OMG! How could you close slap your momma???

  • Benny
  • 10-26-2010, 07:27 AM
Keep it coming honey.
The less you control yourself, the closer this board is of being rid of you.
Baby please, I am always in control of myself, I just call em like I see it. I'm sure I'm not alone in my observations of you not only being useless to this board Raphael, and being a wannabe dignified troll on top of that. Have an excellent day!
boardman's Avatar
That thread is as pointless as this one....Daphne is not "BANNED" she just wanted that under her name.

I am not Genie but a lot of people despise the useless threads. I received a few emails thanking US for closing that thread.

If you would like to have a place to post pictures, jps, gifs etc...Microsoft Office and Paint work just fine. You can pull that up and look at it all day without Internet access, BUT ECCIE is hosted on computers and every time a server/computer looks up and image it takes "processing" and uses a database to look up the image. When the system gets slow at night everyone complains.

In other's a waste unless there is a valid point to post it. Oh's someone walking a TIGHTROPE!! How exciting.
Originally Posted by DarthMaul

Yet the whole forum becomes pointless when Co-ed is reduced to provider ads and idiots like Eagle are allowed to dominate the sandbox with pointless taunting. I rarely if ever complain about anything said in these forums because I understand what the "S" in SHMB stands for. Laughter really is the best medicine.

You don't like the thread so you're closing it. Fine, you're a mod, that is your right. Man up and say it. I know I have pushed the envelope but I haven't deliberately been disrespectful to the mods(well maybe Sarcastro but he deserved it) but your condescending "Office and Paint" remarks are disrespectful to the entire membership and cause me to wonder about your intentions and the direction that you as a mod would take this board.

I, like most members here, understand that it takes resources for this board to operate so simply say that is the reason you closed it if it really is. If you did that, however, you would have to defend not closing the "This is interesting" thread or the "Bored and Drunk" threAD or any number of other "pointless" threads.

If it gets me banned so be it but I'm calling bullshit on all the complaints directed at "Slap your mamma". Yeah you may have had a few but don't hide behind a bunch of phantom PM's from a supposed majority of complaining members.

I would venture to say that the majority of active Houston PA members have posted there more than once. As a matter of fact, Check my PM's, I'll put up my "atta boys" and "that was some funny shit" PMs against your complaints.

Enjoy your new found computer resources!
  • Benny
  • 10-26-2010, 07:53 AM
Baby please, I am always in control of myself, I just call em like I see it. I'm sure I'm not alone in my observations of you not only being useless to this board Raphael, and being a wannabe dignified troll on top of that. Have an excellent day! Originally Posted by luxury daphne
What did I say. When LD is allowed back here the drama returns

Are you drunk or are you stoned, LD? Either way you are irrational because you see things that are not true. Obviously you are in love with Rapheal because you are obsessed with him. lol.
Dude you're a douche.
No one has allowed me to do anything.
But no worries, I have something very special planned for you and the other haters.
Go slap your momma.

And thank you boardman for saying exactly what I was thinking, it just took a man to say it.
dearhunter's Avatar
Let's be honest.....the thread was funny early on......but, it was getting old....most of us lost interest when they moved it to the shitcan....duh

I am more interested in how they are going to respond when some of us start dealing with the ADs in coed....never mind the pimps and their talent jumping into the welcome wagon these days....just thincking out loud.
  • Benny
  • 10-26-2010, 08:35 AM
But no worries, I have something very special planned for you Originally Posted by luxury daphne
Oh, my! Loveless Daphne is getting desperate! making idle threats! I am so worried. LOL!
I was going to send you a email thanking you for banning LD. When they thought she was banned they were scared they would get banned and this place was getting decent and peaceful. Originally Posted by Benny
I dont know you Benny so dont think you know me enough to put words in my head...

I may be alot of things but SCARED aint one of them!!

I like this board and the people on it, thats why i watch my tongue for the most part, when people post ignorant sh*t
DarthMaul's Avatar
Yet the whole forum becomes pointless when Co-ed is reduced to provider ads and idiots like Eagle are allowed to dominate the sandbox with pointless taunting. Originally Posted by boardman
Agreed..but like I have said in the past, If I don't see a thread "WORTH" replying to I don't reply. Some people don't have enough self-control to ignore a pointless thread. Whoever the idiot is who is posting that pointless crap..WILL STOP but if people want to throw insults at him or at his obvious one sided opinions..he/she will keep posting...DM

I rarely if ever complain about anything said in these forums because I understand what the "S" in SHMB stands for. Laughter really is the best medicine. Originally Posted by boardman
Rarely complain...ok.

You don't like the thread so you're closing it. Fine, you're a mod, that is your right. Man up and say it. Originally Posted by boardman
Impossible to "man up" behind a keyboard and a monitor

I know I have pushed the envelope but Originally Posted by boardman

I haven't deliberately been disrespectful to the mods(well maybe Sarcastro but he deserved it) but your condescending "Office and Paint" remarks are disrespectful Originally Posted by boardman
You haven't been disrespectful to the MODS...ok...My remarks were disrepectful to the entire membership?? Hmmm....

to the entire membership and cause me to wonder about your intentions and the direction that you as a mod would take this board.l Originally Posted by boardman
You wonder about my intentions...I have none, other than to keep VALID information coming and going.

I, like most members here, understand that it takes resources for this board to operate so simply say that is the reason you closed it if it really is. If you did that, however, you would have to defend not closing the "This is interesting" thread or the "Bored and Drunk" threAD or any number of other "pointless" threads.

If it gets me banned so be it but I'm calling bullshit on all the complaints directed at "Slap your mamma". Yeah you may have had a few but don't hide behind a bunch of phantom PM's from a supposed majority of complaining members.

I would venture to say that the majority of active Houston PA members have posted there more than once. As a matter of fact, Check my PM's, I'll put up my "atta boys" and "that was some funny shit" PMs against your complaints.
Enjoy your new found computer resources! Originally Posted by boardman
Answer this question for me since I have addressed yours...Tell me what "valid" information you received from the "Slap Your Mama..." thread?
dearhunter's Avatar
I know one........there are no car keys in Ava's pussy........I thinck.

You do know that you have just opened up the perfect opportunity for a new spin off thread.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
I know one........there are no car keys in Ava's pussy........I thinck.

You do know that you have just opened up the perfect opportunity for a new spin off thread. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Oooooo!!! Spinoffs!!

Spin-offs ALWAYS work!

-Signed Joanie Loves Chachi

Dude you're a douche.
No one has allowed me to do anything.
But no worries, I have something very special planned for you and the other haters.
Go slap your momma.

And thank you boardman for saying exactly what I was thinking, it just took a man to say it. Originally Posted by luxury daphne

leaving? Originally Posted by angelinadream

Prime example of starting shit.....just like you always do....LD wasnt even talkn to you!!

I stopped hating on your post, maybe you should women up and stop hating on other post toooo, just maybe they will stop hating on you toooo, if not thats there problem.

Dont make their problems yours.....Damm cant we all just get along or at least stop hating on each other....just for a little while!!
This thread has been reduced to a bunch of insults...