Osama Bin Laden I'd dead!!!

netman's Avatar


USA! Originally Posted by what the hell
Great White Buffalo's Avatar
Thank You to the U.S Military and their Families!
uncleluke's Avatar
Significant moment in U.S History
TexRich's Avatar
Fuck You Osama Bin Laden!

Imagine the feeling of the bad ass who took the kill shot, you know he is going to be getting free beers for the rest of his life. ha ha. no one is going to be able to top his war story!
LazurusLong's Avatar
Not sure why it's taking Obama so long to announce it... Originally Posted by TexasFlip
Do you really think his speech writes and teleprompter operators are at the White House this late on a Sunday? It happened early in the day but they had to call everyone in so they could craft the proper statement by our Chicken In Chief.

MAJOR props to SEAL Team 6 for a job well done.
TexasFlip's Avatar
Chicken In Chief. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Hah! Remember, HE authorized it and HE made the call. Sheesh I'm surprised that HE didn't pull the trigger.
TexRich's Avatar
Hah! Remember, HE authorized it and HE made the call. Sheesh I'm surprised that HE didn't pull the trigger. Originally Posted by TexasFlip

whatever, it does not change how I feel about him as our President. I am more proud of our troops that risked their lives to do the job not the politician sitting comfy in the oval office making a no brainer call.
matchingmole's Avatar
whatever, it does not change how I feel about him as our President. I am more proud of our troops that risked their lives to do the job not the politician sitting comfy in the oval office making a no brainer call. Originally Posted by TexRich
I'm proud of the troops too. But if their mission would have not worked, Obama would have taken the heat. Remember Jimmy Carter and the Iranian hostage rescue fiasco.
Boltfan's Avatar
Isn't it 10 yrs to the day since Bush said "Mission Accomplished" ??
Do you think Barry announced today "just because" ?? Originally Posted by TallGuy6
Well, since this year is the 10 year anniversary of the September 11th attacks I would say that is a big NO.
TexRich's Avatar
I'm proud of the troops too. But if their mission would have not worked, Obama would have taken the heat. Remember Jimmy Carter and the Iranian hostage rescue fiasco. Originally Posted by matchingmole

as much as I do not like Obama, I would not have blamed Obama if it failed. I think those that would have would have been called out for it. it was known already that US Special Forces were in Pakistan unofficially hunting for Bin Laden. I am sure the US was not the only country there hunting for him. we are at war still, so a mission like this is not really comparable to Jimmy Carter's ineptness. I will give the President a kudos for making a call anyone one of us would have done or would like to been able to done, except those anti war folks that still think we can use diplomacy with terrorists.
TexasFlip's Avatar
whatever, it does not change how I feel about him as our President. I am more proud of our troops that risked their lives to do the job not the politician sitting comfy in the oval office making a no brainer call. Originally Posted by TexRich
We're on the same page TRich, my sarcasm didn't come across well in my post. I do know why it took Obama so long though, his speech-writers wanted to make sure that it sounded the obvious calls appeared more like calculated calls by Obama himself.

Nevertheless, history in the making. The last time I felt this good about a historical event was when the Berlin wall came down back in '89.
matchingmole's Avatar
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LazurusLong's Avatar
Not as pretty as seeing Saddam being pulled out of a spider hole but it appears that hide away was lacking in hot water and a razor...
Well, since this year is the 10 year anniversary of the September 11th attacks I would say that is a big NO. Originally Posted by Boltfan
Had the date right, year was wrong...May 1, 2003 was the "Mission Accomplished" speech.