New video on List crawler 👇👇👇👇men only thanks

Savannah Moon's Avatar
Savannah...I will admit that JR was probably too harsh, but he does have a point. Her posts are VERY DIFFICULT to read or understand. It's like trying to decipher Morse Code! Even in her second explanation of what she originally wrote, it doesn't answer anything she originally asked?! This remedial form of communication has always been the issue with her. I'm sure she is a wonderful lady that anyone would have fun with, but her communication skills are just that...remedial at best. And I think what JR also said, was that her "typing" skills on here do not honestly reflect the true person she is. I'm sure she is much better put together then she portrays herself to be. Originally Posted by bigkansas1

If you knew what sone people..providers & clients were truly would probably have a different approach.
Then again..There is absolutely NO EXCUSE FOR HIS CONSTANT DEVALUE OF WIMEN..oh heck, PEOPLE.
But thank you.

Every time this young lady post anything the slew of freaking Bashers gets on here and destroys her like face to try to do me and many other women and I am completely sick of it. It is Justified and accepted by mods and other people because somehow they think that is cool that is the way they deserve to be treated. I don't care what the situation is that kind of behavior that kind of mentality that kind of rudeness and cruelness is just not believable that it's still on this board since I started 12 years ago!!! can we do something about this?

Nikki Love.

I love you too you lady!!

Keep being you.
You probably noticed that they do this to you every time you post something. They pick people and anytime they post something they destroy them no matter what the excuse you probably have noticed that. I'm sure your video is hot hot hot! Keep doing you keep posting your post and pretty soon they'll find somebody else to pick on and get by with it. That post should be disregarded because it is definitely you have been a target for some people and they should not be allowed to post anything negative on anything you say there are rules about that and obviously the mods pick their people too because other people are posting ads and it's okay and I post anything even remotely close to that and I get sucked down. Well guess what guys I'm back. And I will state my mind and I will state my reasons and I will go from there so let's dance! Because I know how not to get kicked off and say what I need to say! Whatever I got to lose I'm retiring in December for good I will walk away knowing I did the right thing!

Sending much love to all of you!!
Savannah Moon!!

Fall is in the air! I'm not a pumpkin spice kind of girl I like pitfires and flannels , tight jeans , boots , and good music in the background!

Please be safe.
Whether I agree with you or not.
Men..research.GOOGLE PHONE #
Women please increase your s c r e e n i n g! They don't like it they're not worth seeing! A man should have no trouble making sure the woman that he wants to see feel safe!!! if they don't, move on!
Just saying, I have read the original message at least a couple of times and still don’t know for sure what is being said. Same with her follow-up. And I am not trying to be an asshole. Obviously I am not the only reader left confused. Thought she might appreciate knowing that.
Savannah Moon's Avatar
Just saying, I have read the original message at least a couple of times and still don’t know for sure what is being said. Same with her follow-up. And I am not trying to be an asshole. Obviously I am not the only reader left confused. Thought she might appreciate knowing that. Originally Posted by flipsalso
I think she understands.
do you think your post was necessary to emphasize this guy's disrespectful degrading of women? There's a reason an excuse for that is that what you're trying to say?
Please don't be trying to say that!!!! that's not wise. If you didn't understand you could have sent her a message, saying, hey I don't quite understand what your pist meant. So you don't understand her ??? scroll on!!! but no follow and encourage him. I hope you're not one of those guys. I think she got it the first time. why is your post here even necessary???
do you think she didn't get it? How about we just all say yeah we didn't understand

I think she got it. You and your other little buddy Kansas do not even need to comment on that that's not what this thread is about anyway.

So how many more of you guys want to join Jr and encouraging his disgusting Behavior towards women. Let's see it !!! I'm ready to rock and roll. Like I said I'm back. Not only am I back, I'm back and I'm feeling good.
And anytime I see any one of the people who are just like him (and they know who they are)
disrespecting a woman or a man, I'm going to step in. Perhaps you don't know who I am. But you will, just sit back and watch.
malwoody's Avatar
JR Lawrence , Is that necessary? Do you have nothing better to do than continue to devalue women? How how are you still on here doing that? Low grades in high school. Who the f*** says that to somebody? Who exactly do you think you are? A condescending, greater than t h o u g h, nothing better than to do except put somebody down to feel better type? Oh, I forgot , you can do that on here. My bad. Originally Posted by Savannah Moon
That's his MO, He has always been very condescending, especially towards providers and newbies. His stale rhetoric is hateful IMO.
Dr-epg's Avatar
Apparently we can’t have discussions without turning into insults