Democrats' Zika Playbook: Block Solutions, Let the Problem Get Worse, Then Blame It On Republicans

The Federal government needs $2 Billion for a mosquito eradication program in South Texas and South Florida? Please don't say "yes"!

If the Democrats want

.."an up or down vote on the funds that are said to be needed"

... then ask for what's "needed" and quit tagging on pork!

Can you explain in 10 words or less why PP "needs" Zika funds?

The Democrats KNOW the Republicans are going to vote "yes" for that! Originally Posted by LexusLover

There are currently 1,825 Zika cases in the US. Including Puerto Rico and US territories, there's an additional 5,548 cases.

For every child born with microcephaly, the cost could run into the millions for life time care.

You want to tell me in 10 words or less why you give a shit if PP is allocated any funds for testing for Zika (which is sexually transmitted as well as by mosquito) when this could be a very expensive health crisis for everyone?
The Federal government needs $2 Billion for a mosquito eradication program in South Texas and South Florida? Please don't say "yes"!

If the Democrats want

.."an up or down vote on the funds that are said to be needed"

... then ask for what's "needed" and quit tagging on pork!

Can you explain in 10 words or less why PP "needs" Zika funds? Originally Posted by LexusLover
So there won't be a lot more pointy headed people as dumb as you are.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Munchkin demonstrates the political struggle going on. The House voted to provide money for Zika research (which according to Obama is critical) but they don't like it because it is not exactly the way they want it so the democrats killed the process because they can't have their way. The people be damned and especially the children. In 1971 the US, under pressure from the radical environmentalists, the new EPA, and the democratic party, stopped using DDT and called for a world wide ban. 16-20 million people have died since then from mosquito borne illnesses. Now that decision is coming back to bite us in the ass.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
One thing the White House has done is to put up signs telling the Mosquitos that it is a


That'll show em.
LexusLover's Avatar
There are currently 1,825 Zika cases in the US. Including Puerto Rico and US territories, there's an additional 5,548 cases.


You want to tell me in 10 words or less why you give a shit if PP is allocated any funds for testing for Zika (which is sexually transmitted as well as by mosquito) when this could be a very expensive health crisis for everyone? Originally Posted by RelaxationJunkie
How many of those 7,000+/- cases were contracted in this country?

Less that 10 words: Zika is added to the list of STDs. 8 words!

How much does that cost PP?

Although I do realize that PP will probably need a "Training Seminar" for a week in Las Vegas to instruct staff members on how to tell someone who wanders into a PP facility not to fuck without a condom or other protection because you might catch ZiKa! I know it will take five days of 8 hours of days to conduct adequate training for all of the staff members, because most of them are liberal whiners and that means they are extraordinarily dumb and need remedial training to comprehend the overwhelming task of saying:

"Don't fuck without a condom because you might catch ZiKa!"

I'm informed through the media I could have it, but I don't know it! Does it make a guy's dick head smaller? IJA As a consequence I don't fuck hookers without a condom!!!!! I certainly wouldn't want to give them something that they don't know they have ... and probably won't!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
While the Senate democrats filibustered the Zika bill passed by the House, the White House is still holding onto 2.7 billion set aside for Ebola. They refuse to spend it....why? Is $400 million missing?
lustylad's Avatar
You didn't even get my proposal right.... Your lying crown was never in the negotiations. I knew better than to think I could wear it like you.

Now fuck off.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Not surprising to see you confirm that you are an irredeemable cocksucker without an ounce of integrity. Perhaps I had a glimmer of hope you might admit the Democrats are wrong for once. Concede that their conduct is disgraceful, deceitful, bad for the country, destructive of public health and doesn't pass the smell test. But that would require you to be honest and objective, two qualities you are forever lacking.

But then, I thought surely you would admit you were wrong about your initial posts. Your lies were so egregious, especially after I exposed them to daylight. Let's start with the first lie:

The repubs put defunding planned parenthood above public health. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
The bill has NOTHING to do with planned parenthood. The Republicans tried to defund PP earlier in the current session of Congress and lost. PP held onto all of its taxpayer funding. Nothing in this bill threatens it. So your claim is a lie! Admit it, little boy.

Let's move on to your Lie No. 2:

Planned parenthood had nothing to do with this bill but they had to stick it to the American people while making political points. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
The only way for you to make this a true statement is to say you meant DEMOCRATS when you said "they". Republicans were perfectly willing to pass a bill that had nothing to do with Planned Parenthood. The Dems are the ones who injected PP into the discussion. So your claim is just another complete lie! Admit it, you little shit.

Dickmuncher Lie No. 3:

It cuts $540 million in Affordable Care Act funding.... Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
What is particularly annoying about so many of your lies is that you persist in making them even though they were already directly refudiated in the OP. This means either: 1) you can't read or comprehend properly or 2) you knowingly and deliberately spread false information.... which is it, assmuncher?

