Some Thoughts On Hunter Biden, “The Big Guy”, and Those that Dismissed This…..

matchingmole's Avatar
I don't recall any good reason to be believe you are very rich and powerful, therefore you must be... You know. The thing. Come on man.

Actually, we already knew in your case. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

Must be richer than you...since all your reviews are spa related
WTF's Avatar
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  • 04-01-2022, 06:37 PM
Does the laptop show that Hunter was using his fathers name to get access and money


Does it show what you claim it does.

I suspect the former and you’re assuming the latter. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Any objective look at this including the video of Biden meeting some of these players....shows that Hunter has major problems and is sleazy as fuck. But I've seen nothing that tied Joe Biden to any wrongdoing in this matter.

My guess is that neither Joe are Donald are that proud of Hunter or Donald jr.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Any objective look at this including the video of Biden meeting some of these players....shows that Hunter has major problems and is sleazy as fuck. But I've seen nothing that tied Joe Biden to any wrongdoing in this matter.

My guess is that neither Joe are Donald are that proud of Hunter or Donald jr. Originally Posted by WTF

it's coming. and when it does it's going to fry Biden's presidency. as far Trump he's certainly more proud of Don Jr who isn't an addict, sex addict, fucker of his dead bro's widow, and who got drummed out of the Navy.

Biden named his dog Major after Beau Biden's Army rank, but he named his other dog Champ because if he named him after Hunter the poor dog's name would have been "Crack"

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  • 04-01-2022, 07:25 PM
it's coming. and when it does it's going to fry Biden's presidency. as far Trump he's certainly more proud of Don Jr who isn't an addict, sex addict, fucker of his dead bro's widow, and who got drummed out of the Navy.

BAAHHHAAAHHAAAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
That I'd be willing to bet money not happening.

Not over this issue anyway.

Personally I do not give a shit about eithers children...Beau Biden seemed pretty stand up. I'd take him over any of the Trump kids.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That I'd be willing to bet money not happening.

Not over this issue anyway. Originally Posted by WTF

let's see if you call it all fake news like some of the far leftists here will certainly do? not that i consider you a far leftist or in DA NILE but let's see.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
One has to wonder just whom the FBI works for. Is it the highest bidder these days or what? The cover up is always worse than the crime. But why do they have to resort to crushing an innocent person's life? Someone that went out of their way to do the right thing - the right way at that. What's up with
What the ever-living F*ck is wrong with these despots!?!
DIAF is too good for them
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

I’m not sure who, but I hope this guy sues someone into oblivion.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Best, least informed line in this thread.

But I've seen nothing that tied Joe Biden to any wrongdoing in this matter.

Could that be because literally no other media than the NYPost and Fox news, ( I'm guessing neither of which are consumed by people making that statement ), covered this story? I've seen plenty of wrong doing tied to Joe by his son for one and Tony Bobulinski for another.

For 4 fucking years I was asking for the evidence Adam Schiff promised us, that he had the evidence but since it was classified, he couldn't reveal it, only to find out that not a single person Schiff had indicated told him of this evidence, ever admitted under oath that they had ever said any such thing.

Now the NYTimes and Washington Post are both now acknowledging 16 months after the fact, that indeed, it was Hunters laptop and everything on it is now presumed to have been written by Hunter and not Putin.

But will anybody that still says they haven't seen/ heard any evidence, ever admit they were wrong? My bet, no, they will not.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Found it!

Ex-CIA head Brennan on Trump attacks: I may have relied on ‘bad information’

Former head of the CIA John Brennan admitted on Monday that he may have relied on “bad information” for his relentless attacks on President Trump.
Brennan — who once warned that “our Nation’s future is at stake” — told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that he may have been misled on the extent of Trump’s connections to Russia.
“Well, I don’t know if I received bad information but I think I suspected there was more than there actually was,” Brennan said. “I am relieved that it’s been determined there was not a criminal conspiracy with the Russian government over our election.”
The former spy chief was reacting to a summary report by Attorney General William Barr released on Saturday that states there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.
Brennan still maintained that there were inappropriate attempts to communicate with the Kremlin but said he was “not all that surprised that the high bar of criminal conspiracy was not met.”
WTF's Avatar
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  • 04-01-2022, 08:15 PM
let's see if you call it all fake news like some of the far leftists here will certainly do? not that i consider you a far leftist or in DA NILE but let's see. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
So far it has been distorted news.

Have you seen the video of the meeting?

The emails?

Nothing point to Joe doing anything wrong.

It does point Hunter out as being the asdhole everyone knows him to be.
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  • 04-01-2022, 08:19 PM
Found it!

Brennan still maintained that there were inappropriate attempts to communicate with the Kremlin but said he was “not all that surprised that the high bar of criminal conspiracy was not met.” Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Did you read this part?

Personally I think are laws are too lax in this regard.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
“I am relieved that it’s been determined there was not a criminal conspiracy with the Russian government over our election.”
What a huge, steaming pile of shit. Brennan wanted nothing more than to be proven right about his ad nauseam accusations. Now, when even the leftest of the left are forced to admit it was all bullshit, he wants us to believe he’s an impartial patriot. GFY, John.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Any objective look at this including the video of Biden meeting some of these players....shows that Hunter has major problems and is sleazy as fuck. But I've seen nothing that tied Joe Biden to any wrongdoing in this matter.
That’s a joke, no? Someone of Hunter’s character would be toothless, on welfare in some tenement giving handys for another hit. Corrupt foreign corporations and politicians give zero fucks what hunter has/had to say, the ONLY reason he’s there is as daddy’s bag man.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So far it has been distorted news.

Have you seen the video of the meeting?

The emails?

Nothing point to Joe doing anything wrong.

It does point Hunter out as being the asdhole everyone knows him to be. Originally Posted by WTF

distorted by the leftist media. "Russian disinformation!"

what meeting are you jabbering about?

nothing yet ..

unless you discount this video ..
So far it has been distorted news.

Have you seen the video of the meeting?

The emails?

Nothing point to Joe doing anything wrong.

It does point Hunter out as being the asdhole everyone knows him to be. Originally Posted by WTF

How Sad. ...

#### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That I'd be willing to bet money not happening.

Not over this issue anyway.

Personally I do not give a shit about eithers children...Beau Biden seemed pretty stand up. I'd take him over any of the Trump kids. Originally Posted by WTF

oh sure! side with the dead one. bahhaaaaa

sorry sparky Trump's kids are choirboys and girl compared to Hunter. not one of them has anywhere near his scandals combined. and where there is a scandal .. there is usually a crime.