Old Sarge, you bet I am serious.....

Damn, really? When did all this come about?
May I use this quote in the future when I'm getting shit on.

Sixx has more WKs than I do; neck and neck with Brandy even.

I'm juuust saying! Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
I find your post enlightening.

newguy, I never understand why people use personal insults to evade a debate that is not going in their favor? Maybe you can explain. Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
I do apologize for the insults, BTW. They are certainly no way to debate, but then again a debate was not my intent. Certainly a CoEd thread is no place to launch insults.

On one hand, I was taught to fight fire with fire. On the other, I was taught to be a respectful gentleman. I was also taught not to debate with an unarmed oponent. Seems some of my lessons got rusty, and I do apologize, sincerely, that innocent bystanders were injured along the way.

Just sayin
Still Looking's Avatar
newguy, I never understand why people use personal insults to evade a debate that is not going in their favor? Maybe you can explain. Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
I agree.... they should use a poem! LOL
Fuck those guys from Killeen/Waco , they found their way on here first . Originally Posted by DIE HARD
Wow. I would respectfully and most sincerely disagree.

1) I do not desire to have sexual intercourse with you.
2) Please go back and re-read the sequence of events... SL ACCIDENTALLY brought US into this forum

When Miss Paige politely posted in CoEd in response to some very cryptic Austin PMs and texts and phone calls she recieved.... her motives were challenged, she was called a liar and comments were made about her "overdone glamor shot" None of those comments were "on topic".

Those are the facts sir.

Just sayin

1) Vacation? You going somewhere?

2) I doubt the mods will point you for your comments

3) The thread should have been left open especially if Sarge is going to ask me two questions and not even allow for a response

4) Newguy1970.. I also won't take my shots at you and tap out by pushing the RTM button so you can't respond.

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Mister Sixxbach (and former moderator)sir. I have taken the liberty to provide a partial quote and added the numbers for the sake of clarity. The reference is clear, so as to allow yourself and other members an opportunity to see the quote in its entirety.

As to point number 1. I am going no where

As to point number 2. I did receive points for my comments

As to point number 3. I was not aware that Sarge had prevented you from exercising your free speach on this board. That is indeed a troubling accusation. What evidence do you have that Old Sarge is preventing you from repsonding to two questions? Have you been "banned" from the Killeen/Waco/BCS forum? How exactly have you been "prevented" from responding?

Are these the two questions that you have been prevented from addressing?

Sixx, are you REALLY going to come in here and tell me or Ranchhand how to moderate?

Are you REALLY going to try and start a debate between Ranchhand and myself? Originally Posted by OldSarge

Sir, please feel free to address OldSarge's questions. I have sent a PM to OldSarge and to Ranchhand and asked them to allow you to speak, for them to lift the "cone of silence" that is preventing you from addressing the issues at hand.

As to point number 4. Is it your assertation that you have NOT hit the RTM button at any time during our "debate"?

I earnestly and respectfully await your answers. Thank you for your kind attention and for giving me the opportunity to address your concerns and to stay on topic.

Just sayin

I do apologize for the insults, BTW. I can respect that. Hopefully others can, but that might be hard when the stones have already been cast. They are certainly no way to debate, but then again a debate was not my intent. I'm pretty sure if you didn't want a debate you would have taken other actions. If you admit you were wrong for the insults, than you can admit you started some shit and now you are backing out. At lesat that's how I see it. Certainly a CoEd thread is no place to launch insults.

On one hand, I was taught to fight fire with fire. I totally feel you on that one. I do the same when it comes to tone, but you did evade the questions he asked and tried to deflect attention from the matter at hand. On the other, I was taught to be a respectful gentleman. I was also taught not to debate with an unarmed oponent. So are these just indirect insults? Seems some of my lessons got rusty, and I do apologize, sincerely, that innocent bystanders were injured along the way.

