I B Hankering's Avatar
Tea-liban and Ta-liban is there a difference. Speaking of Taliban's trust here's a fact you might not like. From 1981-1989 Ronald Reagan took the Presidency with an extreme anti-Soviet agenda which led him to fiercely support and back the Taliban to protect the US interests in the region against the Soviets. In fact a little research shows that the Taliban's rise to power was a DIRECT result of the support from the Reagan and Bush Sr administrations. Sylvester Stallone even made Rambo movies about our support of the Mujaheddin / Taliban during this time. Just thought you might appreciate a little history and if you want to know who armed Saddam with WMD's just ask and ye shall receive.


Shaking Hands: Iraqi President Saddam Hussein greets Donald Rumsfeld, then special envoy of President Ronald Reagan, in Baghdad on December 20, 1983. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Your ignorant, out-of-context and bent POV, zany, has as much relevancy and legitimacy as criticizing FDR for this picture and alliance:

Man, isn't this just the sort of story that Whirly Drudge can get all spun up about? It's like a chance.....a big chance to act like Whirly Drudge is Drudge because he can ape everything Drudge does here and Whirly Drudge can pretend like he is advancing the conservative cause by pretending he is Drudge! Isn't it exciting?! Originally Posted by timpage
Damn, that new Avatar is something else. Whew!!
The guy walked away from his unit? Not seeing that anywhere but here. There's not a very good description of the circumstances. Caught in a make-shift latrine?

Why wasn't this guy's head sliced off like so many others? Has he converted to Islam? Originally Posted by gnadfly
It was reported several years ago that he had converted to Islam.


So we traded the Taliban Dream team for a deserter? Impeach.
In the immortal words of Slow Joe Biden:

This is a big fucking deal !

boardman's Avatar
This time last week the issue was the VA which seemed to have a united front in Congress and the media.
Obama realized on day one that it was not as easy to close Gitmo as he had campaigned on. The push back on this trade has been divided between Bergdahl being of questionable character and the fact that this was done without consent. This move takes the heat off of the VA scandal but divides the opposition and opens the door for Obama to pull off another "trade". This time it will be for a model soldier and precedent will have been set. The gates will then open up and Gitmo will be emptied. Obama will have effectively met his promise to close it.
We now know exactly what Obama meant when he said "I believe in American exceptionalism with every fiber of my being".............

An America in which it's citizen does things so perverse that no other country in history would even contemplate them. Any country might do a prisoner swap, even if it meant freeing very bad people. But only an exceptional country would swap five leading terrorists in exchange for a deserter.

Any second-rate county might screw up in providing medical treatment for its veterans. But only an exceptional country would do so while at the same time providing a sex change operation for an ex-soldier who betrayed his country.

What Obama really believes in, of course, is his own exceptionalism. This belief is fully justified.

Some might point to Jimmy Carter as proof that Obama isn’t all that exceptional. Indeed, Scott refers to this stage of the time of Obama as “the killer rabbit phase,” a reference to the Carter presidency. But the perverse spectacle Obama provides goes far beyond Carter’s laughable ineffectualness.

For example, the spectacle involving the Bergdahls transcends anything Carter could have concocted (at least during his presidency). Any president can botch a complicated rescue mission, as Carter did. Only an exceptional one could produce the Homeland meets Manchurian Candidate production that Obama has delivered by securing the release of Bowe Bergdahl.

Nearly all of the exceptional elements of Obamaism are present. The president appeases a deadly enemy (recall his statement that he hopes through the exchange to gain the trust of the Taliban); makes life more dangerous for an ally we are about to abandon (Afghanistan will bear the brunt of the terrorism unleashed by the five Taliban commanders); and disregards American law (which required him to consult with Congress). Moreover, he does all of this on behalf of an anti-American deserter and his jihadist-sympathizing father.

You couldn’t make this up.

