it's going to be good times for all. Getting back to the business perspective, a provider looking for another provider should find as many physical types, and menu variations as possible keeping in the greatest number similar to her. It's obvious her clients like her body type if they have seen her before, so this gives you large range of median ladies, but options to satisfy a more diverse client base. Just my opinion. If you take the emotion out of it and apply product and marketing logic, you would want a large volume of product that are your best sellers, but offer a variety of products to entice new customers and cover the gambit of your target consumer base. Just my opinion.....take it for what you will.

Adrielle - I would be more than happy to serve as your test market I won't even charge you much.

Very Warmest Regards,
Most of us on this venue seem to agree.
#1 most importantly, most providers must really enjoy each other before
introducing the male. Spinners, BBW what ever...that is a personal preference.
#2 some doubles partners do not participate, but will receive...I have been in those
and they can be very sensuous...CAN BE. But again; it is just not the same.
#3 If the providers do not play together...that is a threesome (3some)...I have been
in one of them, the sex was good, again; they are simply not the same as a true
Doubles. Inevitably someone is not participating...and it can kind of be a downer.
#4 True Doubles...I have been in maybe 7 Doubles where the providers are very
in tune to each other, they both give and receive, and that is without a doubt
the most sensuous, the most erotic sensual thing you could ever experience.
Personally I want everyone to participate. After about 3 hours you really get to
know what each other enjoys, and the eroticizm goes straight through the roof
at that do the OH's and Ah's.

From this point on...WHO WANTS A DOUBLES...I'm in for 4hours LADIES!!!!
free stuff , 1thru99,com with live chat that requires no email. Girls pay zero to advertise and you can load up to 12 pictures. Stop paying to do what we do..
Size shape and age doesnt really effect how doubles get along..if the chemistry is right its just sexy as hell and usually you can tell if the two ladies are very flirty and tease each other on the other side of the CD then its going to be a fun time.
I met 2 ladies in Reno once and took both out to dinner and the show they put on outside closed doors was a build up to what came next and both were very different in body styles was blonde and tall and the other was Latino mix with very small frame but they were very into each other and once they were behind closed doors the show they put on was spectacular and they made me sit in chair and watch for while before they let me join in.
All i can say was Wow!
So basically all im saying is make sure the two of you have that chemistry and its fun for you and i can bet that if its fun for the two ladies the guy is going to be in for a treat!
That double we did while you toured to STL was hot

I think that what guys look for depends on their individual values.

I am pretty sure the guy we were with was seduced by our intelligence... and that we were very comfortable with eachother (that was my first experience going that far with another lady-- so if the guy had judged on any type of "menu", what I would have thought before the encounter would have been much more restricted than what actually happened).... and what you and I enjoyed was very complimentary. It was really nice to just let things happen naturally...

Other patrons have suggested doubles with other ladies since, and it's been interesting to see who their choices have been... not who I would have guessed first.

You would be surprised ... a lot of my patrons see ladies who have absolutely in common as far as physical aspects go .. two of my last doubles reviews on The othEr boaRd are for doubles with tiny petite redhead and tall slender blonde. Both reviews are 10/10.

Another absolutely amazing double i had was with ebony lady.

My only regret is that none of these ladies live in NYC .. or i would play with them all the time!

I think chemistry is number one. Then similar values and approach to encounters. As far as body type .. if I were a guy i would prefer to schedule with different body types of ladies .. so i can get enhanced experience

Lina Originally Posted by Sensual Lina