The many hateful trans threads this Easter weekend

First of all nobody knows how God feels about a specific subject. In my experience people generally use God rather than logic to justify their position.

Secondly if being transgender is a mental disorder why is it so vilified. There is a history of blind people being institutionalized in asylums. During the eugenics movement in america laws were enacted that legalized forced sterilizations and prohibited individuals that had mental or physical defects and couples of mixed-race from marrying. These are things we don’t do anymore and would horrify people if we tried to do them again. Sooner than you think the same will be said about the transgendered. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
You can read the Bible and get a pretty good idea about how God feels about a lot of things. You can view Transgender any way you like. But what mechanism would cause a natural born male or female to want to change their sexual orientation?
eyecu2's Avatar
You can read the Bible and get a pretty good idea about how God feels about a lot of things. You can view Transgender any way you like. But what mechanism would cause a natural born male or female to want to change their sexual orientation? Originally Posted by Levianon17
Gender Identity, and things like imprinting and emotional connections are likely just part of that.

Did you ever hear about the Goslings that are raised by hand will imprint on the human who raises them. Birds that have imprinted on humans will identify with humans for life.

Gender Identity, and things like imprinting and emotional connections are likely just part of that.

Did you ever hear about the Goslings that are raised by hand will imprint on the human who raises them. Birds that have imprinted on humans will identify with humans for life.

Originally Posted by eyecu2
I think it's a bit more complicated than that.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Turns my stomach. I'm actually holding my tongue.
The faux outrage over a date that has been on the books for a while now . This year it happens to fall on Easter... Originally Posted by winn dixie
My suggestion: Bite down hard and sever it clean off. It ain't doing you any favors anyway. Besides, it might give you more time to ponder your naval lint, because if you did, you would probably just want to cut that out as well. You might be thinking: Egads! Forsooth! Heretic!

Perchance you would consider that Easter is:
  • Celebrated (on the calendar) for more than 2,000 years
  • Celebrated by many (millions times) more people than TransDay
  • Is the single most Holy Day for many, many millions of folk world wide
Let's define a couple terms. Hat tip to American Heritage® Dictionary
obtuse (adjective)
  1. Lacking quickness of perception or intellect.
  2. Characterized by a lack of intelligence or sensitivity.
  3. Not distinctly felt.
asinine (adjective)
  1. Utterly stupid or silly.
  2. Of, relating to, or resembling an ass.
  3. Of or belonging to, or having the qualities of, the ass, as stupidity and obstinacy.
The obtuse asininity of such displacement is easily seen with a simple example. Imagine if you will: On the first day of Eid al-Adha, the White House puts on a play of dancers and characters wearing Mohamed masks, dancing and signing the below, but substituting the word Muslim in place of Lumberjack

On the second day of Eid al-Adha, you put on readings of jokes comparing Mohammad to "poofters" or making tasteless jokes like:
A traveling salesman stops at a ramshackle rundown farmhouse. He knocks on the door and an ugly, ugly little Muslim boy answers the door. The salesman is taken aback and asks, "Uh, is your mother or father at home?"
The little Muslim boy casually answers, "I ain't got no daddy, and Mama's out back havin' sex with a goat."
The salesman exclaims, "Doesn't that bother you?!?
The little Muslim boy bleats, "Nah-a-a-a-a-a-a-a" Originally Posted by himeros
(I put the "Muslim" in the preceding) Then on the third day of Eid al-Adha, you release a short statement like: We celebrate this holy day when "Ibrahim has a dream in which Allah commands him to sacrifice his son, Ismail, as a sign of obedience to God. In the writing, Shaytaan, or Satan attempts to confuse Ibrahim and tempt him to not go through with the act, but Ibrahim drives him away" (hat tip to History dot com) Thank you.

You take a bow and seriously wonder why 500Million Muslims around the globe want to murder you in a most heinous way. The thought that millions of Christians would rally to support the Muslims would be beyond your comprehension. Great job Einstein!
winn dixie's Avatar
The hate continues
The hate continues Originally Posted by winn dixie
It's not about hate. It's about sharing in their delusion. Emotionally healthy people are not obligated to share in it.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The hate continues Originally Posted by winn dixie
I don't mind being hated by some, because:

txdot-guy's Avatar
The hate continues Originally Posted by winn dixie
I don't mind being hated by some, because:

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Do you realize you just trolled yourself. Winn is referring to your own hatred.

So which of those three options applies to you?
Do you hate yourself, are you a threat, or do you just want to be trans?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...So which of those three options applies to you?... Originally Posted by txdot-guy
The 4th, duh, as I don't hate myself. Maybe the Wiki could assist you here:
A double entendre [note 1] (plural double entendres) is a figure of speech or a particular way of wording that is devised to have a double meaning, one of which is typically obvious, and the other often conveys a message that would be too socially unacceptable, or offensive to state directly.
For example: If you were a turkey and I called you a cock gobbler - it would be the same as me calling you a cannibal and you still wouldn't even know it. Notwithstanding, there were the words that preceded the picture and I would have no clue whom the other poster was hating on as they had not stated so.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're too clever for us, WYID.


txdot-guy's Avatar
The 4th, duh, as I don't hate myself. Maybe the Wiki could assist you here:
For example: If you were a turkey and I called you a cock gobbler - it would be the same as me calling you a cannibal and you still wouldn't even know it. Notwithstanding, there were the words that preceded the picture and I would have no clue whom the other poster was hating on as they had not stated so. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I’m not sure which is more offensive being called a cock gobbler or a cannibal. But I take your point.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I’m not sure which is more offensive being called a cock gobbler or a cannibal. But I take your point. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Unless you are a turkey and I didn't use the word if
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You can read the Bible and get a pretty good idea about how God feels about a lot of things. Originally Posted by Levianon17
God didn't write the Bible.

Any Bible.
God didn't write the Bible.

Any Bible. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
True, so what's your point?