Need Help Very Bad...Please Help if you can!

Ok, I wasn't going to post on this thread but enough is enough!
Brianna is obviously feeling desperate right now and turned to what could be the people that she knows the best and asked for help.
So instead of certain people coming in here and blasting away at her which shows a total lack of any class at all , try to understand this is a person in need.
You may be in a bad situation your self some time with no where to turn.
I know that the way she worded her request may have sounded like she was asking for something for nothing.
Check her ads and other posts for the past week. She has made it very obvious she is willing to work for the money.
She has been offering specials and everything else she can think of to EARN the money.
If she had put this part in her request she made today you all would be calling it an ad and bitching at her about posting an ad in coeds.
I have met Brianna a couple times and she is a sweet lady and certainly doesn't deserve to be ripped apart because she made a request to those people she thinks she knows.
If you want to help her do so. If you don't thats understandable but you don't need to post on this thread and show how small a heart you have. Originally Posted by looiecypher
You crack me up.
Bloodhound's Avatar
+1 on the "you crack me up"
I knew the white knights would show up sooner or later. The hobby is a business, plain and simple. If a guy was down on his luck and asked for a little help such as a free BCD session how many ladies would offer to help? NONE. I am not trying to be mean or hateful, but if anyone, provider, hobbyist, civilain needs money a liver transplant or whatever, just go out and earn it or seek help with friends or family.

My real estate business sucked last year, I was down 80% in income, and I did not see one lady want to help me out. I did not ask for help either, I run my life, good or bad as best I can without help from anyone. Remember the Hobby is a business.
I will! If she calls me needs and help I will be glad to help her or anybody out in a time of need. This should be a family of everybody that helps out. This is the last post I make on this matter. Please pm if you need me.
If a hobbyist was down on his luck and wanted a free bcd session.
Wow! Now that is about the lamest thing I have ever heard.
Quite a difference in situations.
White Knights? Because someone see's a person in need and doesn't want to see them beaten down?
Then call me a White Knight. I would rather be a White Knight than a heartless bastard who takes pleasure in kicking someone when they are down.
What part of she is trying to EARN the money do you not get?
I crack you up steve winwood?
Well coming from you thats not surprising . You have proved your true colors over and over on this board.
Get it straight folks this isn't about you and me . So you want to make comments towards me start a thread about it.
Leave Brianna out of it. She didn't ask me to post to this thread.
I did it because of the callous way she is being treated by some..
This is about being human beings and showing consideration for another person.
Whether it is by calling her up and scheduling a session to help her or by just being quiet and not posting hurtful and hateful comments to her post.
Looie opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they both stink.

You can choose to help a person, whether or not they are in the hobby. I understand the lady is trying to make money, she failed so go out here and seek help from men that she most likely will never pay back. I have helped ladies out before myself, and have been burned every time. The HOBBY is a business plain and simple.

As far as lame and being a heartless bastard, maybe but again opinions are like assholes.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
some people dont have friends or family, some people have a record and can not get a regular job she did say she was pregnant and in legal trouble. i understand everyones points i really do! i just think its not right to be mean to someone when they are asking for help thats all. from her posts i get the impression that the wants to work for it. some people are just rude! im no saint either so im not the one to judge but i just felt bad for her. lately it seems like all the drama queens with mixed reviews are getting all the business and the ladies with good reviews and reps that follow the rules are getting left in the dust!!!!!!!!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Really? I said for her to pm me if she needs help. I will be glad to help in any way, through talking to her or helping. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
That's sweet of you. And I apologize for sounding like a jerk if I came off that way.
Lana Warren's Avatar
Well, I happen to know both of you fine gentlemen and I know y'all would happily give the shirt off your back to anyone in need! With that being said, let's work together on this, not against each other! Nobody is a winner here!
RoDunn's Avatar

I'm sorry to hear you're going through this and I hope everything turns out okay.
Ladies and Gents,
I posted in the coeds for I was told to do so by one of my clients...I am not asking for a handouts, I am just asking to be visited this weekend....What is wrong with that! I am offering specials so I can get this paid...and dont have to stress out!

PM for further details!!!

Love Brianna

Thanks to everyone who understands what I was stating...
Thanks Tara!
When we are not reaching our numbers for the month/year/whatever, we will throw out "specials" to our clients to try and drive the business.

Maybe a weekend special price to motivate people that might not normally spend your normal rate, or an add-on service to get the regulars to jump at the opportunity.

I'm not on either side of this deal. Just a suggestion that might help make a quick boost in business.
I wanted to say to Looiecypher in public I apoligze, and not trying to kick anyone when they are down.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
well now we can not even put our rates in our ads so now you guys have something new to complain about