So long, friends. I'm leaving here forever.

Seriously? If we had a forum devoted to retirement threads, it would just be one more place for some providers to place ads. Like the "Alerts" section... Just joking and I'm not referencing anything currently in the alerts section so don't get your panties in a twist.

How about the "Nah, I'm just fuckin' with ya" forum.
TexRich's Avatar
rule 1 for the forum, you can only retire once every 12 months. LOL
You Won't Have Me to Kick Around Anymore! Originally Posted by TexTushHog
... or Checkers. We are going back to California.

For the younger members of the community: Reference
Personally I see nothing wrong with folks posting that they are leaving. Some may actually feel as if they made friends while in the hobby and that they may be missed.
If you don't like the farewell posts don't read them.
I see no reason to poke fun at folks that do.
Then again if I was a shyster lawyer that no one would miss I guess I would feel the need to make fun of other folks.
LazurusLong's Avatar
hookem69horns's Avatar
When I leave ... It will be after a day and night of the wildest, craziest, nastiest and naughtiest good times with all of my favorites, in multiple combinations ... I'd be broke, tired and sore as hell but would have a grin from ear to ear, and memories to last the rest of my life!!!!

disclaimer: this is not to insinuate that I'd be "performing well or adequately well" the whole day and night ... it is just a fantasy.
TexTushHog's Avatar
... or Checkers. We are going back to California.

For the younger members of the community: Reference Originally Posted by edm_fw
At least somebody was old enough (or enough of a student of history) to get it!!
tramp76137's Avatar
Darn...I was in Califrnia, LA. when the Checkers speech was made and watched it on a Black and White TV!
am woody's Avatar
Let's not forget the chestnut..... "Thanks for the Mammaries".
ShysterJon's Avatar
You Won't Have Me to Kick Around Anymore! Originally Posted by TexTushHog
That's the perfect name for the forum! Nixon even returned to politics after vowing he never would. So when a member resigns we can say he/she did a "Nixon '62." When he/she returns we'll say they did a "Nixon '68."

btw, why did Nixon, like looiecypher, start hobbying and write 95 reviews? Because he just couldn't get it down Pat.

TheWanderer's Avatar
ShysterJon that's perfect. The old Nixon 62.
My goodbye post would be something along the lines of

"Hey everyone, I have decided to leave permanently. I am posting one last time to give y'all a chance to talk me out of it, and to focus on me for a while because I love the attention. If there are any providers out there who have seen me, or just feel sorry for me, please feel free to reach out and try to persuade me that hobbying is meant for me. Freebies, discounts, etc, could all help me to see the error in my ways. Oh, and I'm a sex addict too."

TheWanderer's Avatar
How do you tell if Nixon has been walking on the beach?
He only leaves heel marks.

Kind of the same when Lcyfr visits a thread. Looks like sea gulls have stopped by.
Just craps on it and flies away.
TexRich's Avatar

btw, why did Nixon, like looiecypher, start hobbying and write 95 reviews? Because he just couldn't get it down Pat. Originally Posted by ShysterJon

and if you do not like people who poke fun of those that make retirement threads.....take your own advice and don't read them!
Typical disrespectful comments by a bunch of insecure people.
Why not a forum for those folks that find enjoyment in belittling other members here.
You could call it the assholes and pricks forum.
It seems that the little group that is posting on this thread find immense enjoyment in constantly bashing folks and making fun.
Why do you find it so offensive or humorous that someone might actually care if they should suddenly disappear from this site and hobby?
Again some folks have actually made friends whether they be virtual or real and don't want to up and disappear and leave those friends wondering if something may have happened to them.