A question for the guys

RZ's Avatar
  • RZ
  • 02-14-2018, 12:06 AM
Never asked for a discount.
Only discount ever provided were ones stated in the provider's post.
Kinda weird if someone asks for a discount, not that too weird if
a provider contacts a previous client with a discount to encourage a visit.
Straight out asking for a discount of a provider when contacting them seems
a bit of an insult whether you've seen them before however if never having spoken or
met before I can see how this would be awkward and quite cheapening.

Keep it classy San Diego
TemptationTammie's Avatar
If we want steak, Chinese food, Italian food, seafood, etc, we would go to a restaurant that specializes in that type of food no matter what kind of coupon or discount another type of restaurant has. But then again sometimes that bargain may change our minds briefly. But we still have a taste for that original food.

We would get bored if we had to eat the same food day after day just because of price.

Same goes for the hobby...
Guys want variety, that is why most of them are here. I feel it is rude to go behind another lady's back after a guy has asked to see them to offer the guy a discount not to see the new lady.
I have heard from multiple guys that they wouldn't see certain ladies who refuse to give references.
And ladies do need to contact references to make sure they are legit. Just because a guy says he's seen a certain lady doesn't mean that he has. I was just recently contacted by a provider about a guy using me that I did not know.

Hobby safe folks!!

David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah git a senior discount at jus' 'bout e'ery rest'raunt Ah eat at. An' at sum o' them Ah gits a card Ah gits stamped so after 10 meals mah nex' one's free. Thet's why Ah eat out durn near e'ery day, an' sum times 2 'r 3 times a day! Butt keep in mindt thet Ah'm one fat sum'bitch!
  • sydmo
  • 02-14-2018, 05:39 AM
If I wanted to see Lady "A"
I Gave Lady "B" as a reference
Lady "B" contacts me cause she wants to see me rather than allow me to see Lady "A"
I'm never gonna contact or see Laby "B" again, ever, cause Lady "B" is a "C"unt
Samcro84's Avatar
I always question the company / individual that offers me a discount to keep my business. Where was discount when I was a loyal customer. Why when you suddenly have competition price goes down. I would go see new one tell other to KMA.
I always question the company / individual that offers me a discount to keep my business. Where was discount when I was a loyal customer. Why when you suddenly have competition price goes down. I would go see new one tell other to KMA. Originally Posted by Samcro84
If I wanted to see Lady "A"
I Gave Lady "B" as a reference
Lady "B" contacts me cause she wants to see me rather than allow me to see Lady "A"
I'm never gonna contact or see Laby "B" again, ever, cause Lady "B" is a "C"unt Originally Posted by sydmo

I’ve been told about certain Lady B types. Unfortunately, I can’t not give them a reference when they ask because then I look bad.

So my question is: if a provider knows that another provider is a Lady B type, what does she do the next time Lady B asks her for a reference? Call her out? Play the same game? Tell the client of her behavior and risk looking bitchy/competitive?

It pisses me off because I’ve asked a provider for a reference and she replied that she wasn’t sure if she saw him, and then I never heard from the potential client again. But I’ve given plenty of references to her. I share my clients but she keeps all of hers. That hardly seems fair. And some of you are going to say that it’s just business. Knowing what I know now, I don’t want to give her a reference the next time she asks.
scsholar's Avatar

So my question is: if a provider knows that another provider is a Lady B type, what does she do the next time Lady B asks her for a reference? Call her out? Play the same game? Tell the client of her behavior and risk looking bitchy/competitive? Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
It comes down to what you feel comfortable in doing.

However because there is emotion and $$$ involved in the hobby, best believe that there is competition.

The same thing can be said about mongers. Some embellish too much, overrate a provider's talent and etc. Just be you Claire.
SpencerTracy's Avatar
The bitchy part of this one you're describing is the withholding of the reference, and that tactic will eventually get back to the guy, particularly if the guy only has a few references.

I used to hobby more frequently, and had something like this happen once with someone that is now retired. She found out I was trying to get a reference from her and she used that as a reason to reach out and find out when I had available and if I wanted to do so at her "already established customer" rate. She explained it was less because she already felt safe with me and a repeat for her was easier than screening someone new. It felt odd, and I thought about what it meant to the girl asking the reference and the dynamic you describe, but I didn't really argue with the offer.

My recollection was that she gave me the reference anyway, though, so not quite as bad as what you're describing (although still kinda shitty). I ended up seeing both of them eventually, and it wasn't because of the price cutting I went back to the orig provider (although I appreciated it)...It was because I had a good time the first time (and the lack of screening was easier for me as well).

But I can see how this would be a problem if everyone did it.
nuglet's Avatar
I have references shown in "reviews". if that's not enough, then we're not compatible..
Britttany_love's Avatar

I’ve been told about certain Lady B types. Unfortunately, I can’t not give them a reference when they ask because then I look bad.

So my question is: if a provider knows that another provider is a Lady B type, what does she do the next time Lady B asks her for a reference? Call her out? Play the same game? Tell the client of her behavior and risk looking bitchy/competitive?

It pisses me off because I’ve asked a provider for a reference and she replied that she wasn’t sure if she saw him, and then I never heard from the potential client again. But I’ve given plenty of references to her. I share my clients but she keeps all of hers. That hardly seems fair. And some of you are going to say that it’s just business. Knowing what I know now, I don’t want to give her a reference the next time she asks. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
I have a list of a few ladies who I know in fact don't return reference requests or always say I can't remember etc when they just saw the guy a week or two ago. Some ladies will even wait a day or two before responding even though they have clearly been on the board posting ads and what not. I tell the guys upfront when they use certain providers if they will vouch or not. That way it saves us both time and he knows for the future when using her as a vouch. Providers aren't required to provide references so at the end of the day there's nothing we can do to force girls to provide them. However if you are a provider and never respond or provide a vouch to me I will for sure call you out when you ask me for one. That's why I offer alternative screening options so if they ladies don't respond the gentlemen has another option.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Some ladies have limited availability to even answer reference requests if they have family, school or RW jobs. But that's no reason to ignore requests. Personally, I have that I'm only available until a certain time for requests.
I've had a few times where I see the lady post something almost immediately after I've sent a request but they don't get back to me until the next day or even days later.
Some guys have a limited window and it's kinda rude to the guy as well.
I've actually kept regulars by getting back to requests timely.

I'm not on here as much as I used to be since I'm working full time and the hours I work are not conducive to being active on here as much. I'm still around, but mostly for regulars who already have my phone number so I don't have to get on here daily like I used to be.
Now that's funny

Probably because she would be with your mom and dad now. Originally Posted by Old-T
  • sydmo
  • 02-14-2018, 01:07 PM
[QUOTE=Claire She Blows;1060502009]+1

So my question is: if a provider knows that another provider is a Lady B type, what does she do the next time Lady B asks her for a reference? Call her out? Play the same game? Tell the client of her behavior and risk looking bitchy/competitive?

Every single time baby, especially the part about telling the john.

I would appreciate Any Lady I've ever spent time with BCD, even if it was just once, to talk (privately) to me bout Lady B types or any other bullshit behavior. Then I can make my own decision about her
Grace Preston's Avatar
I have references shown in "reviews". if that's not enough, then we're not compatible.. Originally Posted by nuglet
That tells us that you saw ladies, that doesn't tell us how you behaved with said ladies. If someone contacts me and asks me to check his reviews-- I'm always going to ask which of his reviewed ladies he'd prefer I contact for a reference. Simply because, we all know some ladies are a bit nutty about being contacted.