Trump making the GOP play defense

Notice how the Pelosi/Schumer bunch have been real quiet, like the sayng goes give a man enough rope and he will hang himself. If the Donald could bring himself to act polite and keep his mouth shut CNN would go out of business for lack of stories to dwell on over and over and over Oh by the way I'm an independent not that it matters. My momma always said stupid is as stupid does ROFL
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... The point IS - that President Trump has said
that everything had been already declassified.

.... Which is why a Special Independent Master
should review everything.

Why is the FBI so afraid of that?
Must be their-own past record of skirting rules and laws.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
"The point IS - that President Trump has said
that everything had been already declassified."

BS in regards to declassification and you know it, so why spread it. Even if true, the documents did not belong to him in the first place, they belong to the American public, you and me...not HIM. Originally Posted by reddog1951
This is silly.

So because Trump said everything had already been classified, you believe it? Even though you know it's a lie?

Not a debate, mate.

It isn't whether he had the documents. He did.
It isn't whether he didn't turn them all in after he'd been subpoenaed. He didn't.
It isn't whether the documents were classified, some to the highest level. They were.

It's about what Trump told you?

winn dixie's Avatar
Just because the CORRUPT doj and CORRUPT fbi release a statement dems get pre-cum soaked. Trump has the proof of the election steal and dems know it. Theyre desperate to destroy it and replace it with forged documents.
This harassment is being done by a biased rogue group with an agenda. Wake up folks
winn dixie's Avatar
Attachment 879934

Pic worth a thousand words. I think this one is the real untouched one!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Just because the CORRUPT doj and CORRUPT fbi release a statement dems get pre-cum soaked. Trump has the proof of the election steal and dems know it. Theyre desperate to destroy it and replace it with forged documents.
This harassment is being done by a biased rogue group with an agenda. Wake up folks Originally Posted by winn dixie
Sorry bro.

You’re arguing in your spare time.
winn dixie's Avatar
dems got they "Trumped up" propaganda nothing pic w/ a time magazine as so called truth. And the original pic I posted has now been exposed. bahahahahhahahhaha
freakin time magazine proof omg wtf and lolling
... I'm not quite seeing the "GOP playing defence"...

Also not seeing where Trump and the GOP have to.

Perhaps you can explain it better.

#### Salty
Just because the CORRUPT doj and CORRUPT fbi release a statement dems get pre-cum soaked. Trump has the proof of the election steal and dems know it. Theyre desperate to destroy it and replace it with forged documents.
This harassment is being done by a biased rogue group with an agenda. Wake up folks Originally Posted by winn dixie

I'll be your Huckleberry...if he has the proof why hasn't he shown it? A grand Q plot to overthrow the deep state...that just needs a "little more time and your continued donation"? He has nothing but talk, he was left with enough money, a flawed mental/emotional state from childhood, and loud mouth to get him publicity. And he's running his biggest scam for 6 years now, and suckers are still paying to be lied to. Period. Now run along and send in your recurring donation that the "supposedly rich" victim needs to show the dumb the average Qrumptard is.
chefnerd's Avatar
You have to realize that these are not people you can deal with logically. Their minds are already made up so therefore actual FACTS confuse them
Lucas McCain's Avatar
You have to realize that these are not people you can deal with logically. Their minds are already made up so therefore actual FACTS confuse them Originally Posted by chefnerd
Yeah, if people actually believe because Trump said it makes it factual, you are completely wasting your time unless you are just looking for shits and giggles... there will be no logical discussion to be had if someone actually takes Trump's word at face value with all of his outlandish bullshit claims.

This forum has a lot of tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists in it. Sometimes you just have to admit you backed the wrong horse in a race.

Trump is obnoxious, charismatic and funny to me. I really have no problem with him as a reality TV star. Unfortunately, those aforementioned qualities hardly make his stupid ass fit to be POTUS. And they certainly don't make him fit to ruin the Republican party for his own self-interest... MAGA is a bunch of bullshit. Trump's slogan should be ME. Most would respect him more if he was honest about that because people who don't fall for his nonsense already know what he is really about.
winn dixie's Avatar
I'll be your Huckleberry...if he has the proof why hasn't he shown it? A grand Q plot to overthrow the deep state...that just needs a "little more time and your continued donation"? He has nothing but talk, he was left with enough money, a flawed mental/emotional state from childhood, and loud mouth to get him publicity. And he's running his biggest scam for 6 years now, and suckers are still paying to be lied to. Period. Now run along and send in your recurring donation that the "supposedly rich" victim needs to show the dumb the average Qrumptard is. Originally Posted by 69in2it69
Its taken time to acquire. Once he had it the rogue agencies got involved to protect the swamp. Its happening writ fore our own eyes. And America is falling for the propaganda.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Rogue agencies.

Give it a rest, WD. The only rogue group is Trump and his mindless mob.

FBI is doing its job, as always.
DOJ is doing it’s job, as always.
Capitol Police was doing its job, as always.
DOD and DHS are still doing their jobs, as always.
The Deep State, if you believe in such poppycock. is same as it ever was, regardless of who’s in the White House.

Just screaming that LE has gone rogue because they dare request Trump’s Time magazine covers make you sound like a loony tune on the corner holding up a “The End is Coming” sign.

Not very dignified, bro.
winn dixie's Avatar
These rogue agencies shore aint been investigating the things they should. Like hunter and the stolen election.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Yeah, I suppose the DOJ lawyers would jeopardize their case with a fake photo and that the as yet uncharged defendant's (important to note) crack legal team can pick it apart in seconds when facing the inept DOJ legal eagles. Originally Posted by reddog1951

You mean like Clinesmith who jeopardized the FBI's case by falsifying an affidavit to the FISA court?

You mean like Strzok, Paige, McCabe, Bruce Org and others fired or resigned for their part in "get Trump at any cost" fiasco?

Or how about Timothy Thibault at the FBI, who was recently fired/ resigned for his effort to hinder/ stop the Hunter Biden investigation because he hated Trump so much that he had to say so all over social media?

These are the people who wouldn't jeopardize their careers to "get Trump at any cost"?

How about the 20 or so FBI whistleblowers ( have you even heard this story ) fed up with the leadership at the FBI for not performing their duties without bias?
bambino's Avatar
Joey Bribes has single handily destroyed the Democrats. But hey, there’s mail in ballots and Dominion machines. So there’s still hope for them.