Lying Defaming Sexual Assaulter Trump is not found to be a rapist

... Just found out that the Judge had told the jury
that "sexual battery" could be as small as "a peck on the cheek"...

So the jury REJECTED Carroll's claim that she was raped.
And didn't even believe the claim of forcible touching.

So THIS is surely the Judge's own doing.

... And will be overturned on appeal.

... Oh ... and lemme state once again that this bad Trump fellow
is STILL the odds-on Favourite to Win in 2024.

#### Salty
  • Tiny
  • 05-10-2023, 09:15 AM
No accommodation needed as I’m a defense attorney not a plaintiffs lawyer. But let’s not get rid of them as they make me plenty of money, takes both of us for me to get paid.

I feel for Carrol as she clearly believes that plenty of bad situations happened to her. I’ve never been accused of sexual abuse, assault, battery or rape, especially not by 16-17 women. I’ve also never told anyone that I could get away with sexually assaulting women. In fact I’d say that abhorrent behavior and would never chalk it up to “locker room” banter. Never heard anyone in any locker room I’ve been in talk like that.

So now Trump is officially Lying Sexual Assaulter Trump forever more.

This is just the start for him. GA indictment is next up I believe. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
And yet, despite the pussy grabbing, the accusations of sexual assault, the one night stand with the porn star, and the long affair with the Playboy model, Trump still retains the support of Evangelical Christians. And in the last Washington Post/ABC News poll, a 7 point lead over Biden. That's not to mention the post-election shenanigans he was up to in 2020 and 2021. This shows you how badly many Americans believe Biden sucks.

I view the E. Jean Carroll trial, other New York Court proceedings, and mishandling classified documents as side shows. If you put me on a jury I'd likely find in favor of Trump on all of that.

Yes, though, Georgia could be a different matter, as well as any prosecution by the Justice Department related to the 2020 election. If Trump is convicted and sent to jail, I wonder what they'd do with the Secret Service? Station them in adjoining jail cells? Hell, maybe Trump wants that. The more he's prosecuted or persecuted, depending on your point of view, the more popular he becomes. While I seriously doubt Trump could win the general election, a jail sentence might be just what the doctor ordered to get him over the top in 2024.
He isn’t persecuted so let’s stop that silliness altogether.

I’d hate to be the Secret Service detail assigned to protect him in prison. That’d really suck.

Glad to know that you’re the type of juror that ignores the law and facts because of your feelings. Just what 1950 and 60s trials were built on in the south. Good job perpetuating that kind of justice.

As for the documents case and obstruction related thereto, I believe that’s the most likely issue that’ll screw Lying Sexual Assaulter Trump, along with the GA case.

I don’t think he’ll be convicted in the hush money case as there’s an easy solution (pleas to the misdemeanor) but his pride will likely cause him to screw that up.

Evangelical are going to side with anyone with an R by their name. Shit they backed Walker over Warnic and that had zero to do with performance at all. I wouldn’t put any stock whatsoever into evangelicals beliefs having anything to do with anything except stupidity.
  • Tiny
  • 05-10-2023, 11:25 AM
Glad to know that you’re the type of juror that ignores the law and facts because of your feelings. Just what 1950 and 60s trials were built on in the south. Good job perpetuating that kind of justice. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Au contraire. I just think our legal system sucks in certain respects. The Democrats want to put the Republicans and white businessmen in jail. The Republicans want to put the Democrats and young black men in jail. We have a higher incarceration rate than any country in the world. And on the civil side, the plaintiffs' attorneys have wrongfully bankrupted too many companies. Nobody was manufacturing propeller aircraft or silicone breast implants in the USA for a long while because the plaintiffs' attorneys ran all the manufacturers out of business. I don't believe in jailing or huge civil awards unless the prosecuted or persecuted really deserve it.

