Too darn many to list, but most occur long before the guy is ever accepted as a date lol.Wow, I love it....if I ever get to NOLA, London, I want to see you for sure.
1. Asking stupid questions that have already been answered a billion times. What are your rates? Are you in town? When will you be back in town? This is probably my number one annoyance that I have to deal with on a daily basis. I have no clue when or where I will be 3 months from now and even if I told a guy an exact date, I can almost guarantee that day he would be out of town, have no money, or have other plans that prevented him from seeing me...this question is worthless without a deposit behind it.
2. Constantly emailing for a free chat/cyber sex buddy and never booking an appt. I am not here to chat or IM...I am here to provide a service for you when you decide what and when you need from me lol. This does not include guys who are a thousand miles away who just drop me a line mind you. I am talking about guys who illude to an exact day and time, but want to cyber stalk you for a month prior.
3. Telling me your entire life story including education, marital status, how many kids you have, yet never including ANY valuable information that is required for a meeting in the first place. Yes I want to know about you, but AFTER I have determined whether you are full of crap or not lol.
4. Emailing for a date within the next 3 or 4 hours and taking 2 hours to respond again...sorry I am either booked or not interested now lol. I find it so funny that guys complain about not getting a return email from the providers they contact, when I have experienced just the opposite. I am lightning fast when you contact me via email, and it takes a day for a guy to reply again with refs. I understand this could be due to not being able to get access, but wait until you can to email me in the first place.
5. Asking if I offer half hours when if I did it would be AN OPTION to begin with!
6. Showing up knowing it was 9 hours since your last shower and not bothering to even do a quick clean up...see ya!
7. Asking for GFE to get the cheaper rate and acting nothing like a BFE in return...i.e. no foreplay, just straight up service from me to you. This is totally fine mind you, but it is NOT GFE, it's PSE!!
Whew now I feel better!! Originally Posted by London Rayne