Little Monster, you're just being contentious. Theft is alert-worthy, period. Like a child, you chastised someone for expressing their thoughts (which surely represents the thoughts of many), and yet, you think it's okay for ONLY YOU to express your thoughts (while claiming to speak for many).
Poor form, Chap.
Originally Posted by 3daygetaway
Wrong I chastised someone for posting a childish comment on one of my reviews and being an asshole whom I don't like. Another gent expressed the same view as he did, but he's a personal friend so I have no issue with his post.
I have admitted over and over to being a childish person and will continue to be.
However this is the second time in less than two weeks you have came at me, so it's obvious that you're looking for a fight. Well you have come to the right guy.
*ding* *ding* let's roll bitch!