COED Is Actually Doing Well Again

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
dont waste your feels.

Yall notice how he comes in starts shit...then tries to re-pivot to make people for sorry for him and sympathize with him. He's trying to whip up sympathy for himself by pivoting to me. If I were to lash out he'd all but start outright crying real tears...and then begging the mods for help. My OP was fucking spot on about this type of behavior.

See the real trolls for who they are. I must say SC can be a brilliant strategist at times.

All he has to do is stay out of my threads, stop responding to me, put me on ignore and move on. I wonder why he cant discipline himself to do something that simple.

I suspect someone will come along soon and lock this thread to help you out.;-)
I don't have anything to be sorry for my friend
you can twist the facts around anyway you want but you will never be able to change your spots. You're the only one that Doesn't understand

You are really not worth my will be gone soon because of your spamming. No need for me to help with that.
Doesn't matter if I post or not. You will self destruct with me posting or not. You always have and always will.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You mean I spit facts not twist facts. Your behavior in this thread..even Ray Charles from his grave could see it coming a mile away.

PS: just because you disagree with them doesnt make them Spam. Capish?
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I must say SC can be a brilliant strategist at times. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Hey tbone2u, didn't Darth Maul post something that implied 'chest beating' wouldn't be allowed any more?

This sure as fuck looks like 'chest thumping' to me.

OH, here it is. Posted 7/19/19 @ 7:07 am.

I don't like where this is going at all. I don't see anything but "chest beating". There is no point of discussion, no question or no real opinion.

Anyone willing to take a chance on trying to come in and post on something as pointless as this, I am willing to give you points. The staff is basically done with this kind of "here I am everyone look at me"....that's what FB and Instagram are for. Originally Posted by DarthMaul
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I'm pretty sure he implied thread and not statement. But that's just how my educated brain works....oops did I do it again?
There is only one other guy that says "capish" and he's presently banned.....or is he? You have your timing down well

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
If you continue with your harrassment I'm gonna officially report you to St.C you've been warned cease and desist. Next time either the mods will deal with you or I will be forced to make you waste your money on an attorney. I've given you a fair amount of time lament and get it out of your system. Enough is enough. I will serve you legally through this site if you continue with the harrassment and slander.
Oh for fucks sake... So i can stay on topic. What was it again?

Oh yeah.. Coed is great again. Lol.
Yeah so great that even I forgot the topic of this thread because all the rants seem to be the same.

At some point i hope this will stop. How many threads will 1 dude be allowed to make in a weekend? Staying on topic what makes coed great is coexisting. If you cant coexist. Maybe its time to take a exit. Hey... Just a thought
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
In my OP I asked the question...what can we / you do to make and keep COED great? I must say responding to threads at 2:59 am is a sure fire way. Did i just say "sure fire" i swear I can sound like a non melanated prep school dude at times. ;-) but when you should be sleeping, shaking your ass at a strip club, or finishing up a late night session or romp-a-roo you instead had SC on your mind. that's definitely coexisting and making COED thrive. Congrats sweetie. ;-)

Yall brought out all the heavy hitting excuses and accusations for this thread..all of which I expected / predicted. Yall tried using the trolling card, spamming card, threatening card, sympathy card, the victim card, the SC bad guy card, even tried tag teaming, bringing a female out (you) to challenge the thread itself. I mean yall pulled out all the stops to discredit the notion of making COED great again. The shortcut to all these shenanigans was and is to simply say: Yes SC we agree it's a work in progress but Coed is great again. Lol.

Get you some sleep sweetie ;-)

PS: if this thread doesnt get locked by the time I'm done exposing yalls disruptive trolling clik it will end up being a showcase an expose, a timeless classic and quintesstial Masterpiece example of how to deal with disruptive groups and crews like yalls.., my best work yet. Definitely sticky worthy I expect...and the definition of the greatness of COED. I'm so glad I dont call myself COED ;-)
Forum violation response:

Did i just say "sure fire" i swear I can sound like a non melanated prep school dude at times. ;-) Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Racist comment.

Thread topic response:

Imo, the best way you, op, could improve coed is to drop yourself into the ship channel with a cinder block tied to your waist.

Thread progression response:

Op, you need to balance your post count / time between your shine Pro handle and this one, because when you get on a roll with one or the other you neglect the other and you start bleeding the two personas into whichever one you're leaning too much on.

Mods, please lock thread.

This whole thread was by design to be fighting and is harassment of the co-ed forum. It should have been locked immediately and this handle perma banned a long time ago.
Not gonna happen E.
The mods try their best to abide by the spirit of the law here.
That is a good thing.
You are right about the 3 amigos, might even have a female in the group.
TryWeakly's Avatar

1 proper vagina
2 big pussy
3 one ginormous clit

Which one is which?
Randall Creed's Avatar
Oh, the irony of the thread, stating how great coed is, yet the thread is destroyed because two coeds can't coed-xist in the presence of each other in the same thread.

On a side note, and that ass.

Ummm, we need to have a conversation, namely about what kind of sweet talking do I need to do to get you to swing through ATL.

Oralist's Avatar
Oh, the irony of the thread, stating how great coed is, yet the thread is destroyed because two coeds can't coed-xist in the presence of each other in the same thread.

On a side note, and that ass.

Ummm, we need to have a conversation, namely about what kind of sweet talking do I need to do to get you to swing through ATL.

Originally Posted by Randall Creed
+1. Not so great now that the three Trollsketeers are out of jail.
Co-ed WAS doing better....until last week
^^^ When the unintelligent inmates returned to create more messes, which to them is like being a pig in slop and they are happy as hell to be in the slop (on top of being the swine), it's not surprising, is it?

Now back to the original topic, this forum was doing better until you, and your buds showed up. How to make it better is for the four of you, actually there is just one of you that you express via your four "personalities", need to leave the site and never return.

THAT will make things much better for all.