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TheDaliLama's Avatar
You do realize that Saddam gassed the Kurds....they are mostly Muslim.

You do realize that before the 2003 invasion there were over a million Christians living in virtual peace in Iraq.....that number has been reduced to around 400k and more and more are leaving daily. Originally Posted by WTF

Tell us which ones were Muslims and which were Christians in that pile of gassed bodies that Dear Old Uncle Saddam killed? He was a equal opportunity murder so please don't give us your "virtual peace" crap.
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  • 08-08-2014, 01:56 PM
Tell us which ones were Muslims and which were Christians in that pile of gassed bodies that Dear Old Uncle Saddam killed? He was a equal opportunity murder so please don't give us your "virtual peace" crap. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
They were all Muslims....no Christians .
Kurd's have several religions of which two are Judaism and Christianity.
Hey Obama, the Nobel Peace Committee wants their medal and millions back!
Ofashionablylate every fucking time...

LexusLover's Avatar
Kurd's have several religions of which two are Judaism and Christianity. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Which is one reason the Israelis were able to keep things calm in their sector of Iraq and the area "opened for business" early on after the 2003 "re-invasion."

In case "someone" forgot:


And now that he has single-handedly taken out ISIS by decimating an "artillery piece" .. he can get back to "boning up" on his retirement plans ...

Originally Posted by LexusLover
Okay, so you're going on record that if private companies started funding wars and killing people (by the millions) that you're okay with that. We know that you will buy the oil so I guess you're okay with that blood. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yep... you will buy it too. What is worse about Oil Companies fighting wars in the name of money, than radical theologies fighting wars in the name of their chosen faiths? Are they fighting and slaughtering for a more righteous cause or purpose?

As I said earlier... I have no fighting dog in the entire Middle East. I do not care who kills who over there... nor do I care for what reason. They have been doing a fine job for thousands of years, without our assistance or Empirical Good Will. Fuck 'Em !!

Can anyone define a realistic "success" in the Mid East as a result of American intervention or diplomacy? Really? Cum on... Really?
LexusLover's Avatar
Are they fighting and slaughtering for a more righteous cause or purpose?

As I said earlier... I have no fighting dog in the entire Middle East. Originally Posted by Thibodaux
Do you mean when it is proclaimed in their recruiting video that they intend for the Muslim flag to fly over the White House? Really?

1993 - February 26 - World Trade Center bombing, 6 killed, 1,042 injured.
1993 - January 25 - Attack at CIA Headquarters in McLean, Virginia: 2 killed, 3 injured.
1995 - March 8 - Killing of two US Diplomats in Pakistan.
1995 - April 19 - Oklahoma City bombing, 168 killed, over 800 injured.
1996 - June 25 - Khobar Towers bombing: 19 American servicemen killed.
1998 - August 7 - US embassy bombings: U.S. Kenya Embassy blown up, 214 killed (including 12 Americans); U.S. Tanzania Embassy blown up, 11 killed.

21st Century[edit]

2000 - USS Cole attacked, 17 U.S. Navy sailors killed, 39 sailors injured.
2001 - September 11, 2001 attacks, 2,997 killed;
2002 - Reporter Daniel Pearl, kidnapped and beheaded in Karachi.
2002 - Nine people killed by bomb blast near US embassy in Lima - seen as attempt to disrupt forthcoming visit by President George W. Bush.
2002-2006 - Karachi consulate attacks: three separate attacks killed 18 people (including an American diplomat) and injured 87.
2002 - Two Marines shot, one killed in Kuwait.
2003 - Riyadh Compound Bombings kill 35, including 9 Americans.
2003 - Three American diplomats are killed by a roadside bomb targeting their convoy in Gaza. Palestine Resistance Committees, an umbrella organization has taken responsibility for the attack."[2]
2003–present - Damascus terrorist attacks: American interests in Syria targeted by Islamists.
2004 - Civilians Nick Berg, Jack Hensley, and Eugene Armstrong kidnapped and beheaded in Iraq.
2004 - Paul Marshall Johnson, Jr, civilian working in Saudi Arabia, kidnapped and beheaded; five other Americans die in attacks in Saudi Arabia in 2004.
2007 - American embassy attacked in Athens, Greece.
2008 - John Granville, US diplomat, assassinated in Khartoum, Sudan