Just sayin Originally Posted by newguy1970
I agree.... they should use a poem! LOL Originally Posted by Still Looking
I'm glad you responded. I guess it's as close to admitting you were a complete defensive rude-ass to me, as we are going to get. Yes I called you out and asked you a question. When you got defensive it turned into a debate.... and then a full on "fuck you-you-dumb-fat-whore-session (even worse). I never once personally insulted you in that back and forth SL. If I did it was well after you tore into me. I would hope if I was a damsel in distress, and couldn't hold my own with you; SOMEONE, would come to my rescue. No one did. Btw, you never turned me on. Sixx turns me on more than you and that's not even an insult. At least he can go back and forth and make sense. That's hot! I'm glad you reconsidered the poem in your sig line though.

So I stand by my initial "Austin mods are AWESOME!" comment; but I would have appreciated if Ztonk would have made this statement: "Insulting remarks and the barbed attacks have no place here. Debate the issues raised, or step away from the thread." in that SL thread I started. It does raise my eyebrows, and rightfully so.
Wow. I would respectfully and most sincerely disagree.

1) I do not desire to have sexual intercourse with you.
2) Please go back and re-read the sequence of events... SL ACCIDENTALLY brought US into this forum

When Miss Paige politely posted in CoEd in response to some very cryptic Austin PMs and texts and phone calls she recieved.... her motives were challenged, she was called a liar and comments were made about her "overdone glamor shot" None of those comments were "on topic".

Those are the facts sir.

Just sayin Originally Posted by newguy1970
Seriously SL came to you held a gun to your head and forced you into Austin coed forum . I believe that came to be because you are a hugely PUSSYWHIPPED know it all ! And because Sixx called post a threAD you had to come in here and start shit ? Take your sorry ass back were you came from ! And keep your Miss Paige with you cause I know I could care less !
sixxbach's Avatar
Mister Sixxbach (and former moderator)sir. I have taken the liberty to provide a partial quote and added the numbers for the sake of clarity. The reference is clear, so as to allow yourself and other members an opportunity to see the quote in its entirety.

As to point number 1. I am going no where

Good to hear. I don't support bans and hate to see them unless its an extreme case.

As to point number 2. I did receive points for my comments

That sucks, I don't support that

As to point number 3. I was not aware that Sarge had prevented you from exercising your free speach on this board. That is indeed a troubling accusation. What evidence do you have that Old Sarge is preventing you from repsonding to two questions? Have you been "banned" from the Killeen/Waco/BCS forum? How exactly have you been "prevented" from responding?

The evidence is the link I provided in this thread. I asked Sarge for some clarification because Sarge posted in the Kileen forum that a mod will close a thread when requested by an OP. I stated being a former mod, that's not true that a member may certainly request that but a mod is not obligated to do that. I asked for Ranchhands input.

As anyone can see clearly, Sarge does not address my statement. Sarge goes ahead and asks me the two questions but closes the thread not allowing me to answer. I have always been told that if you don't want the answer, don't ask the question.

It's obvious that he did not want to debate and I felt that posting in a forum that he moderates would do no benefit and have our debate stifled.

Are these the two questions that you have been prevented from addressing?

Sir, please feel free to address OldSarge's questions. I have sent a PM to OldSarge and to Ranchhand and asked them to allow you to speak, for them to lift the "cone of silence" that is preventing you from addressing the issues at hand.

I will gladly do that once Sarge address my statement that led to Old Sarge asking me the questions that he apparently had no interest in hearing the answers to.

As to point number 4. Is it your assertation that you have NOT hit the RTM button at any time during our "debate"?

I sure did. I hit the RTM because when I saw your response, I was leaving to eat lunch (you know what fat people do) and did not want the thread closed, which YOU requested. I asked them to not rescue you and allow me to address your accusations and I asked them NOT TO POINT YOU. I could care less about the personl insults but when you say I have abused providers, I deserved to address that in your thread. I figured since Old Sarge or Ranchhand honor requests, they could honor my request.

I earnestly and respectfully await your answers. Thank you for your kind attention and for giving me the opportunity to address your concerns and to stay on topic.