You're like the retarded kid who holds back the entire 3rd grade class because he keeps making the teacher repeat lessons everyone else has grasped. Here you go again, dimwit, from my OP:

The Administration in February requested $1.9 billion for Zika research, education and prevention. Last month the Senate and House agreed to a $1.1 billion compromise that was offset by $543 million in leftover ObamaCare funds when Puerto Rico chose to expand Medicaid rather than set up exchanges.... the Administration currently has $385 million in reprogrammed Ebola funds at its disposal. Only about half of that has been obligated.... the Administration continues to insist it needs more money even though it can’t spend the money it has fast enough.
As anyone can see, the bill doesn't "cut $540 million in ACA funding" at all. That's a lie. Admit it, you little faggot. The compromise bill merely reassigns ACA funds that cannot and will not be spent for their originally earmarked purpose. Meanwhile, Odumbo is sitting on leftover Ebola money while the health crisis worsens by the day.

Of course, all this obfuscation by spendthrift Democrats is familiar to anyone who pays attention to the games played in Washington. The Republicans generally try to be good stewards of taxpayer money (even if they don't always succeed). The Dems act like little kids habitually scheming for ways to increase their allowances, instead of being resourceful with what they already have.

So what else does the dickmuncher bring up in his rambling, incoherent, lying rant? Oh yeah, something about the Confederate flag. Now who the fuck put THAT into a Zika funding bill? Didn't I hear the assmuncher whining a minute ago? Oh yeah, here it is again:

Planned parenthood had nothing to do with this bill but they had to stick it to the American people while making political points. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Here's a tip for you, assmuncher – Substitute the words "Confederate flag" for "Planned parenthood" and keep right on bitching. Now guess which party is gumming up an urgently needed public health bill with BOTH of these unrelated side-issues and political hand grenades? I'll give you a hint.

While they may not like sucking cock as much as you and assup, they still get the "all you can eat" on a regular basis.

That's right, it's the party of "never let a good crisis go to waste".

Poor little dickmuncher just can't get his story right. First, he stupidly blames Republicans for bringing up Planned Parenthood and trying to defund it with this bill. Then he changes his mind and flip-flops when he finds out it was the Dems who brought up PP. Previously he said PP "had nothing to do with this bill". Now all of a sudden he wants to use the Zika crisis as an excuse to INCREASE taxpayer funding for PP and give away free condoms on every street corner. Otherwise we'll all be having unprotected sex, right? Are there no CVS stores in Florida? No Walmarts? No Walgreens? No supermarkets? No gas stations? No 7/11s?

Hit the Like button if you agree that dickmuncher is one of the biggest lying motherfucking douchebags on this board.
lustylad's Avatar
Although I do realize that PP will probably need a "Training Seminar" for a week in Las Vegas to instruct staff members on how to tell someone who wanders into a PP facility not to fuck without a condom or other protection because you might catch ZiKa! I know it will take five days of 8 hours of days to conduct adequate training for all of the staff members, because most of them are liberal whiners and that means they are extraordinarily dumb and need remedial training to comprehend the overwhelming task of saying:

"Don't fuck without a condom because you might catch ZiKa! Originally Posted by LexusLover
  • DSK
  • 08-05-2016, 06:29 PM
Wrong. Read why. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Fuck off!
lustylad's Avatar
You want to tell me in 10 words or less why you give a shit if PP is allocated any funds for testing for Zika... Originally Posted by RelaxationJunkie
That's not the way it works, junkie. You need to make an affirmative case for my taxpayer dollars, not ask me to explain why you shouldn't be added to the dole.

If PP wants to do zika testing, let them go ahead using the half-billion dollars they already suck from the taxpayer teet each year. PP is the biggest abortion provider in the country. That's what they do. Of course this is a win-win for PP and for shameless, immoral Democrats. Either they grab more money for PP to speed up the abortion lines, or they don't get it, in which case they can blame Republicans for the zika problem AND counsel pregnant women with the zika virus to get abortions, which also gives them more business!!

Bottom line - the Democrats are monstrously evil human beings who cynically manipulate crises and public health emergencies for political and financial gain.
lustylad's Avatar
Excellent article and very illustrative of a common liberal method of operation. Deep down, I think they are proud of their clever deceptions. Originally Posted by DSK
Of course they are proud. They high-five each other whenever they figure out how to exploit this kind of diabolically evil win-win situation. This one gives them more dead babies either way!
LexusLover's Avatar
Can you get Zika when the provider performs Russian on you and you spray cum all over her breasts for round one while they are still sliding up and down your cock?
If you are worried, don't let em perform Russian on you.