
cowboy8055's Avatar
Yup but DEMS saw the light and abandoned the KKK while the GOP David Duke, et al., haven't.....

Bottom line cuckservatives whether they wear white robes or black turbans all thinck the same....js Originally Posted by Celso
Meanwhile Hillary and her women abusing husband have taken millions from Muslim countries which are terrible towards women and gays. Much of that while she was Sec of State. Ya, no conflict of interest there LOL. No wonder she used a private email server.
Meanwhile Hillary and her women abusing husband have taken millions from Muslim countries which are terrible towards women and gays. Much of that while she was Sec of State. Ya, no conflict of interest there LOL. No wonder she used a private email server. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Yet that pales in comparison to what Bush/Cheney took from their Muslim pals!
Oh and the kicker was when these two War Criminals let Osama Bin Laden (The Ally they created) excape when US Special Forces had him cornered in Tora Bora!!!....
roscoe14850's Avatar
Yup but DEMS saw the light and abandoned the KKK while the GOP David Duke, et al., haven't.....

Bottom line cuckservatives whether they wear white robes or black turbans all thinck the same....js Originally Posted by Celso
So the ones wearing the black turbans are cuckservaties. The same ones Obama won't call out because he doesn't want to offend their sensibilities & that have their hand up Hillary's ass like a puppet. Got it.
Tune inta that Cuck Blowhard Rush Limpblahhhh and he'll splain it all ta ya, in terms ya can understand.....

Rush like Trump luvs da.....

cowboy8055's Avatar
Yet that pales in comparison to what Bush/Cheney took from their Muslim pals!
Oh and the kicker was when these two War Criminals let Osama Bin Laden (The Ally they created) excape when US Special Forces had him cornered in Tora Bora!!!.... Originally Posted by Celso
I won't defend Bush and Chaney. Can't stand them but they're not running for president. Hillary is a pathological liar who's never seen a dollar she doesn't like. Not a good combo. Her and hubby have gotten millions from Muslim countries who abuse women and gays. But I guess since she's a Dem it's not really an issue. But she'll reign in Wall St after getting millions from them in speaking fees. At least we have that
Hillary is a pathological liar who's never seen a dollar she doesn't like. Not a good combo. Her and hubby have gotten millions from Muslim countries who abuse women and gays. But I guess since she's a Dem it's not really an issue. But she'll reign in Wall St after getting millions from them in speaking fees. At least we have that Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Come on Trump trumps her as a pathological liar BIGTIME!!!
Trump is a weasel FRAUD who fits right in with Madoff, Enron et all., in Wall St. Proof is the way he hides his Tax returns from us!!! You forget Trump University and all who Trump defrauded that trumps what Hillary did!!!

Never ceases to amaze how Cucks are sooooo impressed by big mouth BLOWHARDS like Trump and his clones here!!! Seems like the bigger the BLOWHARD is, the more Cucks delude he must be telling the truth!!!....
  • Bluee
  • 06-24-2016, 09:08 AM
Yup but DEMS saw the light and abandoned the KKK while the GOP David Duke, et al., haven't.....

Bottom line cuckservatives whether they wear white robes or black turbans all thinck the same....js Originally Posted by Celso

I'm guessing history is not one of your stronger suits.

While democrats were busy creating the KKK, republicans we busy abolishing slavery and giving equal rights to blacks.
  • Bluee
  • 06-24-2016, 09:14 AM
Yet that pales in comparison to what Bush/Cheney took from their Muslim pals!
Oh and the kicker was when these two War Criminals let Osama Bin Laden (The Ally they created) excape when US Special Forces had him cornered in Tora Bora!!!.... Originally Posted by Celso
Once again you have proven that you have very very weak grasp of history. 9/11 wouldn't have happened had bill Clinton not let Osama go free in 1998 after the us embassy bombing in Kenya.
He tends to not let facts get in the way of his blathering.....
I'm guessing history is not one of your stronger suits.

While democrats were busy creating the KKK, republicans we busy abolishing slavery and giving equal rights to blacks. Originally Posted by Bluee
Sheeesssshh!!! Your the one that flunked history Boo.....

REPS never gave a rats ass bout blacks then or NOW!!!
The only reason REPs freed slaves was to severely disrupt the Confederate slave economy that NEEDED slave labor to survive. Today your GOP 'so called black supporters' have been doing ALL they can in their RED States to take blacks off Voter rolls and disenfranchise them by any nefarious means they can dream up!
Once again you have proven that you have very very weak grasp of history. 9/11 wouldn't have happened had bill Clinton not let Osama go free in 1998 after the us embassy bombing in Kenya. Originally Posted by Bluee
Again ya gets a F in history Boo....

Reagan, Cheney, Rummy and other Cuckservative Fucking Crazies, as Colin Powell called them, CREATED Osama and his AQ back in the 80s when they were ALL ALLIES together fighting the Ruskies in Afghanistan!!!! Watch the Flick, Charlie Wilson's War, which will splain this all very nicely for ya!!! Reagan, Cheney, Rummy et al., showed Osama how to take down the USSR. Reagan, Cheney, Rummy also made promises to their PAL Osama, then RENEGED on those promises....in effect stabbing their PAL Osama in the back!!! Osama vowed revenge and said he would get even with Reagan, Cheney, Rummy for abandoning him. 9/11 was Osama's revenge for Reagan, Cheney, Rummy stabbing him in the back and NOT keeping the promises they all made him.

Oh and Bill Clinton, through Richard Clarke, DID give Dubya a security brief detailing all this, along with potential attacks by Osama on the USA, before leaving office!!! However Dubya just tossed it aside and went on one of his MANY unearned vacations.....and 9/11 occurred a couple weeks later!!!....
He tends to not let facts get in the way of his blathering..... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Now this is sooooo stoooopid but expected from ya Paulie!!!......

Mose wrote a song with lyrics soooo befitting of ya....enjoy!!!.....

Watch the Flick, Charlie Wilson's War, which will splain this all very nicely for ya!!! Originally Posted by Celso

cowboy8055's Avatar
Reagan, Cheney, Rummy and other Cuckservative Fucking Crazies, as Colin Powell called them, CREATED Osama and his AQ back in the 80s when they were ALL ALLIES together fighting the Ruskies in Afghanistan!!!!
Originally Posted by Celso
Actually that whole thing started in the late 70's during the Carter adm. That was the brain child of Zbigniew Brzezinski. It was his idea to support the Mujahideen against the Russians. In the late 80's the Taliban and Al-Qaeda came out of that group.
cowboy8055's Avatar
Never ceases to amaze how Cucks are sooooo impressed by big mouth BLOWHARDS like Trump and his clones here!!! Seems like the bigger the BLOWHARD is, the more Cucks delude he must be telling the truth!!!.... Originally Posted by Celso
What's funny is watching Hillary zombies defend her. A truly clueless bunch. They don't get more corrupt than her.
Actually that whole thing started in the late 70's during the Carter adm. That was the brain child of Zbigniew Brzezinski. It was his idea to support the Mujahideen against the Russians. In the late 80's the Taliban and Al-Qaeda came out of that group. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
True Ziggy was just as bat shit crazy as yer neocon Fucking Crazies. Yet still at the behest of the MIC who will do anything ta make a buck, Reagan and all his war mongers jumped on this expanding this as only they can, like a fat kid on smarties......js
What's funny is watching Hillary zombies defend her. A truly clueless bunch. They don't get more corrupt than her. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Trump DEF TRUMPS her in this repect....only a more clueless fool couldn't see this....js