Desperate Elizabeth Warren now says she'll cancel student debt by executive action

  • oeb11
  • 01-15-2020, 07:41 AM
All the DPST's have are fascist , angry, elderly,,Communists.
  • Tiny
  • 01-15-2020, 09:33 AM
that was sad/funny last night, when Bernie was asked if he told Liz a woman could not win the Presidency.. he denied saying it, and the Moderator turned to Liz and said "how did you feel when Bernie told you a woman could not win and be President"?

Warren made that shit up, like so many other things. I think her campaign decided she needed to make a bold move NOW, to jump start the campaign, after dwindling numbers in polls and funding.

I think Warren just sealed her fate.. THAT woman can not win the Presidency. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
She's lying or exaggerating, just like she did about her Indian heritage. Sanders is an SOB, but for a politician he's relatively honest. Warren's going to give you lots of free stuff for nothing (impossible). Sanders is going to give you lots of free stuff, but he tells you you're going to pay through the nose for it.
  • Tiny
  • 01-15-2020, 09:36 AM
All the DPST's have are fascist , angry, elderly,,Communists. Originally Posted by oeb11
I don't get it. Things have changed since the time of Clinton and Obama. Now you have to be in favor of government funding of abortion, shutting down the USA oil and gas industry, and taking the capital away from the capitalists if you want to get the nomination. Just look at how Biden was forced to move to the left.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I don't get it. Things have changed since the time of Clinton and Obama. Originally Posted by Tiny
I don't get it either. only theory I have, is that Bernie was competitive with Hilary in 2016, the Dems are in shock that Hilary didn't win, and their "logical" next step is to assume Bernie may have taken Trump had he been the nominee.
She's lying or exaggerating, just like she did about her Indian heritage. Sanders is an SOB, but for a politician he's relatively honest. .. Originally Posted by Tiny
Tucker Carlson had a 20-30 year old clip of Bernie saying that a woman can be President.
that was sad/funny last night, when Bernie was asked if he told Liz a woman could not win the Presidency.. he denied saying it, and the Moderator turned to Liz and said "how did you feel when Bernie told you a woman could not win and be President"?

Warren made that shit up, like so many other things. I think her campaign decided she needed to make a bold move NOW, to jump start the campaign, after dwindling numbers in polls and funding.

I think Warren just sealed her fate.. THAT woman can not win the Presidency. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
One of those crazy commies are lying....or they are so fucking old they can't remember who said what and when...
Tucker Carlson had a 20-30 year old clip of Bernie saying that a woman can be President. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Bernie is getting old...maybe he forgot..

I'm surprised he didn't say it and explain he meant it as an indictment of the system...
rexdutchman's Avatar
Liars ,liars I tell you they just cant remember which lie they told , side note the LSM will not fact check what they say ( something like bloomys ad about big-t causing odumboo care no insuring people )