Jimmy Carter had a knack for putting himself in absurd and humiliating circumstances. But I doubt that Carter could have staged anything like the White House photo opportunity with Bergdahl’s parents.

There was Obama, embracing the Taliban’s number one American sympathizer. And there was that sympathizer, breaking into Pashto, the dialect of southern Afghanistan.

Pretty exceptional.

I suppose we should be grateful that Obama didn’t respond in Pashto.

As Bill Otis says, I’m not sure what more Obama can do to damage this country, but I’m sure we’ll soon find out.
Easy to count the fucktards who would have left a man behind as the draw down continues regardless of circumstances.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-28-2014, 09:04 AM
In the immortal words of Slow Joe Biden:

This is a big fucking deal !

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I wonder how many of you slammed Israel at the time? How many of those freed prisoners have killed more soldiers? Why do you hold our President to one standard and Israeli to another?

Israel is freeing more than 1,000 Palestinian prisoners, including hundreds serving life sentences for attacks on Israelis, in exchange for Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit who was captured by Hamas in 2006. How and why has the controversial deal come about
I wonder how many of you slammed Israel at the time? How many of those freed prisoners have killed more soldiers? Why do you hold our President to one standard and Israeli to another?

Israel is freeing more than 1,000 Palestinian prisoners, including hundreds serving life sentences for attacks on Israelis, in exchange for Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit who was captured by Hamas in 2006. How and why has the controversial deal come about Originally Posted by WTF

The Muslims are running out of their own to kill, so the Israelis are just helping them out... http://shoebat.com/2014/07/26/muslim...roughout-area/
LexusLover's Avatar
[B] From 1981-1989 .... Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Operation Cyclone began during the Carter administration, the training camps were set up during his administration, and "train-the-trainers" for the beginnings of "al Queda" were conducted in Virginia. The relationship was in place when Reagan walked in the door. One the Soviets left (or bailed) the Enron folks started dealing with the Taliban for rights to have a gas line across Afghanistan into India to feed the power plant their "international" identity was constructing with the direct assistance of the Clinton Administration, who threatened the Indians if the approvals were not completed for the plant (remember the one that "blew up")

The day before or after the Taliban showed up in Sugarland, Texas, to meet with Ken Lays bunch, Clinton ordered strikes on the "camps" in Afghanistan (killing the goats and their herders, but not getting OBL's group) and the Enron crowd raised hell with the White House... who were unaware of the meeting occurring in Sugar Land.

It's politically expedient to lay it on the Republicans ... but its a Democrat Baby... conceived and nurtured. Granted Reagan should have shit canned the deal and Bush Sr also.... it was already in motion and the "damage" in place. The opportunity to slap down the Soviets and lay a transmission line for gas was too much to overcome.
LexusLover's Avatar
The Muslims are running out of their own to kill, so the Israelis are just helping them out... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
LexusLover's Avatar
....criticizing FDR for this picture and alliance ... Originally Posted by I B Hankering
.. you might want to check in with the Eastern Europeans ...

The just got screwed again by a Democratic President.
I wonder how many of you slammed Israel at the time? How many of those freed prisoners have killed more soldiers? Why do you hold our President to one standard and Israeli to another?

Israel is freeing more than 1,000 Palestinian prisoners, including hundreds serving life sentences for attacks on Israelis, in exchange for Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit who was captured by Hamas in 2006. How and why has the controversial deal come about Originally Posted by WTF
I love when WTF puts on these rhetorical strawman suicide vests. Does Bigkotex promise you 72 Montrose virgins?

What a moronic buffoon!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Shit LLIdiot, three posts in six minutes. That might be an ECCIE record for st-st-st-stuttering!

Keep paying them premiums!
Shit LLIdiot, three posts in six minutes. That might be an ECCIE record for st-st-st-stuttering! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It was just another drunken rant from the Patriarch of the Notorious Idiot Klan, errr Clan.

Once his daily swill starts flowing, it's in total control.