Appreciation: A question posed to both sides of the playing field

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Wow folks, some of these gestures are really amazing. Thanks for sharing!

I suppose it's time that I share something that I have done for one of my most favorite ladies. She's younger (early to mid-20's), not that it really matters.

I guess one of my best, as it turns out, was something quite basic and inexpensive, yet originally personal, which soon became priceless. This particular provider had informed me that she would be back in town around her birthday. Not knowing when, I asked. So, she divulged what her birthday was to me. And I saw her two days after it.

Based on her age I went back in time, so to speak, and created a Microsoft Word document of a calendar page of the month/year she was born. The background was one color. The month/year were another color, and days of the week in still another color, both of which were time of year appropriate for the calendar page, and was written in a fancy-looking script. The numbers were in another color as well.

The real kicker was that I enlarged her particular birthdate so it stood out and made it yet a different color from the rest. At the bottom of the page, I then inserted a stylish, picturesque, and time of year appropriate, graphic art image from one of the "Royalty Free" websites on the inter-net. The background, birthdate, and image at the bottom of the page were all done up in her favorite colors.

I saved this particular work on a flash drive, took it to Kinko’s, and had them print, laminate, and trim it down for me. After which, I finished it off by placing it into a size appropriate frame I had at home, that was not being used. I wrapped it up in giftwrap, complete with a bow and ribbon; and I presented it to her as the final gift of many to her as part of a special birthday celebration session.

She was very gracious and said that she loved it, giving me a big hug and kiss. Upon a subsequent session with her I asked about it, and she told me that she has it hanging in her bedroom at home. Her telling me that really made me feel good! It was a simple, sweet, and subtle yet a very personal and impressionable surprise for her, which turned out to be a home run for me.