Still Banned

boardman's Avatar
Mr Clever's Avatar
Just a heads up. . .

Board rule # 27 - ECCIE policy regarding the discussion of competing websites is intended to exhibit a straight-forward and simple approach. We do not disallow mention of other sites here at ECCIE, however we ask that you limit those discussions to the "Other Hobby Sites" thread located in the Member Suggestions and Feedback forum. This is the area that we have designated as being an appropriate outlet for these types of discussions. Posts of this nature made in other forums throughout the board will be merged into this location. If you find these types of posts in your local forums, please use the RTM function to report them to staff. Originally Posted by ANONONE
I have nothing else to say.....Dear Hunter has pretty much summed it up.

Literally rolling my eyes and shaking my head.....

Well come on over and let's have a new beginning.
We can discuss it all you want. Originally Posted by Deuce Bigalow
Mr Clever's Avatar
clever if you were on our board we would ban your ass over there too! Originally Posted by Big Jake
Shit, even I proceed with caution over their. Last thing I need is a freaking goat head up my ass.
dearhunter's Avatar
A certain dead mod told me it only hurts the first time.............I'm just saying.

I dance among the cow patties without a care in the world.
carkido45's Avatar
Awww darn it I missed it all.
Yeah ERAPS sent me an email too but I didn't try to join them or log on.
I already tried about month ago, received the same banned for ever thing Mr.Clever got.
I guess Mr.Clever and I are just a ban of brothers.
Eraps can kiss my ass and so can Duece
Awww darn it I missed it all.
Yeah ERAPS sent me an email too but I didn't try to join them or log on.
I already tried about month ago, received the same banned for ever thing Mr.Clever got.
I guess Mr.Clever and I are just a ban of brothers.
Eraps can kiss my ass and so can Duece Originally Posted by carkido45
I assume you are carkido44. You were banned by the old board, not the current staff. You are longer banned and if you want to discuss it further, please see Deuce's post. And no one is gonna kiss your ass either.
dearhunter's Avatar
carkido is too funny..................bad ass want-a-be.
TexasGator's Avatar
I guess Mr.Clever and I are just a ban of brothers.
Eraps can kiss my ass and so can Duece Originally Posted by carkido45
You are longer banned and if you want to discuss it further, please see Deuce's post. And no one is gonna kiss your ass either. Originally Posted by Merlin
carkido is too funny..................bad ass want-a-be. Originally Posted by dearhunter
ferdburf's Avatar
Wait, who said free willie? I'll take anything that's free!!!
I just love to see people quoting the guidelines. It just makes me feel so.......warm and special inside!

TexasGator...that pic is priceless!
dearhunter's Avatar
I guess Mr.Clever and I are just a ban of brothers. Originally Posted by carkido45
If that is not enough of a reason to do what it takes to get your membership going, nothing will...............I am just saying.
dearhunter's Avatar
I just love to see people quoting the guidelines. It just makes me feel so.......warm and special inside!

TexasGator...that pic is priceless! Originally Posted by St.Christopher
Scripture is often quoted........seldom followed.
Originally Posted by TexasGator
Damn it man!
Quit posting my pic!
Sarcastro's Avatar
Okay, everyone: Anonone quotes the guidelines. St. C feels warm and fuzzy about them. DH observes their existence with benign indifference. I am tasked with their implementation.

Please feel free to discuss other hobby sites at the following thread:

Other Hobby Sites
