Boycott Jimmy Johns - maybe we do need stronger unions

SEE3772's Avatar
You are what you eat!
Jimmy Johns... never have never will!
GMO, LMP 102, pesticides, herbicides, hormones... so called food.
No thank You!
Bison in the glass...
Non competes are something that is usually sprung on employees after they are "hired". It's definitely unethical to not tell someone during an interview that they will have to sign a non compete or expect that to be common knowledge for a minimum wage worker or someone just entering the workplace. Originally Posted by boardman
If you make them sign it after they are employed and threaten to fire them (or imply it), it is definitely NOT enforceable.

In certain circumstances, if you pay an employee a substantial amount (like $1000), it MAY be enforceable. But even then, probably not.