Best Place for Mixed Drinks in Dallas

Too bad this board doesnt work like some social media where you post something and a moderator has to approve it before it went live. Certainly would cut down on a lot of these type ads.
Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
Not taking a position either way here. But why are some of y’all triggered by these ads? Does it just ruin your day every time you see one? How about just not reading them? I mean, I see them, OK, they’re obvious, then I move on to something more entertaining like talking shit about the promoters. Lol
Bald Bryan's Avatar
Guys soiling themselves over women making themselves available and getting their name out there...

"But it's against the rules, you can't do that here and I want my mommmmmyyy" - Lol, the ENTIRE HOBBY IS AGAINST THE RULES. Most of us are on here just trying to make it work so that we can laid, be it to get our nut or to pay the bills. Then you got the same ole' usual suspect yappin' yard dogs trying to lay claim to the turf and impress their online boy buddies as they sit around with their fists up their asses wondering where all the chicks went. Good grief. Love the drama that eccie provides and all, but gooooooood grief.

To speak on the OP's inquiry though....I don't drink so I haven't any suggestions on where to find good mixed drinks...
Wingman07's Avatar
I'll just pop in and say The Tipsy Alchemist is a great place for drinks. It's a little pricey but it's a cool lounge with great bartenders drinks and presentation.
TinMan's Avatar
Too bad this board doesnt work like some social media where you post something and a moderator has to approve it before it went live. Certainly would cut down on a lot of these type ads. Originally Posted by cage196
Guys soiling themselves over women making themselves available and getting their name out there...

"But it's against the rules, you can't do that here and I want my mommmmmyyy" - Lol, the ENTIRE HOBBY IS AGAINST THE RULES. Most of us are on here just trying to make it work so that we can laid, be it to get our nut or to pay the bills. Then you got the same ole' usual suspect yappin' yard dogs trying to lay claim to the turf and impress their online boy buddies as they sit around with their fists up their asses wondering where all the chicks went. Good grief. Love the drama that eccie provides and all, but gooooooood grief. Originally Posted by Bald Bryan
I’ll challenge a few things in these posts, and invite the mods to correct me if I’m wrong on anything I’m about to say.

Posts as typified by the one that started this thread aren’t prohibited ads as defined by site Guidelines, and therefore site management isn’t trying to eliminate them as far as I can tell. If they didn’t want them, they would revise guidelines to prohibit these kinds of posts and staff would shut them down.

I understand why ownership doesn’t want ads on this site, but if they determine posts like the OP are acceptable, why would any of the guys here not want them? Cage, why do you want management to “cut down on these types of ads”? If a hot chick you don’t know asks for advice on bars in your neighborhood, don’t you want to know that? I sure do.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Deja Tha Doll I love going here
XOXO Dining Room
Very cool vibe
Funky & Artful
Lots of fun
drinks .. Cool bar to hang out at
I'm going to have to start paying more attention to these types of threads, definitely some useful information to be found.

I checked out The Better Than Sex, Plano dessert bar menu, sounds like a great place to meet for drinks & dessert before going BCD to work off the calories

Thanks for the tip Deja.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-08-2022, 11:06 AM
Too bad this board doesnt work like some social media where you post something and a moderator has to approve it before it went live. Certainly would cut down on a lot of these type ads. Originally Posted by cage196
I find it funny that my small comment about begging social Media hookers, would set one of them off into a total rant with personal attacks over here, talk about losing self control

Don't worry OP, I've never used the RTM button on anyone all my time here (about 10+ years) only weak spineless cowards go the ratting route.
Deja Tha Doll's Avatar
Deja Tha Doll I love going here
XOXO Dining Room
Very cool vibe
Funky & Artful
Lots of fun
drinks .. Cool bar to hang out at Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF

Yesss, I was about to go there yesterday but when I plugged it into my GPS it said they were closing in the next 30 minutes....I had passed by there a few days ago, and just the outside scene had me curious. I didn't know what the place was even called or what kind of venue it was. But I was already intrigued.

Then when I searched places to eat and drink near me last night, I seen the pics and reviews and wanted to check it out....

I'll definitely be going another day when I get a chance and have more time.

I appreciate your suggestion luv. You seem to have really good taste. Pm me if you have Intel on other good spots.
Deja Tha Doll's Avatar
I'll just pop in and say The Tipsy Alchemist is a great place for drinks. It's a little pricey but it's a cool lounge with great bartenders drinks and presentation. Originally Posted by Wingman07
I went to the one by rainey street in Austin.....they do have a very chill, relaxing atmosphere, along with delicious mixed drinks.

I visited the place once after a well spent afternoon of Kayaking on Ladybird Lake.

I appreciate your suggestion babe, I'll didnt know they had locations in other cities. I'll definitely look into where they are located here later
Deja Tha Doll's Avatar
I'm going to have to start paying more attention to these types of threads, definitely some useful information to be found.

I checked out The Better Than Sex, Plano dessert bar menu, sounds like a great place to meet for drinks & dessert before going BCD to work off the calories

Thanks for the tip Deja. Originally Posted by Bob Brown99

Yes, youre absolutely right babe, it certainly seems to be a great place where couples can meet up, as well as celebrate, or as you suggested, get filled up with decendant deliciousness before the "cardio" commences.....

As for me, everyday is special lol so any chance I get, I'm all for going out and trying new places such as this......I honestly have an actual list of places, restaurants and bars, in various cities,, that I plan on visiting one day when I get a chance. So I honestly do consider and appreciate all of these suggestions....
TexTushHog's Avatar
Rattlesnake Bar at the Intercontinental.
Bar at The Mansion Hotel.
Clifton Club on Fitzhugh.
Library Bar at the Melrose Hotel.
I just like to complain. Theres not much else to do on this board these days haha

I’ll challenge a few things in these posts, and invite the mods to correct me if I’m wrong on anything I’m about to say.

Posts as typified by the one that started this thread aren’t prohibited ads as defined by site Guidelines, and therefore site management isn’t trying to eliminate them as far as I can tell. If they didn’t want them, they would revise guidelines to prohibit these kinds of posts and staff would shut them down.

I understand why ownership doesn’t want ads on this site, but if they determine posts like the OP are acceptable, why would any of the guys here not want them? Cage, why do you want management to “cut down on these types of ads”? If a hot chick you don’t know asks for advice on bars in your neighborhood, don’t you want to know that? I sure do. Originally Posted by TinMan
TinMan's Avatar
Finally. An honest man lol.
menace2myself's Avatar
Thnx Wingman,for cutting through the drama.

If you don't like the post, move on.

BTW, I left a meeting in the building where the Tipsy Alchemist is located and was definitely intrigued. I will have to try it out.

Monica's near Toyota Music Factory is also good.

Lastly, Mike, the bartender at Red Stix is very good, and there always seems to be hot ladies in there.

My two cents. ALWAYS up for cocktail recs.