Just sayin Originally Posted by newguy1970

I have debated many times with many members. I would think overall I have won most but I have lost too. I have yet to ever know of a time someone who was debating me, would actually post some harsh comments and accusations thrown at me and call for the thread to be closed before I would have a reasonable time to respond. Hell not even a woman who I have debated with has stooped that low.

I don't know where you were raised but that's pretty chicken shit where I come from. You also said yourself in the thread you started last night that even you didn't know if what you were posting was true or just rumor. Sounds like in your words YOU were "unarmed" for debate with me.

Just sayin

Still Looking's Avatar
Ebony Jasmine just really doesn’t know
But I read her reviews and she sure can…..
SL tried to teach her to keep her mouth shut
But the more she talks the more she sounds like a …..
With just the right words you can show someone the door
Could be a hobbyist, could be a mod or it could just be a …..
The transition to be nice can go off without a hitch
Some providers just don’t get it and continue to be a ….



Ebony jasmine just really doesn’t know
But I read her reviews and she sure can…..
SL tried to teach her to keep her mouth shut
But the more she talks the more she sounds like a …..
With just the right words you can show someone the door
Could be a hobbyist, could be a mod or it could just be a …..
The transition to be nice can go off without a hitch
Some providers just don’t get it and continue to be a ….


SL Originally Posted by Still Looking

You are just so fucking cleaver SL. I just know that's how you get all the ladies.
Originally Posted by newguy1970

I do apologize for the insults, BTW. I can respect that. Hopefully others can, but that might be hard when the stones have already been cast.

I can fully accept that some may not accept the apology. I can only offer one in sincerity.... it is up to each to accept or reject said apology.

They are certainly no way to debate, but then again a debate was not my intent. I'm sure if you didn't want a debate you would have taken other actions. Not sure what actions you would propose... I am interested in hearing more of your point on this.

If you admit you were wrong for the insults, than you can admit you started some shit and now you are backing out. At lesat that's how I see it. I can respect that is how you see it... I did create a coed post in another forum..... it was left open for an hour after I asked it to be closed, because I no longer desired to debate. I certainly do not fee that I started some shit, and made every effort to walk away. some of these dialogues certainly seem to outlive their usefullness. Certainly a CoEd thread is no place to launch insults.

On one hand, I was taught to fight fire with fire. I totally feel you on that one. I do the same when it comes to tone, Thanks you but you did evade the questions he asked please remind me what questions he asked ME to address and I will do so....and tried to deflect attention from the matter at hand. On the other, I was taught to be a respectful gentleman. I was also taught not to debate with an unarmed oponent. So are these just indirect insults? No, simply my admission that I messed up.... Seems some of my lessons got rusty, and I do apologize, sincerely, that innocent bystanders were injured along the way.

Just sayin

Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
Thank you for your civil response. I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my post. I do apologize about having to use yet a third color, but I did not see a better way to answer. I am open to suggestions for imporovement.

Just sayin
Still Looking's Avatar
You are just so fucking cleaver SL. I just know that's how you get all the ladies. Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
Bingo! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Right, Ok Buddy! LOL! SMH. You are so sad. I just can't with you.
.... Hell not even a woman .... has stooped that low.
Originally Posted by sixxbach
Sir, Am I to take from this partial quote (full context available above):

1) That "women" are somehow not on equal footing with men?

2) That I am somehow "less than a woman"?

3) That being a "woman" is an insult?

Patiently awaiting your answer, sir.

Just sayin
Thank you for your civil response. I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my post. I do apologize about having to use yet a third color, but I did not see a better way to answer. I am open to suggestions for imporovement.

Just sayin Originally Posted by newguy1970
You know, I was a bit mixed up and out of place on some of my response to you. Reading your response, I can see you too are civil enough to work things out. Respect and good day newguy.
sixxbach's Avatar
Sir, Am I to take from this partial quote (full context available above):

1) That "women" are somehow not on equal footing with men?

2) That I am somehow "less than a woman"?

3) That being a "woman" is an insult?

Patiently awaiting your answer, sir.

Just sayin Originally Posted by newguy1970
Well according to YOU.... I abuse women, a douche, low life... take that how you want

Just sayin