Should I change my name?

Sofia of Houston is know as other names before she settled on SOH. I think she should change hers; she has gone from myexclusivegfe/VIPGFEReferalls, Gia, Sofia's Place to now Sofia of Houston within a year or so. Maybe she can change her name once more and stick with it,,, huh?

Sensual Sophia, due to the scuttlebutt caused by her, I am sorry to see that you would even have to consider changing your name. Personally I would be pissed, I find you keeping cool about things a reflection of the good natured individual that you are..
The Paladin's Avatar
I say keep your current name. You've got a great reputation. hey, just noticed the other lovely ladies posting in this thread,
SASpurfan's Avatar

While I am undecided about changing your name, if you do choose to change, might I suggest a new name - "SAS's Squeeze"!

  • pyro
  • 02-24-2010, 09:08 PM
don't change a thing. You have an excellent reputation dear.
no confusion here...
srvfin's Avatar
Dudette.... Don't change, just add to it. How about one of these:

Sensual Sophia.... (the Other Sophia)

Sensual Sophia.... (the Fine Sophia)

Sensual Sophia.... (the Only Sophia)

Sensual Sophia.... (the True Sophia)

Sensual Sophia.... (the Friendly Sophia)

Sensual Sophia.... (the Sexy Sophia)

Any of these will work, or choose your own. Just sayin.....
Wayward's Avatar
That's a tough call.

The other Sophia seems to be unhappy here and says she is leaving.

Maybe just give it a little more time and wait for the dust to settle.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
And there is a prime example of what I was describing in my previous post. Originally Posted by LonesomeDove
This is actually a checker player trying to play chess. Not a mistake at all DoveBar.

Sensual Sophia for the most part you don't really want to see the kinds of guys that are going to make this mistake repeatedly, we do need to work on a nickname for you like SS great Ass! or SSE (Sensual Sophia Experience).

Not to worry most lovely of all Sophia's.

The dreaded SOH is the worst of what this thing of ours has to offer, IMHO and will change her name again soon as she has done so many times in the past. Alexis left out a few but I'll help out a little later.

You have style, grace and tons of fans, the kind of class that can't be demanded but is rather blindingly obvious to anyone that looks in your direction. You are the kind of woman that makes this thing of ours at times a heart stopping delight.

Now I'm going to go and play a little chess...
Sisyphus's Avatar
Refuse to spend time with anyone to stupid to understand the difference.
Monk Rasputin's Avatar
So, should I change my name, or should Houston men learn to tell the difference? Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
Let the Houston men learn to tell the difference. They can learn. I'm pretty sure.

As for you, my Adorable Sophia, DON'T YOU CHANGE NUTHIN'. НИЧЕГО. NADA. RIEN. Period. Case closed.


p.s. You get your delicious ass back to Austin where it belongs.
Refuse to spend time with anyone to stupid to understand the difference. Originally Posted by Sisyphus
I would put "+1", but that seems to annoy three or so people around here, so...

I agree. Though I've never met either of you, the difference between your board personas and reputations is enormous. I wouldn't worry about it.
carkido45's Avatar
We can tell sophia not to change her name but we are not the one's that are being bothered my the similarities in the names.
boardman's Avatar
Bad publicity is still publicity. If a guy can't figure out the difference between the two of you by doing a little research on here are you sure you want to see him?
BTW, I didn't mean for this thread to turn into a Sofia Bash-a-thon. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
Very good point, and I'll make this general comment for all, and I expect everyone to abide by this going forward.

Remarks that could be hurtful to another active member here should and WILL be avoided in the public forums. I don't care who it is. There is a place for that kind of stuff and it's in the private forums. Not too many of the guys around here would take kindly to one of the popular providers around here posting publicly that he has an uncontrollable body odor problem or a tiny dick. Even if it's 100% true, and not disrespectful, vulgar, or insulting....just a fact, plain and simple......still wouldn't go over well. Same goes for the girls, gentlemen. You are more than welcome to share your opinions about a provider on this board. Positive or negative. Do it tactfully and place it in the right location. (Review comments, private posts, Men's Lounge)

Sorry to rain on your parade, fellas. The dogpile against SOH needs to be taken elsewhere.

St. C
Mr Clever's Avatar
Sensual Sophia your absolutely stunning. You have class, grace and are very elegent.

I think a name change would be completely understandable. I would be very upset, if I suspected, I was losing ANY business over a name. Sounds to me like this has taken place, according to your own admission.

Its a business move. I don't think any of the guys here will say one negative word.

As stated earlier, we understand.
And take note, we're not trying to prevent every situation that could hurt someone's feelings. That's the nature of the beast on this type of board. But, blatant piling on somebody, open bashing, stuff of that nature......needs to go in it's proper place, or think twice before posting. Thanks for cooperating, men.

St. C
rjdiner's Avatar
I think it's up to the H town boys to learn the difference.
Sophia, you have a great and deserved reputation associated with that name and to change it would be a mistake IMO. You have created your own "brand" and it would be a setback to change. Would Proctor & Gamble change the name of Tide because a few people were clueless?
Marketing 101 says NO!