2012 – US Embassy in Libya was attacked. The ambassador and three other Americans were killed.
2012 – Sikh temple in Wisconsin was attacked by a white supremacist. Six Americans were killed, not including the perpetrator, who committed suicide.
2013 – 2013 Boston Marathon bombings, 3 killed, 183 injured. April 15.
2014 – 2014 kidnapping and murder of Israeli teenagers, 3 teens kidnapped and murdered, Hamas suspected, including 1, Naftali Frenkel, an American citizen. June 12.
Thank you for helping to make my point. Our presence in the Mid East has reaped ? in the name of "successful" intervention and diplomacy ????

Oklahoma City had nothing to do with Islamic Jihad.... our own criminal FBI / ATF agencies pissed off those idiots.
LexusLover's Avatar
Thank you for helping to make my point. Our presence in the Mid East has reaped ? in the name of "successful" intervention and diplomacy ???? Originally Posted by Thibodaux
Actually, it made mine. You, like the fool currently occupying the White House, actually believe it is the fault of the U.S.

The bottom line is had U.S. companies not assisted in developing the ONLY NATURAL RESOURCE most of them have to market the assholes chopping off heads wouldn't have 2 nickels to rub together, and if the LOCAL "oil czars" who hoard the revenues locally reaped by the development of those resources spread it around their fellow countrymen, as opposed to blowing it on their kids in Europe, and here, then there wouldn't be so much "unrest" .... AND INEQUITY.

Example: The cement provided by the Israelis to the Palestinians to improve their conditions of living was used to build tunnels to attack Israel. AND Where did OBL get his "wealth" so he could go around the world blowing shit up?

Fill up your tank on the way home, and be careful not to piss anyone off while you are outside of your home trying to make a living, go to movie, or just fucking enjoy "moving about the town" ..... or else they might rob you, rape you, assault you, or chop off your head. (Or do you leave the house?)

Oklahoma? One out of a hundred? Same attitude. "The got pissed at the US government, and killed innocent people.
Perhaps, we keep making each other's points. How many Islamic Jihad Head Choppings and Mass Gassing incidents have taken place in our space within North America? And please tell me where I indicated any Islamic Jihad offenses were the "fault" of ours? You made that up by yourself.

Quit trying to blame oil companies for idiotic foreign policy! That is a very tired, lame attempt at diversion.

I still haven't heard a convincing argument for our involvement in the centuries old, ongoing hatred between Jews and Arabs. We will not be making any new friends in that part of the world, no matter what we do. It might be best to reconcentrate our efforts toward fixing the klusterfuck we have turned our own country into! If that is being too "isolationist" for the bleeding heart , World Police advocates... so be it. Until I see any signs that the U.S. has figured a way to make a difference in the deep rooted history of hatred and slaughtering bloodshed in the Middle East, we should simply stay the fuck out!

Besides... we have plenty of enough oil & gas right here in North America, to sell to the rest of the world, while the idiots of the Mid East continue their madness.

As far as 911 memories go.... someone tell me how much progress we've made toward "fixing" anything! I am not against eradicating the evil bastards, wherever they are... but we have sucked at doing it in any sort of efficient way... we (as a whole) are not willing to! Until we are, we should stay the fuck out of the Middle East! Jmo....

>> " (Or do you leave the house?) " <<
I have spent several years, working on six of the seven continents... have you?
Oh , BTW... I suppose you believe Ruby Ridge and Waco were not "terrorist-like" activities, perpetrated by our own "Law Enforcement" , "To Protect and Serve" , tax paid , public servants? Ask Randy Weaver the same question. Look into how he has lived his life after (and before) he had his wife and son murdered by the FBI... peacefully.

Yes, Timothy McVeigh was an idiot who deserved worse than simply being executed.
Why don't we deal with more situations more decisively , effectively, and efficiently?
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  • 08-09-2014, 10:50 AM