MORE Republicans!

Republicans up 7 points in a generic poll and Democrats down 7. I mean, I knew this would be a disaster for Democrats from day one and I said so, "Democrats will fuck up this chance to govern, big time" but not even I, the all seeing and knowing, could have guessed they would fuck up this spectacularly and guess what, they aren't done fucking up yet!

And yeah, CNN and MSNBC are finally turning on Joe Biden. One of the MLK children told Joe Biden that if he can't successfully pass the "Voters Rights Bill', other wise known as the "pass this and Democrats will never lose again bill", all that infrastructure money can't build a bridge capable of supporting such an epic failure.

Is that the fat lady I hear singing???? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Oh you forget how cucked the GOPe is. I don't put it past them to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.