And yeah, given my feelings, in your current line of work you'd probably want me on the jury if you were trying a case.
Tiny raises some good points, especially on the civil side. However, I think that elected officials should be held to high standards regarding actions that violate public trust or interfere with the electoral process or violate that trust for self gain....on either side of the aisle. Santos is a prime example, we'll see about the former President and his associates as investigations in Georgia, Washington and NY play out.

What befuddled me is that many abide by the below adage when trying to determine that a provider is "legit", but apparently disregard it when appraising politicians:
"If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a's a duck!
Lying Sexual Assaulter Trump says he’s appealing the jury (which he really isn’t) and says the jury system is broken (has worked reasonably well for several centuries at this point). Poor Lying Sexual Assaulter Trump. He’ll be so many things he was so quick to tag others about when it’s all over. His legacy is gonna be terrible.
  • Tiny
  • 05-10-2023, 02:49 PM
Tiny raises some good points, especially on the civil side. However, I think that elected officials should be held to high standards regarding actions that violate public trust or interfere with the electoral process or violate that trust for self gain....on either side of the aisle. Santos is a prime example, we'll see about the former President and his associates as investigations in Georgia, Washington and NY play out.

What befuddled me is that many abide by the below adage when trying to determine that a provider is "legit", but apparently disregard it when appraising politicians:
"If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a's a duck! Originally Posted by reddog1951
Well stated Reddog.

A related question. A former president of the United States has never been incarcerated. Should we start now, with Trump, even given his post election shenanigans? I'd lean towards "no". Put another way, I'd cut him some slack, because he was president, while you'd hold him to a higher standard. But then I'm an anarcho-capitalist-Libertarian who ignores the law and facts because of my feelings, so have a different viewpoint from most.

In Latin America, and Latin countries in Europe, they jail ex leaders all the time. In Peru you might as well hop on the next plane after you lose an election, so you don't go to the clinker. I don't want to see that here. And I don't think that Trump represents the threat to American Democracy that many think he does. He, Giuliani and Sydney Powell were more like the gang that couldn't shoot straight.
Precious_b's Avatar
Frankly, i'm surprised that she did so well in the case. I thought they were just gonna dismiss stuff. But I guess it's that law they put on the books in New York that made it possible.

donnys defense strategy would have worked (not willing to acknowledge the claim) if he just would have kept his mouth closed about anything involving her.

We know how tight lipped he is though.
Lock him up
Lock him up
Lock him up.
  • Tiny
  • 05-10-2023, 08:00 PM
“He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword.”

Hillary take note.
Lock him up
Lock him up
Lock him up.
Well stated Reddog.

A related question. A former president of the United States has never been incarcerated. Should we start now, with Trump, even given his post election shenanigans? I'd lean towards "no". Put another way, I'd cut him some slack, because he was president, while you'd hold him to a higher standard. But then I'm an anarcho-capitalist-Libertarian who ignores the law and facts because of my feelings, so have a different viewpoint from most.

In Latin America, and Latin countries in Europe, they jail ex leaders all the time. In Peru you might as well hop on the next plane after you lose an election, so you don't go to the clinker. I don't want to see that here. And I don't think that Trump represents the threat to American Democracy that many think he does. He, Giuliani and Sydney Powell were more like the gang that couldn't shoot straight. Originally Posted by Tiny
Oh they were shooting straight. Their problem was they were using the wrong ammo.
Oh they were shooting straight. Their problem was they were using the wrong ammo. Originally Posted by Levianon17
... GREAT quote there, mate! ... TRUE, also.

#### Salty
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
civil court needs reform.

its been used to extort money from people as a money making machine due to the fact that civl court follows a lesser court standard than criminal court.
adav8s28's Avatar
I’d be less shocked if he raped her. Casting couch and all. Who woulda thought Harvey raped 10s of women. It’s pretty consistent with what Trump stated in his Access Hollywood tape. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Trump's Three step technique:

1. Mint Flavored Tic Tacs.

2. DFK without an invitation.

3. Just grab them by the pu**y.