Dan Patrick: Texas Nut Case

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Timmie, can you guarantee me, on your life, that not one terrorist has crossed the Texas border?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
It is entirely possible that the man that stole Dewhearst's campaign money may have been responsible for Patrick winning the primary. Dewhearst should never have run for Senate.
Timmie, can you guarantee me, on your life, that not one terrorist has crossed the Texas border? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Weren't you the one posting up that there was PROOF that multiple ISIS terrorists had crossed the southern border just a few days ago?

What happened to that utter fabrication that lacks even a tiny shred of proof? Oh, it disappeared..... like 99% of the rest of your made-up fantasy bullshit.
It is entirely possible that the man that stole Dewhearst's campaign money may have been responsible for Patrick winning the primary. Dewhearst should never have run for Senate. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Yeah, he was convicted a couple of days ago. But, nobody in Texas is paying attention to that.

It all revolves around who can bleat the most about who is the most conservative. Dan Patrick is a dangerous lunatic with zero qualifications to be Lt. Gov. He's a right-wing whack-job whose primary credential is being a right-wing whack-job AM talk radio host. This is who is leading the republicans in Texas now.

I disagree with almost everything Dewhurst did during his tenor as Lt. Gov. But, I was reasonably sure that he wasn't crazy or dangerous and that he would work to do what was in all Texans' best interests. Can't say the same for Patrick.

He is a joke and he makes Texas look like a joke. Same as our retarded governor blathering around during a nationally televised debate where he can't remember what his primary platform planks are.....it's sad. The state that produced LBJ, John Connally, John Tower, Barbara Jordan, and on and on.....we're now reduced to clowns like Dan Patrick.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-23-2014, 07:40 AM
Timmie, can you guarantee me, on your life, that not one terrorist has crossed the Texas border? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Can you prove to me, on your life, that not one dick has crossed your rectum region?

Damn...is Dan the best we can do for AG? Does he really think border security is his number one job?

gfejunkie's Avatar
Damn...is Dan the best we can do for AG? Originally Posted by WTF
Looking that way...

the odds are in his favor since only 7 Republicans have been Lt. Gov of Texas in 168 years
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I do not fault Perry for his unfortunate debate appearance just a few weeks after undergoing back surgery and trying to campaign while taking medication to alleviate the pain. The facts are that Texas has prospered under Perry and Dewhurst and we still do not have a state income tax which is the most egregious of all taxes.

Patrick is the worst of the far right and no better than those on the left. I do not want a Christian Mullah deciding our fate based on what he believe God is telling him is best for us all. We may as well accept Sharia too.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Weren't you the one posting up that there was PROOF that multiple ISIS terrorists had crossed the southern border just a few days ago?

What happened to that utter fabrication that lacks even a tiny shred of proof? Oh, it disappeared..... like 99% of the rest of your made-up fantasy bullshit. Originally Posted by timpage

I guess it depends on how YOU define terrorist. We arrested many people who have crossed the border with criminal records, gang affiliations, diseases, and what not. Anyone of them could be classified as a terrorist. Of course if you're racist as Timmie sounds then his terrorist is Middle Eastern, wears a head scarf and beard. Don't be stupid or racist Timmie. A terrorist could be ten years old and intentionally infected with a serious disease to transmit to YOU in Texas.
I do not fault Perry for his unfortunate debate appearance just a few weeks after undergoing back surgery and trying to campaign while taking medication to alleviate the pain. The facts are that Texas has prospered under Perry and Dewhurst and we still do not have a state income tax which is the most egregious of all taxes.

Patrick is the worst of the far right and no better than those on the left. I do not want a Christian Mullah deciding our fate based on what he believe God is telling him is best for us all. We may as well accept Sharia too. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
If there was a Bob Bullock on the Democrat side, I would be tempted to vote for him.

But alas, Texas Democrats are not the Texas Democrats of years gone by.
I do not fault Perry for his unfortunate debate appearance just a few weeks after undergoing back surgery and trying to campaign while taking medication to alleviate the pain. The facts are that Texas has prospered under Perry and Dewhurst and we still do not have a state income tax which is the most egregious of all taxes.

Patrick is the worst of the far right and no better than those on the left. I do not want a Christian Mullah deciding our fate based on what he believe God is telling him is best for us all. We may as well accept Sharia too. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Is that what it was? An "unfortunate debate appearance?"
If there was a Bob Bullock on the Democrat side, I would be tempted to vote for him.

But alas, Texas Democrats are not the Texas Democrats of years gone by. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Horseshit. There are a plethora of democrats in Texas who have been and who continue to be ready, willing and able to negotiate, compromise and do whatever is necessary to work with Republicans on legislation benefiting all Texans. Unfortunately, the GOP in Texas has been taken over by looney tunes like Dan Patrick to whom the word "compromise" or "negotiate" is an unknown.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Horseshit. There are a plethora of democrats in Texas who have been and who continue to be ready, willing and able to negotiate, compromise and do whatever is necessary to work with Republicans on legislation benefiting all Texans. Unfortunately, the GOP in Texas has been taken over by looney tunes like Dan Patrick to whom the word "compromise" or "negotiate" is an unknown. Originally Posted by timpage
To not compromise or negotiate is to be a "looney tune".

I won, you lost--Barack Obama, 2010. So Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi are all "looney tunes". Good to know.