Eccie 2010 or ASPD 2009

Whispers's Avatar

You do have a couple of
vaild points, but to me both
sites are one in the same...

Rocker Originally Posted by rocker

Well... I think this place is a lot like ASPD was in it's early years and that Austin has finally come in line with forums in other cities as far as acceptability of posters and topics.....
In terms of the way things are run, I don't see much difference between Eccie and ASPD. I never had an issue with the mods on ASPD, nor did they ever have any with me (as far as I know). Then again, I wasn't one to constantly stir the pot either, so ...

In terms of functionality though, Eccie has some nice extras, such as being able to read hobbyists/provider reviews a lot easier, plus the provider showcases.

One advantage ASPD did have (IMHO) is they were smart enough to ban the political threads after awhile. I hope Eccie follows suit.
snoopdogg's Avatar
Old fat bald, great combination whispers
no wonder you've taken it upon yourself to create this online persona

My beef with you is that for every 1000 post you make
there's countless others of us who dont post because we actually are busy
we dont get off on posting endless vanity posts

I called YOU worthless and you arent "BOISTEROUS" (4th grade spelling) you're obnoxious
feel free to edit more of your worthless posts to keep up old man

Eccie allows you the chance to create an online persona to replace the laughable one you have in real life tubby

lose some weight
I figured you were old and fat
that was pretty obvious

Im here to call out losers like yourself
who post endlessly here
who contribute nothing but endless, mindless, vanity posts

Old and Fat who would have figured i'd peg you correctly.

please by all means post another 1000 worthless posts in the next week

Worthless Originally Posted by snoopdogg
Sounds pretty much like an unwarranted attack on the boards to me. If you haven't heard from a mod yet don't be surprised if you do.
snoopdogg's Avatar
Well, the man does have 12 reviews here. How many do you have? Not saying that he isn't a bit of a drama queen, but to say he doesn't contribute here is stretching it a little. Originally Posted by WorknMan
you're right workman
i had more reviews at the other place that got lost
i really should do some Reviews
but I just have a regular girl that i see somewhat infrequently
and her reputation is i dont feel the need to post a review

but i agree
Reviews are what counts ....i'll give you that

and Yes that buffoon is a drama queen and that's why i feel the need to call him on it
Whispers's Avatar
you're right workman
i had more reviews at the other place that got lost
i really should do some Reviews
but I just have a regular girl that i see somewhat infrequently
and her reputation is i dont feel the need to post a review

but i agree
Reviews are what counts ....i'll give you that

and Yes that buffoon is a drama queen and that's why i feel the need to call him on it Originally Posted by snoopdogg
What a wuss... "I see girls.. special girls.. but so special and so good I don't need to tell you".....:...

wahh... wahhhhh .... wahhhhhhh

I'll accept KING of the Drama..... But I'm no queen.... You're the one with your panties all in a wad.....

It's a bummer to lose reviews.....I lost close to 300 reviews on that site.... How many did you lose?

Then again... there is a lot of it still accessible.....

IS there some topic you would like to discuss n some reasonable manner or are you capable of nothing more than inane personal remarks.....

That's a bit juvenile....
snoopdogg's Avatar
I figured
Whisper's Friends came to his defense...what a surprise

The New Order has a good Hold on speech here
snoopdogg's Avatar
What a wuss... "I see girls.. special girls.. but so special and so good I don't need to tell you.....:...

wahh... wahhhhh .... wahhhhhhh

I'll accept KING of the Drama..... But I'm no queen.... You're the one with your panties all in a wad.....

It's a bummer to lose reviews.....I lost close to 300 reviews on that site.... How many did you lose?

Then again... there is a lot of it still accessible.....

IS there some topic you would like to discuss n some reasonable manner or are you capable of nothing more than inane personal remarks.....

That's a bit juvenile.... Originally Posted by Whispers

u got quiet pretty fast
i figured you'd run to your friends...... for protection
it's ok
No personal attacks for now
just pointing out what i think about you
you can call off your doggs

seems like u can dish it.....but...
sixxbach's Avatar
This thread needs to get back on topic. The thread seems to be one that will generate interesting conversation and does not need personal attacks and/or insults....

Whispers's Avatar
I figured
Whisper's Friends came to his defense...what a surprise

The New Order has a good Hold on speech here Originally Posted by snoopdogg

Actually Speech around here is pretty free and well supported...

Once again... Is there anything worthwhile you would like to discuss related to the hobby?.... Or shit... start a thread on being lonely and envious of those that have friends.... It's the holidays... I'll be your friend for a few days if you need someone the get you through it....

But if all you really need is a good cry... go right ahead and keep on....

I'll defend your right to wahhh......

or you can go away.... Mommy is calling isn't she?
snoopdogg's Avatar
you got nothing whispers, that's why you called in the calvary

not attacking you personally
just pointing out a fact
please get back on topic

and ignore my "BOISTEROUSness"
im callling it a night anyway
Snoopdogg won this one and i'll quit while i'm ahead
Whispers's Avatar
you got nothing whispers, that's why you called in the calvary

not attacking you personally
just pointing out a fact
please get back on topic

and ignore my "BOISTEROUSness"
im callling it a night anyway
Snoopdogg won this one and i'll quit while i'm ahead Originally Posted by snoopdogg
you sound like a young male version of Ivory......

Don't go away mad...... just go away!
Ummm, sometimes there is more negativity and arguing here than on aspd.
BTW...everyones "old" reviews from aspd or on eraps now. You still have the same user name as aspd and password. Just for those of you who didnt know.
No difference. The hobby is the same for me. All the BS and nonsense on both have zero impact on my hobby.