Deja vu...another one of her "I told you about me so if you don't like it then fuck you" threads...

How fun... Originally Posted by Wakeuр

Wayward's Avatar
I'm sorry. You seem upset. You were a hooker since the age of 5? It seems like you've had some hard times, keep your chin up. I admire your courage, I could never say all that. I'm just incognito. Originally Posted by incognito isis
I knew an Isis in London her hair always looked so pretty in the rain. For your penance you should go to church more often and give to charity.

Back on topic BestOral you always crack me up, whether posting in vodka enhanced mode or what ever in the hell this one was. Even if you semi-retire or go back off shore please stop by every now and then just to let us know how you are doing. We both know WU has a crush on you and now that London Rayne is taking a vacation he can focus on you. Sure I wish she would come back under another handle or something but that isn't allowed so bestoralntexas will have to get all of the attention. Please never be silent, we would miss you too much.
Penance for what? I do give to charity, I give what I can. And I went to church on Christmas Eve. I don't understand your comment.
notanewbie's Avatar real quite and listen, you might just learn something.
Wayward's Avatar
Penance for what? I do give to charity, I give what I can. And I went to church on Christmas Eve. I don't understand your comment. Originally Posted by incognito isis
Then perhaps Father Wayward, the murdering rat bastard was just having a precognitive moment... relax my child and it may come to you.
Hi guys....
Oh Wayward, you are priceless...and i will miss you...
i will come back to the SHMB, i think this is hilarious btw,because i am one of them...and it fits!
but it will be a while, i am still trying to finalize my plans...

I have a question, on my statement below.
"You can take the girl out the hobby, but not the hobby outa the girl." Do yall think I am wrong? I have never wanted to remove it, but society does not quite care for us hookers...retired or otherwise. I think we are almost a different s[species of women, and that it is descrimination and wrong the way we are hunted. so talk sense guys
notanewbie's Avatar
we are all hookers, every last one of us. Some for money, fame, pats on the back. We bend over daily to our Johns.
we are all hookers, every last one of us. Some for money, fame, pats on the back. We bend over daily to our Johns. Originally Posted by notanewbie
Hi guys....
I have a question, on my statement below.
"You can take the girl out the hobby, but not the hobby outa the girl." Do yall think I am wrong? ... Originally Posted by bestoralntexas
Wayward's Avatar
Hi guys....
Oh Wayward, you are priceless...and i will miss you...
i will come back to the SHMB, i think this is hilarious btw,because i am one of them...and it fits!
but it will be a while, i am still trying to finalize my plans...

I have a question, on my statement below.
"You can take the girl out the hobby, but not the hobby outa the girl." Do yall think I am wrong? I have never wanted to remove it, but society does not quite care for us hookers...retired or otherwise. I think we are almost a different species of women, and that it is discrimination and wrong the way we are hunted. so talk sense guys Originally Posted by bestoralntexas
While my vanilla friends give me hell about it and have forever, there is a reason that for so many years the only women that really appeal to me are those in this thing of ours. As friends, lovers or ATF hooktards we see them not as the worst of what society has to offer but instead the very best.

So to answer your question, with no small measure of affection:

We have a saying in my little circle of friends that the ladies never really retire they just become a little more selective in their screening and revise their rate structure.
Wayward's Avatar
we are all hookers, every last one of us. Some for money, fame, pats on the back. We bend over daily to our Johns. Originally Posted by notanewbie
Now that was truly enlightened.
BaldGuy82's Avatar
Amy, That's where PRS messed up. I don't look like Chris Brown, I'm WHITE! She went off on another dude. She was pissed bc I gave her a "no" on my review. And when that idiot commented on my review it made it seem like I was talking trash, which the other guys have already told her I never said anything bad about her. So... Once again I hope to see you soon!
Wayward you are my soul mate I declare! Now where can I move that has your mentality, and less moral judgement!
oi vei, i'll have to deal with society, they seem to be mentally and morally c challenged and honestly i don't feel like playing the fit in game. so i am going to piss off a bunch of wives im sure, and probably see an indictment before im done (joking hopefully), im just saying.... i havent had to conform to there rules in a long time, and dont mind except when they are a moral injustice. I was thinking, that it is almost like the Jews being persecuted, and exterminated...or the effort of. The same hate fuels what happened in the Salem witch trials, and what has been growing in our culture towards the hookers. it was also looked on as wrong to be gay years ago, and then rethought, it should be rethought on hookeritis too. i am not going to conform my sexual preference, and i am anticipating how that will settle.

chicken fried, honey, i am one of the silly hookers, but im one of the ones that knows better than to take anything one of my kind says to heart. we are a trip i tell you, and very few make it as long as i do, but i tell you this we dont get here by the help from our peers. infact the key to survival of the "ho" is leave the other ones alone, and do your own thing. so i font rely on there alerts, or contribute usually unless its extremely called for, so i read that thread for entertainment only, and left it at that.
tikkler33's Avatar
This is certainly not my decision to make, but if you have indeed been a "hooker" since you were 5 years old, then some adults got you into the business. No 5 year old wakes up one day and decides to sell sex. If that is what truly happened, then you should have gone to the police long ago to report the scumbags who sold a little girl's body to strangers.
WOW, im thinking of my newsletter, its also my goodbye to yall, and a vcideo if i can figure out how to upload it. my newsletter, i think will tell best oral's beginning and ending.... i dont condone my past , but i wouldnt trade it either