Speaking of marching in the streets — this happened in Michigan yesterday. Thank Trump!

Jacuzzme's Avatar
The rebel flag isn’t racist, calling someone a bigot for that reason just shows a lack of understanding of American history. ‘It’s obvious’ is no reason either, unless you’re a bigot yourself. These protesters don’t just want white people’s families set free from the current tyranny.

There's literally no reason for them to march with those flags and you know it. Literally none.

I preached daily about how the economy needs to open back up and I have not once use any form of racism and bc there's a need for that ...

They wanted to be racist because that's what they are. .

and one thing I'm not about to do is sit up on the internet and argue with someone telling me how I can't be offended. We both know the implications behind the images that were posted here and I'm not going to argue about it

bottom line they have the right to protest but the way they're doing it is ridiculous and they know it and they're doing it that way on purpose

One thing I don't do is defend myself against people who literally do not care about the feelings of others

Have a nice day
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Your (or my) feelings don’t matter, facts do. You can’t rewrite history because you’re irrationally triggered by something that isn’t, and never was, about racism.
Please stop talking to me. This post was about the right to protest. I meant what I said I do not allow people to tell me as a black person what I consider racially offensive and or insensitive. And I'm college educated so I don't need your history lesson. I will no longer reply to you so if you reply to me you will be talking to a brick wall.

Please be blessed
I VIOLATE BOARD RULES AND OPEN A BOGUS ACCOUNT and History repeats itself. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
That HOE is a 5-star statement!!
What people aren't catching on to is they don't need us anymore. We don't work for them they work for us. They want it to be the other way around. That's why I turn off the news. I don't want to hear about numbers because none of them are accurate. I don't wear a mask and I go outside and hang out with my neighbors. It's all about control. The unfortunate thing is people become more and more stressed and there maybe a spike suicides over this bullshit but they'll lump that into Coronavirus deaths. It's time we stopped fooling with these idiots. Originally Posted by Levianon17
SPEED thinks that this UNONSTITUTIONAL gumment power grab is "nothing to see here."
Our Constitutional rights are inalienable and he doesn't understand that, as smart as he thinks he is his thought process just doesn't comprehend this...sad!!
The rebel flag isn’t racist, calling someone a bigot for that reason just shows a lack of understanding of American history. ‘It’s obvious’ is no reason either, unless you’re a bigot yourself. These protesters don’t just want white people’s families set free from the current tyranny. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
That's how the civil war started, overreach buy the northern states.
One thing I don't do is defend myself against people who literally do not care about the feelings of others
Have a nice day Originally Posted by Sienna91
Tell that to Bullosey as she sit at home in her mansion insulated from this with her EVIL wealth!! Not giving a fuck about the millions who are in the financial struggle of a lifetime...compassionate liberal MY ASS!!

Can you say HYPOCRITE??
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
While I definitely don't agree with their bigotry, I say they have the right to protest.

As I've said before if this is not over by memorial Day expect all hell to break loose Originally Posted by Sienna91
Bigotry? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

at least, she knows the difference between racism and bigotry.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Yes, they should have left any racial angle out of it but I appreciate your support of the right to protest.

Yssup Rider, being a alleged Canadian, doesn't understand that the right of free speech and assembly is in our constitution - I think they have one posted at Nau's Drugstore in Montreal, BTW, if he would bother to read it. Originally Posted by friendly fred

Looks to me like Wisconsin's sent a big blue message to the redheads.
Levianon17's Avatar
SPEED thinks that this UNONSTITUTIONAL gumment power grab is "nothing to see here."
Our Constitutional rights are inalienable and he doesn't understand that, as smart as he thinks he is his thought process just doesn't comprehend this...sad!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Everyone should know that things in life change. Jobs change, people change, technology is ever changing and even we change, our views change as we grow older. Governments change too. They have the ever ending task of capturing the hearts and minds of their constituents in hopes they will mirror their endeavors for the future. They accomplish this in many different ways, one way is through Psychological Operations or Psyops. That's what this Pandemic really is. Not that there isn't a disease that people can contract and become ill but it's the manner in which it is exploited to heighten our fears and concerns and in turn many will submit and comply with the wishes of the Government. You also have to listen how the Media words descriptions and references to this Pandemic, for instance at the beginning of the Pandemic the virus was referred to as Corona, then Covid-19 and some will use Sars Covid2 the latter two sound real notorious. I've been hearing about a new normal, what ever that really means you can bet it's far from normal and nobody should settle for it.