who is getting money from where ?

VitaMan's Avatar
Wrong, Mr. everything is corrupt so why bother
Wrong, Mr. everything is corrupt so why bother Originally Posted by VitaMan
If they committed a criminal act shouldn't they be prosecuted regardless of their opinion of the election outcome? But apparently if they go along with program they get a pass. That's basically what you stated in your post.
Redhot1960's Avatar
I'll just say remember your audience in this forum. To some, Trump can do no wrong and those who don't support him are always in the wrong. To try to have a logical discussion with them is a complete waste of fucking time.

The OP is correct, but as usual, the Trumpsters just blow it off and bring up Biden.

I'm glad you Trumpsters are the minority in this country because that fat orange scumbag will never be elected again with you folks as his supporters. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Hypothetically, you could go back to New York City any day now.
VitaMan's Avatar
If they committed a criminal act shouldn't they be prosecuted regardless of their opinion of the election outcome? But apparently if they go along with program they get a pass. That's basically what you stated in your post. Originally Posted by Levianon17

You stated many times you think everything is corrupt.
You stated many times you think everything is corrupt. Originally Posted by VitaMan
When it comes to politics and Government dam near everything is.
  • Tiny
  • 08-22-2023, 06:34 PM
Excerpts from


In early 2021, as Donald Trump exited the White House, he and his son-in-law Jared Kushner faced unprecedented business challenges. Revenue at Trump’s properties had plummeted during his presidency, and the attack on the U.S. Capitol by his supporters made his brand even more polarizing. Kushner, whose last major business foray had left his family firm needing a $1.2 billion bailout, faced his own political fallout as a senior Trump aide.

But one ally moved quickly to the rescue.

The day after leaving the White House, Kushner created a company that he transformed months later into a private equity firm with $2 billion from a sovereign wealth fund chaired by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Kushner’s firm structured those funds in such a way that it did not have to disclose the source, according to previously unreported details of Securities and Exchange Commission forms reviewed by The Washington Post. His business used a commonly employed strategy that allows many equity firms to avoid transparency about funding sources, experts said.

A year after his presidency, Trump’s golf courses began hosting tournaments for the Saudi fund-backed LIV Golf. Separately, the former president’s family company, the Trump Organization, secured an agreement with a Saudi real estate company that plans to build a Trump hotel as part of a $4 billion golf resort in Oman.

The substantial investments by the Saudis in enterprises that benefited both men came after they cultivated close ties with Mohammed while Trump was in office — helping the crown prince’s standing by scheduling Trump’s first presidential trip to Saudi Arabia, backing him amid numerous international crises and meeting with him repeatedly in D.C. and the kingdom, including on a final trip Kushner took to Saudi Arabia on the eve of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack....

Now, with Trump running for president again, some national security experts and two former White House officials say they have concerns that Trump and Kushner used their offices to set themselves up to profit from their relationship with the Saudis after the administration ended.

Now the Washington Post is undoubtedly biased on this topic. Their journalist, Jamal Kashoggi, was assassinated by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who overruled his advisers when he placed money with Kushner. The Post continues,

In October 2018, an assassination team that had flown from Riyadh to Istanbul aboard two planes owned by the Public Investment Fund killed Khashoggi inside the Saudi consulate there. After Turkey said Saudi Arabia was responsible, Kushner talked with Mohammed about how to respond.

The next month, the CIA concluded that Mohammed had “approved an operation” to kill or capture Khashoggi, which the prince denied. Mohammed’s years-long effort to rise to power was in grave danger.

But, as Trump later put it in a recorded interview, “I saved his ass,”
according to “The Trump Tapes” by Post associate editor Bob Woodward. Trump refused to endorse the CIA’s conclusion, equivocated about Mohammed’s involvement, opposed releasing of the report and vetoed a congressional bill to block arms sales to the kingdom. The president sent Mike Pompeo, who had replaced Tillerson as secretary of state, to meet with the prince and remind him of his debt.

“My Mike, go and have a good time. Tell him he owes us,” Pompeo recalled in his 2023 memoir, “Never Give An Inch.”

....It was a pivotal moment that halted efforts to isolate Mohammed, who is known as MBS, in Congress and around the world. “Without the absolute protection of Trump and Kushner, MBS would definitely have fallen,” said Abdullah Alaoudh, the director for the Gulf at Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN), a group founded by Khashoggi. Hatice Cengiz, Khashoggi’s fiancee, said in a statement to The Post that Trump and Kushner “covered for the Crown Prince.”

Saving the Crown Prince's ass is now paying dividends. Kushner's pocketing a cool $25 million a year in management fees from the Saudis, and he'll get a share of the profits from the $2 billion investment.

Trump also has had dealings with the Saudis. Saudis bought apartments in his buildings. And LIV Golf, financed by the Saudi sovereign wealth fund, paid millions to have tournaments on his golf courses. Finally there's the Trump Hotel that he'll be building along with a Saudi developer in Oman.

The Biden Family Crime Syndicate looks like a piker compared to the Trump-Kushner organization. Hunter's been reduced to selling paintings for a few hundred thousand dollars to Democratic Party donors, while Kushner is raising billions. And Jared is just the son-in-law!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Tiny, that's what is amusing about the Biden crime family whining/accusations in this forum. If true, Hunter and Joe are just too lazy and too risk averse to go big or go home like Trump's family.

Of course, the usual suspects will talk shit about Biden and his family, but they won't say shit about Trump and his crooked ass family. They'll just say, "prove it" and forget that stupid statement works both ways if you are remotely objective and/or have an ounce of common sense.
when burning of the crime family gets too close for comfort

the underground call for miscreants and slander smiths to begin their dark work goes forth and out comes the dogs of innuendo, misdirection, half truths, whispers, whataboutisms, malpractice, and crap spreading to muddy every clear stream
Investments that are designed to increase one’s wealth are not illegal.
Precious_b's Avatar
Tiny, that's what is amusing about the Biden crime family whining/accusations in this forum. If true, Hunter and Joe are just too lazy and too risk averse to go big or go home like Trump's family.

Of course, the usual suspects will talk shit about Biden and his family, but they won't say shit about Trump and his crooked ass family. They'll just say, "prove it" and forget that stupid statement works both ways if you are remotely objective and/or have an ounce of common sense. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain