Screening question

pmdelites's Avatar
Well, being neither fat nor short, I did cringe reading that blog. Granted, it's your business and your right to make your choices, but the attempt at humor just smacks of bigotry. Just simply putting it on your requirements or stating somewhere you have a weight limit would suffice. I wouldn't question your right to choose who you see, much the way we pick and choose providers, but when you put it out there and attempt to cover your disdain with poor humor, I think it cheapens you.

That's not being a hater, don't know you, but just my observation. Anytime you use a segment of society for your personal gain, which in this case is you trying to be funny and stay relevant with your blog, than I find it distasteful. We're not talking being overly politically correct, just within normal societal boundaries of good taste. Now seeing as obviously providers operate outside the socially acceptable norm, maybe you feel it's ok and makes for good reading. I don't know. I guess we afford prisoners the same right, why not you? Coming from your own blog "I never had a thick skin, and being in this business shockingly didn’t make it any thicker. I didn’t like hanging around mean girls." If you reread your blog and put yourself in the the big boys' place or any big man reading that, haven't you become the 'mean girl'? Originally Posted by Sa_artman
bigotry [see below]??? i wouldnt go that far in characterizing Alex's thoughts and questions.

everyone, and i mean everyone, uses some sort of preferences or criteria or questions or likes when getting ready to perform some action, being it eating, driving, walking, singing, enjoying art, existing, surviving, and being sexual. the preferences may be simple or they may be complex.

if you claim you dont have preferences, then that probably means you'd live anywhere on planet earth, eat any kind of plant or animal, wear any or no clothes [regardless of the climate], and get it on w/ any other human being.

[an aside: see for a discussion of preferences]

does the use of that criteria for her "personal gain" have something to do with your "distastefulness" toward her use of it??

turning tables around, if you would only consider employment for an organization that will pay you in mid 6 figures, is that distateful??

and i dont even see where she interjected humor into her post. or, as you said, "cover your disdain with poor humor, I think it cheapens you."
she just asked "is weight any different?" and "Would hobbyists be offended if it was asked?"

perhaps you are reading way too much into her post.
wrt alex's question, my answer is no, it's just another criteria that one can use. and as long as alex states it clearly and upfront, i dont have a problem with her using that criteria.

one woman i've considered charges more for men over 50, in which category i now reside. do i consider that unusual? kinda. do i consider that discriminatory? yes [see below] do i consider that offensive? no

============================== ===========
bigotry n.
1. stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own.
2. One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

1. narrow-mindedness, bias, discrimination.

Word Origin & History
1670s, from Fr. bigoterie "sanctimoniousness" (see bigot).
1590–1600; < MF (OF: derogatory name applied by the French to the Normans), perh. < OE bi God - "by God "

Word History: Bigots may have more in common with God than one might think. Legend has it that Rollo, the first duke of Normandy, refused to kiss the foot of the French king Charles III, uttering the phrase bi got, his borrowing of the assumed Old English equivalent of our expression by God. Although this story is almost surely apocryphal, it is true that bigot was used by the French as a term of abuse for the Normans, but not in a religious sense. Later, however, the word, or very possibly a homonym, was used abusively in French for the Beguines, members of a Roman Catholic lay sisterhood. From the 15th century on Old French bigot meant "an excessively devoted or hypocritical person." Bigot is first recorded in English in 1598 with the sense "a superstitious hypocrite."

–verb (used without object)
1. to make a distinction in favor of or against a person or thing on the basis of the group, class, or category to which the person or thing belongs rather than according to actual merit; show partiality: The new law discriminates against foreigners. He discriminates in favor of his relatives.
2. to note or observe a difference; distinguish accurately: to discriminate between things.

-verb (used with object)
3. to make or constitute a distinction in or between; differentiate: a mark that discriminates the original from the copy.
4. to note or distinguish as different: He can discriminate minute variations in tone.
Sa_artman's Avatar
bigotry [see below]??? i wouldnt go that far in characterizing Alex's thoughts and questions.
. Originally Posted by pmdelites
Thank you for desultory reply. Now if you were to actually go back and read, she posted a link to her blog which it appears you did not read. She referenced it. Read, then reapply your thoughts, then ride back in on the white horse.
Bigotry? Of course not. Not given either of the definitions above.

Don't get me wrong, I do not screen for weight, but the idea of it intrigued me. While I don't prefer it, I do see men of all sizes. My post here was in the spirit of academic interest.

I'm not making any money from my blog, so there's no "personal gain" to derive from it.

As with most writing, the author strives to write about things they believe will entertain or provoke the reader. My point in that blog was that EVERY appointment I've had with SIGNIFICANTLY overweight gentlemen has led to hygiene issues and acrobatic challenges.

The truth is the truth, no matter how you slice it.

Keep three things in mind...

1) This is real life. My blog is non-fiction, can't sugar coat it.

2) The blog is meant to entertain, which means I choose words that will provoke SOME emotion, whether it's humor or disgust. I believe you can't create art that does NOT provoke some kind of emotion. And I'm not a "puppy dogs and dandelions" kinda girl.

3) My last words are sincere, its a plea to those gentlemen who (besides REAL medical issues) are seriously obese to do something about it. To give themselves the gift of health and GREAT sex.

More ladies than you think feel the same way as the words in that post. Very few will admit it at the risk of alienating their clients.

kisses, Alex
Sa_artman's Avatar
Bigotry? Of course not. Not given either of the definitions above.

Don't get me wrong, I do not screen for weight, but the idea of it intrigued me. While I don't prefer it, I do see men of all sizes. My post here was in the spirit of academic interest.

I'm not making any money from my blog, so there's no "personal gain" to derive from it.

As with most writing, the author strives to write about things they believe will entertain or provoke the reader. My point in that blog was that EVERY appointment I've had with SIGNIFICANTLY overweight gentlemen has led to hygiene issues and acrobatic challenges.

The truth is the truth, no matter how you slice it.

Keep three things in mind...

1) This is real life. My blog is non-fiction, can't sugar coat it.

2) The blog is meant to entertain, which means I choose words that will provoke SOME emotion, whether it's humor or disgust. I believe you can't create art that does NOT provoke some kind of emotion. And I'm not a "puppy dogs and dandelions" kinda girl.

3) My last words are sincere, its a plea to those gentlemen who (besides REAL medical issues) are seriously obese to do something about it. To give themselves the gift of health and GREAT sex.

More ladies than you think feel the same way as the words in that post. Very few will admit it at the risk of alienating their clients.

kisses, Alex Originally Posted by Alex Lieberman
I would beg to differ you don't derive income from your blog, it may not be direct, but it is a form of advertisement. And seeing as you stated you posted this same thread on 'other sites', I get the feeling it's as you say 'entertainment' and the true purpose is not to reach some educated enlightenment from fellow providers but to gain some spotlight and hits.

You must feel so special being unique as you are, because everyone else that has commented on my blog has been entertained by my writing, to the point that I’ve already retained a literary agent and have spoken to both LA and NY based production companies, one of which is working on the details of a treatment to pitch to development agents.
I'm sure all the big guys are feeling your sincere concern for their health. Yes, real life is ugly as unfortunately are lot of the personalities in it. I think you give some of the real providers here on this site a bad image and if indeed you actually do provide, I hope hobbyist steer clear for fear of becoming some fodder for cheap entertainment.
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 07-13-2010, 06:13 PM
I agree with you on most of your points in this thread SA artman. Cheap shots and poor service to people who are paying for a fantasy encounter is like stealing. However, if a girl, or guy, is truly independent I think it is her/his choice whom they see. They should make it clear up front in order to not waste everyone's time.

There are plenty of girls that enjoy giving someone/ anyone that treats them with respect the time of their life and they will bring in all the dough left on the table.
...My panic quickly turned into boredom as I realized that he wasn’t going to devour me. Unfortunately he wasn’t going to make me cum either. You would think he would be great at eating pussy, he is an overeater after all but no, he didn’t even seem interested in tasting it. Maybe I had to dip it in chocolate, barbeque sauce, or cheese wiz it first.

I finally faked a small O and asked him to turn over. I just wanted to get this over with. He got on his back and I ran my hands over Mount McBelly down to his dick.
Speaking of dick I have a question. Why are fat guys’ dicks so small? That seems to be the one place the fat doesn’t seem to go. Is it that the more weight they gain the smaller their dick gets? It sure seems that way, and it makes it virtually impossible to blow (ever try to hold on to the end of a balloon with your lips when you’ve overfilled it?) and even that much harder to fuck.

...This is the way it usually went with men of his size. I always pretend it’s the condoms fault (ugh, the male ego) when the truth be told it’s really hard to get someone to cum when their dick never fully makes it into the pussy.
I know I’m probably going to get a lot of hate mail for this, but oh well. I don’t really care. This is the truth folks. He was a nice enough guy, but people shouldn’t be this fucking heavy.

...I can think of so many reasons why a fat guy would want to lose weight. There are the “health” reasons, the “looks” reasons, the “tie your shoes without straining an artery” reasons. Are any of these motivators? No?
Ok well how about maybe it’ll make your dick get bigger, or at least LOOK bigger!
Gotcha now!
With all due respect to you Alex...imho, this blog is just plain rude and ugly. What exactly were you striving for? I don't get it.

You use words like "entertain" and "to provoke emotion" but at who's expense..."fat guys?" Do you think there aren't just as many "fat girls" who may be providers that are getting the same crap from uncouth hobbyists that we all disdain?

You don't have to be a "dandelions" and "puppy dog" kinda girl to be respectful and considerate of others. And, btw...not all "fat people" are "fat" it's called obesity. Although the big2 are overeating and lack of exercise...there are hundreds of other known causes of obesity that isn't related to the big2 at all.

For you to publicly humiliate those who are in that very disturbing to me. And if that's your idea of provoking emotion...I suppose you're successful in that aspect; however, I'm not sure I would consider that enertaining.
Hey Everyone,

I can understand the attacks. But fortunately I can take it as easily as I dish it out.

Thanks to those who both understand and defended my position on this.

Thanks even more to those people that objected to my post, but offered criticism in a positive light.

For the rest of you, I guess I should apologize to you sensitive individuals who found my words upsetting, (if I have to), but I don't pull punches. That's just me. Throughout my blog I look at my experiences, good and bad, and try to put a funny spin on things. Just as in taste, you can't account for humor. I have plenty of readers who found that post funny, including men who hobby and even a self-proclaimed "ugly & fat" guy. If it's not your cup of tea, don't read it.

And by the way, this isn't even indirect gain. My blog is posted as an alias, so it's not advertising at all.

For those of you who actually read the whole blog, you'll see that I don't ridicule any particular individual. I describe the unbearable situation that comes along with being with an overly large man. And I try to make light of it. Again, maybe those of you who find it offensive are just not on that wavelength.

I just recently found this site, (ECCIE) and I have to say that compared to oThER hobby sites, I've found the people and discussions here to be of the highest caliber, intelligent discussions and very non-judgmental. I hope I haven't brought that standard down at all with this thread. I was sincerely curious about how other providers dealt with the issue and I got a lot of good comments back about it. So thanks!

If it matters at all, read my latest post and the one that will be posted tonight, you might like those better.

kisses, Alex
...My panic quickly turned into boredom as I realized that he wasn’t going to devour me. Unfortunately he wasn’t going to make me cum either. You would think he would be great at eating pussy, he is an overeater after all but no, he didn’t even seem interested in tasting it. Maybe I had to dip it in chocolate, barbeque sauce, or cheese wiz it first.

I finally faked a small O and asked him to turn over. I just wanted to get this over with. He got on his back and I ran my hands over Mount McBelly down to his dick.
Speaking of dick I have a question. Why are fat guys’ dicks so small? That seems to be the one place the fat doesn’t seem to go. Is it that the more weight they gain the smaller their dick gets? It sure seems that way, and it makes it virtually impossible to blow (ever try to hold on to the end of a balloon with your lips when you’ve overfilled it?) and even that much harder to fuck.

...This is the way it usually went with men of his size. I always pretend it’s the condoms fault (ugh, the male ego) when the truth be told it’s really hard to get someone to cum when their dick never fully makes it into the pussy.
I know I’m probably going to get a lot of hate mail for this, but oh well. I don’t really care. This is the truth folks. He was a nice enough guy, but people shouldn’t be this fucking heavy.

...I can think of so many reasons why a fat guy would want to lose weight. There are the “health” reasons, the “looks” reasons, the “tie your shoes without straining an artery” reasons. Are any of these motivators? No?
Ok well how about maybe it’ll make your dick get bigger, or at least LOOK bigger!
Gotcha now!
I assume this quote is from the blog. If so, then I don't understand how Alex can expect respect. She certainly doesn't give it.

Given the chance, I wouldn't see her. It seems her only motivation is to collect the donation and get it over as soon as possible. And I would advise all other hobbyists to avoid her also. No sense in throwing your hard earned $$ away on a shitty session...and one you know will be shitty going into it.

Alex says she is just being honest. Bullshit!! All she's trying to do is gave a terrible hateful attitude a good face, and she is failing miserably.

Of course, this kind of honesty should reward her with absolutely NO business, and a more than dwindling income.
Sa_artman's Avatar
Hey Everyone,

I can understand the attacks. But fortunately I can take it as easily as I dish it out.

Thanks to those who both understand and defended my position on this.

Thanks even more to those people that objected to my post, but offered criticism in a positive light.

For the rest of you, I guess I should apologize to you sensitive individuals who found my words upsetting, (if I have to), but I don't pull punches. That's just me. Throughout my blog I look at my experiences, good and bad, and try to put a funny spin on things. Just as in taste, you can't account for humor. I have plenty of readers who found that post funny, including men who hobby and even a self-proclaimed "ugly & fat" guy. If it's not your cup of tea, don't read it.

And by the way, this isn't even indirect gain. My blog is posted as an alias, so it's not advertising at all.

For those of you who actually read the whole blog, you'll see that I don't ridicule any particular individual. I describe the unbearable situation that comes along with being with an overly large man. And I try to make light of it. Again, maybe those of you who find it offensive are just not on that wavelength.

