President’s intelligence briefing book repeatedly cited virus threat

What’s palpable is the narcissism of the great leader. He allowed Xi to smooth his fragile ego with parades and lies and lead the country into collapse. China plays the long game while the great leader plays for headlines and admiration.

It’s going to be a tuff job for the Biden collation to pull the the country from the burning debris created by the great leader. But as the great leader often remarks” we’ll see what happens “ Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Try as you might with all of your TDS bullshit, Trump continues to be several steps ahead of the left and the Chi-Coms, etc.

You deflected from basically everything I said with another Orange Man Bad tirade with no relevance.
sportfisherman's Avatar
It all comes down to what a president wants,the narrative and how to shape it.

George W. wanted to go in to Iraq and he got it wrong on WMD.

Chump did not want to introduce anything that would mess up his re-election plans.

Chump ignored his intel and guess what - He got it wrong !!
Another Jaxoff247 thread of the same disproved subject. House and Senate were trying to impeach Trump. Trump was called racist when he stop flights from Wuhan. Pelosi: Come to Chinatown. Join us.

Nothing to see here. AGAIN! Move along. AGAIN!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Another Jaxoff247 thread of the same disproved subject. House and Senate were trying to impeach Trump. Trump was called racist when he stop flights from Wuhan. Pelosi: Come to Chinatown. Join us.

Nothing to see here. AGAIN! Move along. AGAIN! Originally Posted by gnadfly
House and Senate trying to impeach the great leader....that’s horse shit and you know it. The freedom caucus were never going to impeach trump form the beginning . Simple math of more racist pig fuckers in the Trump party than Republicans in the GOP.

He’s called a racist because he’s a pig fucking racist.

There’s Brietbart, National Enquirer and WWE postings elsewhere, move along.
  • oeb11
  • 04-28-2020, 02:56 PM
j66- in denial of the facts of the DPST leadership behavior.

Next comes the "Racist" and Hitler repetition - because U have nothing else.

Get some Help!!!
Jaxson66's Avatar
j66- in denial of the facts of the DPST leadership behavior.

Next comes the "Racist" and Hitler repetition - because U have nothing else.

Get some Help!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
O great professor of Eccie internet psychology you can save that shit sandwich for the great leaders hungry masses. There’s millions of the old gray racists who still believe trump over their lying eyes and ears, there’s your market. Sell that shit to them.
  • oeb11
  • 04-28-2020, 04:28 PM
There is it is - regular as a broken cock that is correct twice a day.
"Racist" - the default epithet of the Fascist DPST's - dictated by the NYT editorial office.

How does it feel to be a tool and a stooge to the NYT and their marxist masters, j66???
Get some help

hatred is self destructive - before u do your self In.
Jaxson66's Avatar
There is it is - regular as a broken cock that is correct twice a day.
Oh my, now I have a broken cock. This is devastating to learn professor...when I get to hell I bet it straightens out

"Racist" - the default epithet of the Fascist DPST's - dictated by the NYT editorial office.

This is still America, I’ll call it as I see it.

How does it feel to be a tool and a stooge to the NYT and their marxist masters, j66???
Get some help

hatred is self destructive - before u do your self In.

Do myself in? Get this straight you fat headed trump piss need to practice your Eccie internet psychology on shit swallowing trumpsters, their more your kind of pt. Originally Posted by oeb11
Lapdog's Avatar
..the words: ‘President’s Intelligence’ paired Originally Posted by Solemate62
That word pairing is a marriage made in hell, isn't it?
bambino's Avatar
That word pairing is a marriage made in hell, isn't it? Originally Posted by Lapdog
How would you know?
Jaxson66's Avatar
How would you know? Originally Posted by bambino
Speaking of knowing, what did the great leader know about Xi’s lies and when did he know it?

Nancy is wondering the same thing, stand by , lots more on the way.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Sportfisherman, those folks are busy learning the new conspiracy propaganda from Brietbart, Levin, and Fox opinion network. They have little interest in following reporters who stay focused. They’re more interested in placing blame on anyone but the great leader.

Btw, I got a bad case of cabin fever and a boat booked in May to get out on the water and pop a cork, Covid19 be damned. Fish on dude. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
"New conspiracy propaganda" sounds like you have your own conspiracy theory. Pray tell us what this "new" propaganda is.
bambino's Avatar
Speaking of knowing, what did the great leader know about Xi’s lies and when did he know it?

Nancy is wondering the same thing, stand by , lots more on the way. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Well, Nancy stood at the gates of China Town and told people to come and party in March. She also was eating fancy ice cream in her 300k kitchen last week. Ask her!!!!!
Danielle Silver's Avatar
Its a debate..
There isn't any harrassment going on.
There is such a thing as
Come on jason66. You do realize that trump and his supporters can't read. (Back on topic maybe if they read it on faux n friends???