New Year Resolutions

First, good for you for being motivated to do that! I couldn't give up much junk food to be honest. I like food way too much.
Anyway, I think my resolution would be to spend more time with my family. I only see them once, at most twice a year so I need to make an effort to stay in conctact with them more often. Originally Posted by Shayla
Yeah I think that is a good idea. Especially come visit that sister that lives near my neck of the woods. Myself I told myself I would give up sugar and drink water for a change. It's my last vice and not sure if I'm just ready yet to give it up.
Im never getting BANNED again.. Originally Posted by JONBALLS
That shit ain't funny. Now stay the Fuck on Topic.
See Post#2...One of my New Year's Resolutions is to FUCK her. Yes, I'm resolved!

Good luck OP on yours!!! Happy New Year!

Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
Yeah I think that is a good idea... Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
Thanks babe. I agree!!!
Edit: Fucked up, this time I did. rrabit is a guy, a MOD. Sorry dude! Zero flirtatious here.
Resolutions...for 2012

To travel to some more places I have not been.

Do some kind of volunteer work in a 3rd World country - A friend traveled to Cameroon for 2 weeks volunteering with the schools there, her experience was amazing.

Try Scuba Diving as I have yet to do so...

So many more things.. hmmm.. mine actually sounds more like a Bucket List than a NY's resolution
Tori Hastings's Avatar

It was very, very hard to quit drinking sugared drinks. I went through some detox with it, but finally got past it.

It can be done. You can do it. It's a wonderful resolution.

How long did it take you to quit drinking sugared drinks? I'm thinking of just trying some flavored water first before I just go cold turkey. I've been caffeine/nicotine free for years but that was hard. I'm thinking sugar might be near impossible. Wish me luck
cabletex7's Avatar
More pussy.
Less sugar.
Tori Hastings's Avatar

It took a lot of willpower actually lol Willpower takes time. I do not suggest the flavored water as the artificial sweeteners are worse than real sugar. Honestly, once you just stop drinking the crap, you'll CRAVE water. It probably took me a few weeks to not want the other stuff to drink.

Of course, I'm also a juicer. I did the "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" juice fast in November and lost quite a bit of weight with it. Then of course, the holidays rolled around and I ate normal again, along with drinking sweet tea (still no pop) but sugar is sugar - and it depresses the immune system.

Juicing takes a while to get used to... but you can drink as much as you want every day. I was doing that along with drinking a bunch of water. Still not as much water as I should have been drinking.

I'm working on the water thing again. I stopped drinking the sweet tea. I detoxed for 2 days after not drinking that. Headaches galore.

Once you stop drinking the sugared drinks, you will have headaches or detox in some form... just so you know.

Anyway, I have a goal for myself of drinking 4 1/2 quarts per day of water, PLUS my juice when I start my juice fast again, which will probably be Dec. 27th.

I know when I started the juicing and got off the sugared drinks, I looked and felt like a different person. My family even said my skin looked healthier and my eyes were bright.

Anyway, if you're interested in learning more about "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" just search it on hulu and you'll see the movie there. It's about 1 1/2 hours long, but sooo interesting.

Good luck, rrabbit. Just make sure to have plenty of bottled water. (I like mine cold).

Oh, and if you can afford it - the best bottled water to drink (according to a health nut I know) is They can deliver if there's a store in your area, or you can more than likely pick it up at any health food store. It's delicious, and it doesn't have any of the crap that's in regular bottled water.

This is probably the size of the bottles I would buy - but when you think of it - if I'm drinking 4 1/2 of these a day - it would only last me a couple days at a time - so if you do the same thing - buy a few cases to stay ahead and not go without.

An interesting fact about bottled water (I won't name brands, but it has a red label with white lettering) is that almost every bottle that I have drank of it tastes different. The health nut I know told me that bottled water like that one and other brands have a lot of acid in them. The Mountain Valley Spring Water brand doesn't. It's free of everything yucky you wouldn't want to drink.

Anyway, I've babbled on and on about this, but I really do feel strongly about water and getting myself in shape in 2012 and hope I've helped you in some way.
Mine is the same as the last 2 years. I will be going on year number 3 with zero alcohol. Oh and this year I really want to stop drinking soda. I know that is what is causing me to hold on to the extra 15 lbs I need to lose. It's just so hard with the caffeine withdrawal headaches. Urgh I'm so weak.
That shit ain't funny. Now stay the Fuck on Topic. Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
Naww, I just came back to laugh again!! my newyears resolution starts........................ NOW!!
Naomi4u's Avatar
My new year's resolution...

Spend more time with my family.

Take a break from work

To travel more! I want to go to Bermuda next!

To workout even more!

Get new/bigger boobies (Surgery date is already set!)

To tone it down a bit and stop being such a biatch on eccie.

I'm with Arianne.. mine is more like a bucket list.
See Post#2...One of my New Year's Resolutions is to FUCK her. Yes, I'm resolved!

Good luck OP on yours!!! Happy New Year!

Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
My new year's resolution...

Spend more time with my family.

Take a break from work

To travel more! I want to go to Bermuda next! (try Houston babe, as in frequently-we've got streets/buildings that look exotic too!)

To workout even more!

Get new/bigger boobies (Surgery date is already set!)

To tone it down a bit and stop being such a biatch on eccie.

I'm with Arianne.. mine is more like a bucket list. Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
My First New Year's Resolution: see Post#27, to Fuck her!!!

Damn, this is going to be a great year of accomplishing all of my NY's Resolutions!
My number one resolution for 2012 is to get in shape. I'm pondering starting P90x, pilates, and yoga - and really going balls-to-the-wall with it. Originally Posted by Tori Hastings
That's awesome, Tori and best of luck with that!

I've been working out about 6 days a week for the past 3 years or so now, and I'm familiar with P90x and well... it's no hype!

If you buy the DVDs and really work them to the best of your abilities, you will definitely see serious results! It really is an awesome program, because not only is it incredibly physically demanding, but also because it provides great diet plans to go with it.

What many people fail to realize is that the diet part is just as important and the exercise part. I see lots of people at the gym who do hours of cardio, but still eat junk and their results are minimal.

The secret is to really embrace both diet and exercise as a permanent lifestyle and to find a way to enjoy that lifestyle.

I think why most people fail or give up is because they don't see huge results overnight and so they get discouraged. The reality is that you are probably not going to see amazing results overnight. You have to see it in the long term, not the short term. Make it your new lifestyle, be committed to that lifestyle, work hard but have patience and you will get there!

If you ever have any questions, need advice or even just a little encouragement, please don't hesitate to PM me.

Good luck!
Mine is the same as the last 2 years. I will be going on year number 3 with zero alcohol. Urgh I'm so weak. Originally Posted by Audrina Monroe
You, and all the others here (and there are several) have my whole-hearted support and prayers in alcohol abstinence. And you are not weak!! Your reaction, both physical and emotional is normal.

Get new/bigger boobies (Surgery date is already set!) Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
Z, DON'T!! Ok, it's your body, and do so if you must. But yours are already larger than I like, and you're making them larger??? Anyway, that's my own personal opinion, and I know what you think of that, lol.

Before you go, please take a gander at this: All you need to read is Post #1.