I just recently found this site, (ECCIE) and I have to say that compared to oThER hobby sites, I've found the people and discussions here to be of the highest caliber, intelligent discussions and very non-judgmental. I hope I haven't brought that standard down at all with this thread. I was sincerely curious about how other providers dealt with the issue and I got a lot of good comments back about it. So thanks!

If it matters at all, read my latest post and the one that will be posted tonight, you might like those better.

kisses, Alex Originally Posted by Alex Lieberman
To quote Clint, "Your a legend in your own mind." I really just feel sorry for you - actually, no I don't. I seriously think your delusional. Do you actually have real clients? I can't imagine any of the classy providers on here actually thinking that dribble has merit. Stating you don't pull punches or using the 'not on that wavelength' or some 'ugly and fat' guy found it funny excuse doesn't somehow make it more palatable. I'm sure Hitler had plenty of people that found him to be a funny guy. This will obviously bounce right off you as apparently your in your own warp field and I seriously think your 100% fake.
Of course, this kind of honesty should reward her with absolutely NO business, and a more than dwindling income. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I have a very healthy client list, thank you. And I enjoy myself immensely with all of them, and they enjoy themselves with me. So much so that I'm with a client in St Barth's right now, and he and I are both having a good laugh reading these last couple of posts. If you don't think you can handle me, then you're right, you should stay away from me.

To quote Clint, "Your a legend in your own mind." I really just feel sorry for you. Originally Posted by Sa_artman
I don't even understand this one. Why would you feel sorry for me? I have no idea how to respond to this.
So, let me get this're with a client in St. Barth's right now and having so much fun...on his dime...that you're taking a moment to post on this thread? Is that your idea of being a class act provider?

I'm just in shock! Do you really take yourself seriously? You and some of your clients actually sit around and laugh at your DISTASTEFUL blog and actually think it's interesting and funny?

You're not a're supposed to be a provider. Maybe you should give up your day job and look into being a stand-up comic. Ok, end of my rant.

As for answering the original question:
I always ask for a detailed description as part of my screening process. It is not meant as a way to screen out "larger" I have MANY larger gentlemen who are regular clients of mine and have been for many years.

I use the detailed description as a way to verify the identity of a hobbyist when asking for a reference verification. This also assures me that whoever shows up at my incall is indeed the hobbyist who contacted me. How else would you know who is showing up...unless you ask for a description?
Sa_artman's Avatar
I don't even understand this one. Why would you feel sorry for me? I have no idea how to respond to this.
Not surprised.

Ok. Mods slap my wrist, but I'm officially calling this one bs! I read through the 'blog's' and even partook of the 'hilarious' youtube video
When I see something to the contrary, I seriously doubt you are fact a real provider. Great fiction writer-possibly, instigator-yes, spewer of bs-highly probable. I think your recent joining of Eccie is a ruse and I'm sure will end up as material on a thesis somewhere.

The sexy, hilarious and true stories of a Long Island girl working as an escort in Atlanta. Read how the whole industry works, from the talented mouth of the snarkiest escort on the planet!
I think your a charlatan-someone please prove me wrong.
To quote Clint, "Your a legend in your own mind." I really just feel sorry for you - actually, no I don't. I seriously think your delusional. Do you actually have real clients? I can't imagine any of the classy providers on here actually thinking that dribble has merit. Stating you don't pull punches or using the 'not on that wavelength' or some 'ugly and fat' guy found it funny excuse doesn't somehow make it more palatable. I'm sure Hitler had plenty of people that found him to be a funny guy. This will obviously bounce right off you as apparently your in your own warp field and I seriously think your 100% fake. Originally Posted by Sa_artman
I'm going to make this short and then I'm done responding on this thread. You just compared a provider that bruised your ego (and that's the truth) to a man that orchestrated the murder of six million Jews. Get yourself some therapy and get it fast. You need some serious help.
H-mmm...have to agree with you SA artman...just took a minute to go through the entire blog and my spidey senses are going off. And, someone who responded on her blog posted a link to that really safe?

Funny how Alex named her doubles partner...Ellie.
Sa_artman's Avatar
I'm going to make this short and then I'm done responding on this thread. You just compared a provider that bruised your ego (and that's the truth) to a man that orchestrated the murder of six million Jews. Get yourself some therapy and get it fast. You need some serious help. Originally Posted by Alex Lieberman
You pull whatever comparison you want, I just made a statement. Your inference is lacking. My ego stands firm, thank you. Your base attempt at psychology is 101 and your quick exit from this thread only confirms my suspicions, especially for someone so willing to 'take it as well as dish it out.' When the light's on, that's when the roaches scurry.

Nikki, I think I trust you spidey sense above else. Everything on her blog comes across extremely overplayed, including her comment replies. How many 'OMG's, ROTFL, LOL, LMFAO, can someone use? Not including the overuse of '!'.

As the great Johnny Rotten once said, "Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?"